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Quranic Boy Names B

Quranic Boy Names Start With B And Meaning

You might be looking Quranic boy names starting with b and their cute meaning. Muslim boy names are directly taken from Quran and Arabic roots. We have a combination of unique Quranic boy names to urge you for choosing a attractive name. If you are in search of trending Quranic boys name that inspire to thrives your little child.

We’ve rounded up extensive list of 500 most famous Quranic boy names with their meaning and Arabic origin. Islamic boy names carry with significant religious tradition and culture in our lives. Choose your favorite baby boy names from Quran with b letter. Check out our Quranic boy names in Hindi meaning and Pakistani Urdu boy names.
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Baadi is an Arabic name for boys that means “one who lives a Bedouin life”.
Bariz means visible, prominent, manifest, opposite of hidden. the Day when they shall come forth [from death], with nothing of themselves hidden from God.
Baashir is an Arabic name for boys that means “bringer of good news”, “bringer of good tidings”.
Bab means door, gate entrance, topic, category. It is the name of a Sahabi (companion of the Prophet, may the peace and blessings of God be upon him), Bab bin Umair.
Badawi is an Arabic name for boys that has the same meaning as the English word Bedouin, who are an Arab ethnic group known for living the desert in tribes and clans.
Baddar is an Arabic name for boys that means “early and on time”, “speedy”, “vigilant”, “punctual”.
Badeel is an Arabic name for boys that means “replacement”, a person who replaces another person at a job or public office.
Badeen is a Persian and Kurdish name for boys that means “religious”, “faithful” (one who has religious faith). It is formed from the Persian/Kurdish word Ba- (“with”, “possessing”).
Badilayn is an Arabic name for boys that means “substitutes”, “replacements”, something given to you as replacement for something lost. It is a plural of Badeel.
Badir is an indirect Quranic name for boys and girls that means “full moon”, it is also one of the names for the moon in Arabic. It is derived from the B-D-R root.
Badr is a direct Quranic name for boys that means “full moon”. It is also the name of the first major battle in Islamic history, which took place near a well-known well known as Badr.
Badr al Din
Badr al Din is an Arabic name for boys that means “full moon of the faith”, which means that the person named such is a pious person and a leader who will raise the status of his faith/religion.
Badran is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “one who is like the full moon” which figuratively means “beautiful”, “handsome”, “radiant”.
Badrawi is an Arabic name for boys that means “one who is like the full moon”, “radiant”, “mature”.
Badri is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “rain that falls before winter”, “fullness of the moon”.
Baha al Din
Baha al Din is an Arabic name for boys that means “beauty of the faith”, “brilliance of the faith”, which means “one who supports and beautifies Islam and Muslims”.
Bahat is an Arabic name for boys that means “pure”, “spotless”, “flawless”.
Baheej means beautiful, convivial. When used in description of plants it means those with a beauty and richness of color. Verse 50:7 is the second of two mentions.
Bahhas is an Arabic name for boys that means “scholar”, “researcher”.
Bahirun is an Arabic name for boys that is the plural of Bahir, which means “brilliant”, “lucid”, “renowned”.
Bahis is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “researcher”, “explorer”, “learner”, “seeker”. It is derived from the B-H6-TH (“to dig”) root which is used in the Quran verse.
Bahjat means beautiful. When used in description of plants it means those with a beauty and richness of color.
Bahlul is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “one who smiles often”, “one who does a lot of good deeds”. Bahlul is derived from the B-H26-L Quranic root.
Bahoos is an Arabic name for boys that means “researcher”, “searcher”, “seeker”.
Bahr is a direct Quranic name for boys and girls that means “sea”, “ocean”. The word Bahr is used about 40 times in the Quran.
Bahradin is an Arabic name for boys that means “ocean of the faith”, which means “one who has great knowledge of the religion”, “scholar”.
Bahri is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “vast like the ocean”. It is derived from the B-H6-R (“sea”, “ocean”) root which is used in many places in the Quran.
Bahuj is an Arabic name name for boys that means “handsome”, “happy and lively”.
Bajes is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “powerful warrior”. It is derived from the B-J-S (“to crack”, “to gush forth”) root which is used in verse 7:160 of the Quran.
Bakirin is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “those who are early and ready”, “those who get up early in the morning”. It is the plural of Bakir.
Bakkar is an Arabic name for boys that means “one who leaves early in the morning”, such as a person who leaves home early for work.
Bakkur is an Arabic name for boys that means “early”, “on time”. It can also mean “new”.
Bakr is an Arabic name for boys that means “new”, “innovative”, “untouched”. It is derived from the B-K-R Quranic root.
Bakrun is an Arabic name for boys that means “new”, “fresh”, “untouched”. It is the plural of Bakr.
Balagh is a direct Quranic name for boys that means “to deliver a message”. It can also mean “to reach maturity”.
Baleegh is a direct Quranic name for boys that means “eloquent”, “complete”, “far-reaching’, “penetrating”, “one who speaks wise and sensible words”. Baleegh is used in quran verse 4:63.
Bani is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “builder”, “founder”, “creator”.
Banna is an Arabic name for boys that means “builder”, “founder”.
Baqa is an indirect Quranic name for boys and girls that means “to remain”, “to endure”, “to persist”.
Baqee is a direct Quranic name for boys that means “everlasting”, “enduring”. It is mentioned in verse 16:96 of the Quran.
Baqian is an Arabic name for boys that means “perpetual”, “everlasting”, “firm and stable”.
Baqir is an Arabic name for boys that means “one who has great knowledge”, “one who has knowledge about many things”, “polymath”, “discoverer”. It is also a word for “lion” in Arabic.
Baraa is a direct Quranic name for boys and girls that means innocent, healed (one who is free from an illness), and the first day of the lunar month. It is used in the Quran in 43:26.
Baraj is an Arabic name for boys that means “handsome”, “good-looking”.
Barakat is a Persian and Urdu name for boys that means “blessings”, “abundance”. The origin of this name is the Arabic name Baraka.
Barayek is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “blessed”.
Bareek is an Arabic name for boys that means “blessed”.
Bareeq is an Arabic name for boys that means “glow”, “sheen”. It is an indirect Quranic name.
Bariq is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “brilliant”, “glittering”. It is derived from the B-R-Q root which is used in a number of places in the Quran.
Barizi is an Arabic name for boys that means “prominent”, “visible”.
Barraq is an Arabic name for boys that means “brilliant”, “radiant”, “dazzling”.
Barraz is an Arabic name for boys that means “prominent”, “clear”.
Barzan is an Arabic name for boys that means “prominent”, “visible”, figuratively meaning “able”, “powerful”, “famous”.
Basam is an Arabic name for boys that means “one who smiles often”. It is an indirect Quranic name derived from the B-S-M root.
Basar is an Arabic name that means “eyesight”, “vision”, a person’s ability to see. It can also figuratively mean wisdom and insight. Basar is a direct Quranic name.
Baseel is an Arabic name for boys that means “brave”, “courageous”. It also means “lion”.
Baseer is a direct Quranic name for boys that means “insightful”, “perceptive”, “discerning”.
Baseerat is a Persian and Urdu name for boys and girls that means “insight”, “perception”, “wisdom”. It is derived from the B-SAAD-R Quranic root and is a variant of the Arabic word Baseera.
Basel is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “courageous”, “lion”. It is derived from the B-S-L root which is used in many places in the Quran.
Basem is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “one who smiles”, “cheerful”, “good-humored”. It is derived from the B-S-M root which is used in the Quran in Surat an-Naml.
Bashar is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “bringer of good news”. It is derived from the B-SH-R Quranic root.
Basheer is a direct Quranic name for boys that means “bringer of good news”, “bringer of glad tidings”.
Bashiri is an Arabic name for boys that means “bringer of good news”, “bringer of good tidings”.
Bashirun is an Arabic name for boys that means “bringers of good news”, “bringers of good tidings”. It is the plural of Basheer.
Bashu is an Arabic name for boys that means “optimistic”, “joyful”, “cheerful”. It is a Maghribi (Moroccan) derivation from the B-Sh-Sh root.
Bashur is an Arabic name for boys that means “bringer of good news”. It is used as the diminutive form if Bishr, Basheer and other names from the same root (B-SH-R).
Basili is an Arabic for boys that means “courageous”, “brave”.
Basimi is an Arabic name for boys that means “joyful”, “happy”, “one who smiles often”.
Basiq is an Arabic name for boys that means “soaring”, “lofty”, “towering” and is used especially to describe trees.
Basit is a direct Quranic name for boys that means “kind”, “friendly”, “generous”.
Basmat is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “smile” (a single instance of a smile seen on someone’s face). It is an indirect Quranic name derived from the B-S-M root.
Basmin is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “joyful”, “happy”, “cheerful”. Its literal meaning is “ones who are smiling”. It is the plural of Basem.
Basoom is an Arabic name for boys that means “one who smiles often”, “happy”, “cheerful”.
Bassaar is an Arabic name for boys that means “perceptive”, “insightful”, literally meaning “one who sees much”.
Batal is an Arabic name for boys that means “hero”, “brave man”.
Batek is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “sharp sword”. It is derived from the B-T-K (“to cut”) root which is used in verse 4:119 of the Quran.
Batil is an Arabic name for boys that means “one who devoted himself to worshiping God”. Batil is the masculine form of the name Batool.
Battaal is an Arabic name for boys that means “ascetic”, “virtuous”.
Bayan is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “to elucidate”, “to illustrate”, “to make clear”, “to speak with eloquence”. It also means “exposition”, “declaration”.
Bazigh is an Arabic name for boys that means “shining”, “radiating light”. It is a direct Quranic name used twice in the Quran.
Bidar is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “punctuality”, “being early and on time”. Bidar can also be a Persian name meaning “awake”.
Bidayat is a Persian name for boys and girls that means “beginning”, “start”, “inception”, “genesis”. It is a Persianized form of the Arabic name Bidayah.
Bikr is an Arabic name for boys that means “virgin”.
Bisharah is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “good news”, “good tidings”.
Bishr is an Arabic name for boys that means “cheerfulness”, “optimism”, “geniality”.
Bishry is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “optimistic”, “cheerful”, “glad”.
Boshry is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “gladness”, “happiness”.
Budaid is an Arabic name for boys that means “example”, “sample”, “specimen”.
Budaili is an Arabic name for boys that means “replacement”, “substitute’, something given to you in place of something you have lost.
Budair is an Arabic name for boys that means “little full moon”, it is the diminutive form of Badr (“full moon”).
Budaiwi is an Arabic name for boys that means “little Bedouin”. It is the diminutive form of Badawi.
Budool is an Arabic name for boys that means “respected”, “generous”, “virtuous”, “ascetic”.
Budur is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “full moons”. It is the plural of Badr.
Buhair is an Arabic name for boys that means “little ocean”, “little sea”, “lake”. It is the diminutive form of Bahr.
Buhur is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “seas”, “oceans”.
Bukair is an Arabic name for boys that means “new”, “untouched”. It is the diminutive form of Bakr.
Bukran is an Arabic name for boys that means “early morning”, “dawn”.
Bunyan is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “structures”, “buildings”, “foundations”, “institutions”. The word Bunyan is used seven times in the Quran, twice in verse 9:109.
Buraik is an Arabic name for boys that means “blessed”.
Burhan is a direct Quranic name for boys that means evidence, proof, demonstration, especially proof of Allah’s greatness and power, and is one of the names of the Holy Quran (al-Burhan).

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