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Unique Muslim Girls Names

Unique Muslim Girl Names A to Z

Unique Muslim Girl names that start with a to z in English. Muslim girl names from Abeer to Zaina with their meanings.  Explore your favorite and unique Islamic baby names for girls. We have complied a list of Muslim girl names unique due to meaning and Arabic and Quranic roots. Most popular girls names Islamic for babies.

UniqueMuslimGirlsNames: Find top unique Muslim girl name Islamic.  Latest and unique Arabic baby names for girls and meanings. Modern Muslim girl names in Hindi. Muslim girls names with Urdu meaning starting with a to z. Check out unique Muslim girl names such as Asma, Faiza, Huma, Inaya, Sumaiyaa with meanings.

AbeerFragranceAblaaPerfectly formed
AadabHope and needAdeelaEqual
AfrahHappinessAhlamWitty; one who has pleasent dreams;imaginative
AhdPledge; KnowledgeAidaVisiting; Returning
AishaLiving; Prosperous; Wife of Prohet MuhammadAaliaExalted; Highest social standing
AliaExalted; Highest social standingAlmasDiamond
AamaalHopes; AspirationsAmalHope; Aspiration
AmaniWishes; AspirationsAmatullahFemale servant of Allah
AmeenaTrustworthy; FaithfulAmeeraLeader; Princess
AnaanCloudsAnbarPerfume; Ambergris
AneesaFriendly; of good companyAnwaarRays of light
AreebahWitty and smartAreejPleasent smell
Aroob(Woman) Loving to her husbandArwaFemale mountain goat
AsiyaOne who tends to the weak and heals themAsahPlant known for its greeness
AsalahPurityAseelahOne belonging to a great heritage and family
AsmaDaughter of Abu BakrAasmaaExcellent; Precious
AyehSign; distinctAzhaarFlowers; Blossoms
AzeezaEsteemed; Precious; CherishedAzzaYoung female gazelle
BadriyaResembling full moonBaheeraDazzling; Brilliant
BahiyaaBeautiful; RadiantBalqisThe name of the Queen of Sheba
BananFinger tipsBaraa’aExcelling
BasheeraBringer of good tidingsBasmaA smile
BatoolAscetic virginBushraGood omen
ButhaynaOf beautiful and tender bodyDhuhaForenoon
FaizaVictorious; WinnerFadheelaVirtue
FadwaName derived from self-sacrificeFalakStar
FareedaUniqueFareehaHappy; Joyful
FiryalNameFatimaName of Prophet Muhammad’s daughter (Literally: accustom)
FawziyaSuccessful; VictoriousFirdoosParadise
GhaydaaYoung and delicateGhusoonBranches (tree)
HaadiyaGuide to righteousnessHadiyaGift
HaleemaGentle; PatientHaneefaTrue believer
HaniyaPleased; HappyHasnaBeautiful
HayaamDeliriously in loveHayatLife
HaifaSlender; of beautiful bodyHessaDestiny
HindProper nameHudaRight guidance
HumaA bird which lives in a quiet area and whenever it flies to the city it fills the people with joyHooriyaAngel
IkraamHonor; Hospitality; GenerosityIlhaamIntuition
ImanFaith; BeliefImtithal(Polite) Obedience
InaamAct of kindness; Benefaction; BestowalInasSociability
InayaConcern; SolicitudeIntisaarTriumph
IzdihaarFlourishing; BlossomingJalaClarity; Elucidation
JameelaBeautifulJanaanHeart or soul
JumaanaSilver pearlKaamlaPerfect
KameelaMost perfectKareemaGenerous; Noble
KawkabSatelliteKawtharRiver in Paradise
KhadeejaName of Prophet Muhammad’s wifeKhalidaImmortal
KhawlahProper nameKhairiyaCharitable; Good
KhuloodImmortalityKoutherRiver in Jennah (paradise)
KulthoomDaughter of the prohet Mohammed peace be upon himLameesSoft to the touch
LamyaDark-lippedLateefaGentle; Kind
LeenaTenderLubaabaThe innermost essence
LamaDarkness of lipsMadeehaPraiseworthy
MahaGazelleMaisaWalking with proud swinging gait
MakaarimOf good and honorable characterMalakAngel
ManaarGuiding light (lighthouse)MaraamAspiration
MaryamName of Mother of JesusManaalAttainment; Achievement
MawiyaOld Arabic nameMayOld Arabic name
MaimoonaAuspicious; BlessedMaysaaTo walk with a swinging gait
MaysoonOf beautiful face and bodyMayyadaTo walk with a swinging gait
MufeedaUsefulMuhjaHeart’s blood; Soul
MunaWish; DesireMuneeraIlluminating; Shedding light
MusheeraGiving counselNabeehaIntelligent
NabeelaNobleNadaGenerosity; Dew
NadiaThe begining, firstNadiraRare, Precious
NadeedaEqual (to another person); RivalNadwaCouncil
NafeesaPrecious thingNailaAcquirer; Obtainer
NaeemaLiving a soft, enjoyable lifeNajaahSuccess
NajeebaOf noble birthNajiyaSafe
NajatSafetyNajwaConfidential talk; Secret conversation
NajlaOf wide eyesNajyaVictorious
NashidaStudentNashitaEnergetic and full of life
NasihaOne who gives valuable adviceNasiraVictorious, helper
NazaahaPurity; Righteousness;HonestyNazeehaHonest
NazeeyaOptimistic and full of hopeNazeeraLike; Equal; Matching
NibaalArrowsNaeemaBlessing; Loan
NimaatBlessings; LoansNudharGold
NuhaIntrelligence; MindNahlaA drink (of water)
NoorLightNoufHighest point on a mountain
NusaybaProper nameNuzhaPleasure trip; Excursion spot
RababWhite cloudRabeeaGarden
RadhiyaaContent; SatisfiedRadhwaName of mountain in Medina
RajaHopeRanaTo gaze; Look
RafaHappiness; ProsperityRandTree of good scent
RaniyaGazingRashaYoung gazelle
RasheedaWise; MatureRawdhaGarden
RaawiyaTransmitter (of ancient Arabic poetry)RayaSated with drink
ReemGazelleReemaWhite antelope
RukanSteady; ConfidentRuqayaName of the Prophet’s daughter
RuwaydaWalking gentlySaabiraPatient
SafaClarity; Purity; SerenitySafiyaUntroubled; Serene; Pure; Best friend
SaharDawnSahlaSmooth; Soft (ground); Fluent; Flowing (style)
SakeenaGod-inspired peace of mind; TranquilitySaalihaGood; Useful
SaleemaSafe; HealthySaalimaSafe; Healthy
SalmaPeacefulSalwaQuail; Solace
SamaahGenerositySamarEvening conversations
SameehaGenerousSameeraEntertaining companion (woman)
SaamiyaElevated; LoftySanaResplendence; Brilliance
SawdaProper nameSawsanLily of the valley
SuhaName of a starSuhaylaSmooth; Soft (ground); Fluent; Flowing (style)
SuhaymaSmall arrowSuhairProper name
SumaiyaaProper nameTaahiraPure; Chaste
TamadhurProper nameWafaFaithfulness
WafeeqaSuccessfulWafiyaLoyal; Faithful
WajeehaEminent; DistinguishedWardaRose
WidadLove; FriendshipWijdanEcstasy; Sentiment
WisaalCommunion in loveYasmeenJasmine
YumnGood fortune; SuccessYusraaProper name
ZaafiraVictorious; SuccessfulZahiraShining; Luminous
ZahraaWhiteZahrahFlower; Beauty; Star
ZakiyaaPureZainabName of Prophet’s daughter

Boys Names: A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

Girls Names: A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

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