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Quranic Boy Names Z

Quranic Boy Names Start With Z And Meaning

You might be looking Quranic boy names that starting with z and meanings. Muslim boy names are directly taken from Quran and Arabic roots. We have a unique combination of Quranic boy names to urge you for choosing attractive name. If you are in search of trending Quranic boys name that inspire to thrives your little child.

We’ve rounded up extensive list of 500 most famous Quranic boy names with meaning and Arabic origin. Islamic boy names carry with significant religious tradition and culture in our lives. Choose your favorite baby boy names from Quran with z letter. Check out Quranic boy names in Hindi meaning and top Pakistani boy names with Urdu.
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Zaaef is an Arabic name for boys that means “hospitable”, “one who accepts guests and servers them well.”.
Zaaki is an Arabic name for boys that means “one who increases in growth and goodness”, “virtuous”, “blessed”.
Zabeer is an indirect Quranic name for boys that refers to the mountain on which Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) spoke with God, mentioned in hadith.
Zaeem is a direct Quranic name for boys that means “resolute”, “firm”, “responsible for”, “guarantor”, “leader”, “president”. It is used twice in the Quran, in verses 12:72 and 68:40.
Zafar is an indirect Quranic name for boys and girls that means “victory”, “triumph”, “to win”. It is derived from the DHA-F-R root which is used twice in the Quran.
Zafaruddin is an Arabic name for boys that means “triumph of the faith”, a person who is a cause for success of the Muslims.
Zafeer is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “always victorious”, “always successful”, “always triumphant”. It is derived from the DHA-F-R root which is used in verse 48:24.
Zafir is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “victor”, “successful one”, “triumphant one”. It is derived from the DHA-F-R root which is used in verse 48:24 of the Quran.
Zahaar is an Arabic name for boys that means “florist”, “seller of flowers”.
Zahauddin is an Arabic name for boys that means “radiance of the faith”, “brilliance of the faith”, meaning one who is a source of guidance and enlightenment for the Muslims.
Arabic for “blossomed”, “glowing”, “full of life”.
Zahian is an indirect Quranic name for boys and girls that means “bright day”, “brilliant”, “full of light”. It is derived from the DHAD-H6-Y root.
Zahid is an Arabic name for boys that means “ascetic”, “devoted to God”.
Zahir is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “bright”, “glowing”, “flowery”, “rosy”.
Zahirulhaq or Zahirul Haq is a direct Quranic for boys that means “truth that blooms, that shines” something that’s true and and its truth is blooming and blossoming.
Zahran is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means radiant, glowing, and blossoming. It is derived from the Z-H26-R (flower, splendor) root.
Zahri is an Arabic name for boys that means “flower-like”, “fresh and good looking like a flower”.
Zahrun is an Arabic name for boys means “blossom”, “flower”.
Zahuk is an Arabic name for boys that means “happy”, “joyous”, literally meaning “one who laughs often”.
Zahur is an Arabic name for boys that means “radiant”, “brilliant”.
Zaifullah is an aArabic name for boys that means “God’s guest”, meaning a person who is under the special care and protection of God.
Arabic for “intelligence”, “cleverness”.
Zakariyya is a direct Quranic name for boys that refers to one of the prophets mentioned in the Quran. Zakariyya is mentioned seven times in the Quran.
Zakat is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “purification”. In Islam it refers to a type of alms that wealthy Muslims give to others.
Persian for “intelligence”, “sharp-mindedness”, from Arabic roots.
Zaki is a Quranic name for boys that means “righteous”, “pure from sin”, “pious”, “blessed”. It is derived from the Z-K-A root which is very common in the Quran.
Zakou is an Arabic name for boys that means “growth”, “increase”, “improvement”.
Zakwan is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “smart”, “intelligent”, “sharp-witted”, “brilliant”. It is derived from the DHAL-K-A Quranic root.
Arabic for “hearts”, “minds”, “consciences”.
Zameel is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “friend”, “colleague”, “companion”. It is derived from the Z-M-L (wrapped up, modest) Quranic root.
Arabic for “conscience”, “heart”, “mind”, “innermost self”.
Zamil is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “follower”, one who follows another person.
Zaml is an indirect Quranic name for boys. It is an ancient Arabic name without a clearly defined meaning, but since it is derived from the Z-M-L root (wrapped up, modesty).
Zareeb is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “likeness”, “similarity”, “type”, “hitter”, “fierce attacker”. It is derived from the DHAD-R-B root (“to strike”).
Zarib is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “striker”, “fierce attacker”. It is derived from the DHAD-R-B root which is used in many places in the Quran.
Zariyan is an Arabic name for boys that means “dispersed in the air”, dust or leaves that the wind lifts and disperses. It also means “one who walks fast”.
Urdu for “spreader of light”, formed from Arabic Zau (“light”) and Persian -fishan (“one who spreads”).
Arabic for “enthusiasm”, “enjoyment of life”.
Arabic for “sundown”, the time close to sunset.
Arabic for “motion”, “movement”, “side”.
Arabic for “enthusiastic”, “full of life”.
Zawri is an Arabic name for boys that means “intelligent”, “firm of will”.
Zayd means growth, abundance, one who makes progress. It is the name of Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam)’s adopted son. It is mentioned once in the Quran.
Zayed is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “prospering”, “in abundance”, “progressing”, “one who is increasing in all good things”. It is derived from the Z-Y-D.
Zayef is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “hospitable”, “one who has many guests”. It is derived from the DHAD-Y-F (guest) root.
Zayir is an Arabic name for boys that means “roaring lion” if derived from the Z-HAMZ-R root. It can also be a simplified version of Zaa’ir, derived from the Z-W-R root.
Zayn is a Quranic name for boys and girls that means beauty, adornment, grace, excellence. It is not directly mentioned in the Quran.
Zaynul Abidin
Arabic for “adornment of the worshipers”, one who is a credit and a source of pride for the Muslims.
Zayyan is a Quranic name for boys and girls that means “beautifier”, one who makes things beautiful or improves things. It is not directly mentioned in the Quran.
Arabic for “dignified”, “respected”.
Ziauddin is an Arabic name for boys that means “light of the faith”, “radiance of the faith”, a person who inspires and guides the Muslims.
Zidan or Zaydan (which are one and the same name) is a Quranic name for boys that means increase, growth and progress.
Arabic for “intellectual”, “understanding”, “reasonable”, “deep thinker”.
Zikr is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “remembrance”, “mention”, it refers to when you think of a person or mention them in conversation.
Zil Allah
Arabic for “shade of God”, which means “God’s mercy and protection”, especially God’s mercy on the Day of Judgment.
Zil Elahi
Urdu for “shade of God”, which means “God’s mercy and protection”, especially God’s mercy on the Day of Judgment.
Zil Yazdan
Urdu for “shade of God”, which means “God’s mercy and protection”, especially God’s mercy on the Day of Judgment.
Arabic for “shade”.
Arabic for “shade”, “shadow”.
Arabic for “fierce warrior”. Literally means “one who brings harm”. The name of a Sahabi, whose full name is Zirar bin al-Azwar.
Ziyad is an indirect Quranic name with the same meaning as Zayd and Zidan: growth, progress, increase, and being blessed by Allah.
Urdu for “leader of light”, “king of enlightenment”, formed from Arabic Zoo (“light”) and Persian meer (“leader”, “ruler”, “emir”).
Zoraiz is an indirect Quranic name for boys and girls, mostly used in Urdu, formed from Arabic Zaw’ (light) and Persian reez (a subject suffix with meanings of “one who pours”.
Arabic for “that which is given as a gift”.
Zubair is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “strong”, “firm”, “powerful”, “intelligent”, “wise”. It is derived from the Z-B-R root.
Arabic for “like a lion”, “brave”.
Arabic for “one who has many arts”, “one who is skilled and knowledgeable”.
Zuhair is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “little flower”, “blossom”. It is derived from the Z-H-R root which is used in a number of places in the Quran.
Zuhdi is an Arabic name for boys that means “ascetic”, “devoted to God”.
Zulfaqar is an Arabic name for boys that was the name of the sword of Ali bin Abi Talib, cousin of the Prophet, peace be upon him and his companions.
Zulfateh is an Arabic name for boys that means “one who gives guidance”, “guided”.
Zulfiqar was the name of the sword that was given to Ali bin Abi Talib by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
Zulghaffar is an Arabic name for boys that means “forgiving”, literally “possessor of forgiveness”.
Zulghina is an Arabic name for boys that means “wealthy”, literally “possessor of fortune”, “possessor of riches”.
Zulhijjah is an Arabic name for boys and girls that refers to the 12th month of Hijri calendar, in which the Hajj is performed.
Zulhimmah is an Arabic name for boys that means “resolved”, “resolute”, “firm of will”.
Arabic for “one who is blessed with graciousness”.
Arabic for “one who is blessed with might and glory”.
Zulkfil is one of the prophets mentioned in the Quran (peace be upon him). He is the same as the Biblical character Ezekiel.
Zulnoon is an Arabic name for boys that means “possessor of the whale”, which is the nickname of Prophet Yunus in the Quran.
Zulnoorain was the nickname of Uthman ibn Affan, may Allah be pleased with him, who was the third Rashid caliph.
Zulqadr is an Arabic name for boys that means “composed”, “dignified”, “high in rank and status”.
Zulqarnain is an Arabic name for boys that means “possessor of two horns”. It is the name of a king or military leader mentioned in Surat al-Kahf (chapter 18 of the Quran).
Urdu variant of Sultan, meaning “ruler”, “sovereign”, “king”. It also means “power”, “capacity”, “ability”.
Zumail is an indirect Quranic name for boys. It is an ancient Arabic name without a clearly defined meaning, but since it is derived from the Z-M-L root (wrapped up, modesty).
Zumar is a direct Quranic name for boys and girls that means “groups”, “throngs of people”, “companies”, “crowds”.
Zuraib is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “fierce attacker”. It is the name of one of the Sahaba (companions of the Prophet ﷺ).
Arabic for “motion”, “movement”, “side”.
Zuwayhir is an Arabic name for boys that means “radiant”, “luminous”.
Zyan is an indirect Quranic name for boys and girls that means “adornment”, “decoration”, “beautification”, anything that makes something more beautiful.
Zyaud Deen
Arabic for “brightness of the faith”, one who supports and spreads Islam.
Zyauddeen is another spelling of the Arabic boy name Diaudin which means “brilliance of the faith”. They are the same name and have the same meaning and Arabic pronunciation.

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