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Quranic Girl Names D

Quranic Girl Names Start With D And Meaning

Explore Quranic girl names that starting with d letter. We’ve compiled girl names inspired by the Quran and Arabic origin. If you have keen interest for unique Islamic girl names that are taken directly from Quran, which may inspire to thrive your prince in life. Popular Quranic girl names are like Maryam, Huda, Zahra, Marib, Tayyiba.

You know girls are the blessing of God and coolness of parents’ eyes who bring happiness to our good traditional Islamic lives. Muslim parents also search Pakistani girl names in Urdu & girl names of Arabic origin with Hindi meaning. Quranic baby names carry significant importance in one’s life. Muslim girl names start with d mentioned in Quran.
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Daaemiyyah is an Arabic name for girls that means “perpetual”, “constant”.
Dalilah is an Arabic name for girls that means “guide”, “leader”. It also means “clue”.
Dalu is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “well bucket”, a bucket that is attached to a rope and is used for collecting water from a well. It is used in the Quran in verse 12:19.
Dalwah is an Arabic name for girls that means “well bucket”, a bucket or container used for bringing water out of a well.
Damaa is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means river, sea and ocean. It is derived from the D-W-M root (to continue), due to the fact that the flow of a river, and the waves of the sea.
Dania is an direct Quranic name for girls that means “close”, “near”. The Quran uses Dania it when speaking of the fruits and the shade of the trees of Paradise.
Dariya is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means good-mannered, lady-like, intelligent, perceptive. It is derived from the D-R-Y root (to understand, to perceive, to treat well).
Daulah is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “power”, “having the upper-hand”, “state”, “empire”.
Daulat is a Persian, Urdu and Kurdish name for boys and girls that means “power”, “wealth”, “luck”, “good fortune”. It is derived from the Arabic word Daulah from the D-W-L Quranic root.
Daumaa means sea and ocean, it is a variant of the name Damaa.
Dawmah is an Arabic name for girls that refers to a type of palm tree native to Egypt (scientific name Hyphaene thebaica).
Dawmat is the Turkish variant of the Arabic girl name Dawmah which refers to a type of palm tree.
Dawub is name for both boys and girls and means conscientious and diligent, someone who takes his/her profession and hobbies seriously, who tries to do well at everything he/she does.
Dilalah is an Arabic name for girls that means “guidance”, “instruction”.
Dimah is an Arabic name for girls that means “rain that falls without lightning or thunder”.
Dinar is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “gold coin”. It is a direct Quranic name mentioned in verse 3:75. Dinar is originally from the Roman word Denarius.
Dinarah is an Arabic name for girls that means “gold coin”.
Diyanat is the Turkish form of the Arabic name Diyanah, which means “creed”, “religion”.
Dordaneh is a Persian name for girls that means “pearl bead”. Figuratively it is used with the meaning of “precious”, “dear”, “darling”.
Doreen is an Arabic-Persian name for girls that is made up of the Arabic word Dor (“pearl”) and the Persian suffix een (“like”, “made of”), thus creating the meaning of “made of pearl”.
Dornaz is an Arabic-Persian name for girls made up of the Arabic word Dor (“pearl”) and the Persian word naz (“beautiful”, “adorable”), creating the meaning of “beautiful like pearls”.
Dorsa is an Arabic-Persian name for girls that means “pearl-like”, “pearly”, figuratively meaning “beautiful”, “precious”. It is made up of the Arabic word Dor (“pearl”).
Dua is a name for girls that’s directly mentioned in the Quran at least 16 times. It means prayer, supplication, a call made to Allah for His help and care.
Dunaa is an Arabic name for girls that means “worlds”, it is the plural of Dunya (“the world”, “worldly life”).
Dunya is an Arabic name for girls that means “worldly life”. Its literal meaning is “that which is close”, “that which is near”. Dunya is a direct Quranic name mentioned about 115 times in quran.
Durar is an Arabic name for girls that means “pearls”. It is the plural of Dur (“pearl”). It is derived from the D-R-R Quranic root.
Duriya is an indirect Quranic name for girls. It means radiant, brilliant, shining, dazzling. It is derived from the D-R-R root which is used in the Quran in Surat an-Noor.
Durrah is a Arabic name for girls that means “large pearl”.
Duryab is a Persian name for boys and girls that means “finder of good things”, “bringer of good things”. Its literal meaning is “finder of pearls”.

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