Muslim Boys Names-Muslim Boy Names With Meaning-Muslim Baby Boy Names
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Boys Names | Muslim Boy Names with Meaning |
Aaban | 8th Persian month, angel of iron |
Aabdar | Bright, like glass. |
Aabdeen | |
Aabid | Worshipper |
Aabis | Lucky. |
Aadam | |
Aadheen | Obedient, submissive. |
Aadil; Adil | Justice; Sincere |
Aafiya | Good health; Bin Ayyub had this name; he was a narrator of Hadith |
Aafreen | Encouragement |
Aaftab; Aftab | The sun |
Aahil | Prince |
Aaish | |
Aakif | |
Aalam; Alam | The whole world |
Aalee | Sublime, high. |
Aali | High, tall. |
Aalim | Scholar Plural is ulama normally used for religious scholors |
Aamil | Doer, Work man. |
Aamir | Populous; Full; Prosperous |
Aamirah | Inhabitant |
Aaqib | Follower |
Aaqil | Intelligent. |
Aarib | Handsome, healthy. |
Aarif | Acquainted; Knowledgable |
Aariz | Leader, ruler, leader of nation. |
Aarzam | War, battle, quarrel. |
Aas | Hope. |
Aashif | Bold; Courageous |
Aashiq | Lover |
Aashir | Living; spending a life. |
Aasi | Medical attendant |
Aasif | An able minister. |
Aasim | Person who keeps away from sins. |
Aatif | Kind Affectionate |
Aatiq | Free; liberated; independent; name: Aatiq Ali; Muhammad Aatiq |
Aatish | Fire |
Aayid | |
Aazad | free, independent – Persian word |
Aazim | Intending; determining, resolved on, applying the mnind to an undertaking. |
Abaan | Old Arabic name |
Abadiya | Ibn al Abadiyah was an author known for his eloquent literary style. |
Abadiyah | |
Abahh | Al-Abahh was the nickname of al Hasan Ibn Ibrahim, an astrologer of Al Mamun |
Aban | Obvious, clear, Old Arabian Name |
Abbaad | |
Abbaas | |
Abbad | A great worshipper of Allah, several men have passed bearing this name among them Abu Abbad Jabir Ibn Zayd of the court of al Mamun |
Abbas | Description of a lion, name of the Prophet’s uncle |
Abbood | Devoted worshipper of Allah. |
Abbud | Slave, obedient |
Abbudin | Worshippers |
Abd | Servant, devotee, slave. |
Abd Al-Ala | Slave of the High |
Abd Khayr | Khayr is all kinds of goodness and happiness. This was the name of Ibn-Yazid Al-Khaywani who fought with Sayyidina Ali RA. |
Abd us Salam | |
Abdah | Nick name of Abdur – Rehman bin Sulayman the father of Muhammad Ibn Abdur Rahman, the genealogist. |
Abdes Shakur | Slave of The Appreciative |
Abdnan | |
Abdud Daar | Servant of the Depriver |
Abdud Daarr | Slave to The One Who Causes Loss |
Abdul | Knowledge; Servant (of Allah) |
Abdul Aakhir | Servant of the Last |
Abdul Aalee | Servant of the Most High. |
Abdul Adal | Servant of the Just |
Abdul Adl | Slave of the just |
Abdul Afuw | Slave of the One who pardons – (The pardoner) |
Abdul A’fuww | Slave to The Pardoner |
Abdul Ahad | Servant of the only One (Allah). |
Abdul Aleem | Servant of the All-knowing (Allah). |
Abdul A’leim | Slave to The All-Knowing |
Abdul A’leyy | Slave to The Exalted, Sublime |
Abdul Ali | Servant of the most High |
Abdul Alim | Servant of the Omniscient |
Abdul Aliyy | Servant of the Most High |
Abdul Awwal | Slave of the First One |
Abdul Azeem | Servant of the Mighty |
Abdul Azeez | The servant of the most powerful. |
Abdul A’zeim | Slave to The Great, Magnificent |
Abdul A’zeiz | Slave to The Mighty, The Strong |
Abdul Azim | Servant of the Mighty (Allah). |
Abdul Aziz | Servant of the Powerful (Dear) One |
Abdul Baa’eith | Slave to The Resurrector |
Abdul Baa’qei | Slave to The Everlasting |
Abdul Baari | Servant of the Creator. |
Abdul Baasid | |
Abdul Baasit | Servant of the Extender and Creator. |
Abdul Baa’sit | Slave to The Extender |
Abdul Baa’tin | Slave to The Hidden |
Abdul Ba’deie | Slave to The Originator |
Abdul Badi | Servant of the Incomparable |
Abdul Bais | Slave of the one who raises from death. |
Abdul Baith | Slave of the one who raises death |
Abdul Baqi | Servant of the Everlasting (Allah). |
Abdul Bari | Servant of the Creator |
Abdul Barr | Servant of the Source of All Goodness |
Abdul Baseer | Servant of All-sagacious (Allah). |
Abdul Ba’seir | Slave to The All-Seeing |
Abdul Basir | Servant of the All Seeing |
Abdul Basit | Servant of the Expander (Allah). |
Abdul Batin | Servant of the Inward. |
Abdul Fattah | Servant of the Opener (of the gates of sustenance) |
Abdul Ghaffar, Abdul Ghafur | Servant of the Forgiver |
Abdul Ghafoor | Servant of the Forgiver |
Abdul Gha’neyy | Slave to The Self-Sufficient |
Abdul Ghani | Servant of the Self Sufficient |
Abdul Haa’dei | Slave to The Guide |
Abdul Haadi | |
Abdul Haafiz | Servant of the Guardian (Allah). |
Abdul Hadi | Servant of the Guide (Allah). |
Abdul Haey’y | Slave to The Ever-Living |
Abdul Hafeez | Servant of the Guardian (Allah). |
Abdul Ha’feiz | Slave of The Guardian |
Abdul Hafiz | Servant of the Protector |
Abdul Hai | |
Abdul Hakam | Servant of the Arbitrator |
Abdul Hakeem | Servant of the All-wise (Allah). |
Abdul Hakeen | |
Abdul Ha’keim | Slave to The Wise |
Abdul Hakim | Servant of the Judge (Allah). |
Abdul Haleem | Servant of the Mild and Patient |
Abdul Ha’leim | Slave to The Forbearing, Clement |
Abdul Halim | Servant of the All-element (Allah). |
Abdul Hameed | Servant of the Praiseworthy and the Ever-Praised |
Abdul Ha’meid | Slave to The All-Praiseworthy |
Abdul Hamid | Servant of the Praised One |
Abdul Hannan | Slave of the Merciful Forgiving. |
Abdul Haq | Servant of the Truth (Allah). |
Abdul Haqq | Servant of the Truth |
Abdul Haseeb | Servant of the Respected and Esteemed |
Abdul Ha’seib | Slave to The Reckoner |
Abdul Hasib | Servant of the Respected, Esteemed |
Abdul Hayy | Servant of the Living (Allah). |
Abdul Jaa’mie | Slave to The Gatherer |
Abdul Jabaar | Servant of the Mighty. |
Abdul Jabbar | Servant of the All-compeller/the Omnipotent (Allah). |
Abdul Jaleel | Servant of the Great and Revered |
Abdul Ja’leil | Slave of The Revered |
Abdul Jalil | Servant of the Great, Revered One |
Abdul Jame | Servant of the Gatherer |
Abdul Jamil | Servant of the Beautiful (Allah). |
Abdul Jawwad | Slave of the most Bountiful. |
Abdul Ka’beir | Slave to The Most Great |
Abdul Kabir | Slave of the Gracious. Abdul Karim al-Jazari was a narrator of hadith. |
Abdul Kader | |
Abdul Kafi | Servant of the All-sufficient (Allah). |
Abdul Kareem | Servant of the Noble and Generous |
Abdul Ka’reim | Slave to The Generous |
Abdul Karim | Servant of the most generous (Allah). |
Abdul Khaa’fid | Slave of The Humbler |
Abdul Khaa’liq | Slave to The Creator |
Abdul Kha’beir | Slave to The All-Informed, Aware |
Abdul Khabir | Servant of the Aware |
Abdul Khabir | Slave of the one who is aware. |
Abdul Khafiz | Servant of the Descender |
Abdul Khaliq | Servant of the Creator (Allah). |
Abdul Lateef | Slave of the Gracious. |
Abdul La’teif | Slave to The Kind, Gracious |
Abdul Latif | Servant of the All-gentle (Allah). |
Abdul Maajid | Slave of the Excellence. |
Abdul Maalik | Slave of the Master, the Lord. |
Abdul Maane | Servant of the Withholder |
Abdul Majeed | Servant of the All-glorious (Allah). |
Abdul Majid | Servant of the All-glorious (Allah). |
Abdul Malek | Servant of the Sovereign |
Abdul Malik | Servant of the King (Allah). |
Abdul Mani | Slave of one who prevents. |
Abdul Mannan | Slave of the Benefactor. |
Abdul Mateen | Slave of the Firm. |
Abdul Ma’tein | Slave of The Firm |
Abdul Matin | Servant of the Strong (Allah). |
Abdul Moakhir | Servant of the Retarder |
Abdul Mo’eizz | Slave of The Honorer |
Abdul Moez | Servant of the Honourer |
Abdul Mo’hai’min | Slave to The Protector, Guardian |
Abdul Mohsi | Servant of the Surrounder |
Abdul Momit | Servant of the Death-giver |
Abdul Mo’qaddim | Slave of The Presenter |
Abdul Moqit | Servant of the Energizer |
Abdul Mo’saw’wir | Slave of The Fashioner |
Abdul Mo’ta’kab’bir | Slave of The Majestic, Superb |
Abdul Mubdee | Slave of the Originator. |
Abdul Mubdi | Servant of the Originator |
Abdul Mueed | Slave of the Restorer, the Reproducer. |
Abdul Mughni | Servant of the Enricher |
Abdul Muhaimin | Servant of the Supervising, the Guardian, the Protector |
Abdul Muhaymin | Slave of the Protector. |
Abdul Muh’sei | Slave to The Accountant |
Abdul Muhsi | Servant of the Reckoner |
Abdul Muhsin | Slave of the Benefactor; Among the known people was ibn-Ghalbun Al-Suri. |
Abdul Muhyee | Slave of the One Who gives life and sustains it. |
Abdul Muh’yei | Slave of The Life-Giver |
Abdul Muhyi | Servant of the Giver of Life |
Abdul Muid | Servant of the Restorer (Allah). |
Abdul Muiz | Servant of the Giver of Might and Glory |
Abdul Muizz | Servant of the Giver of Might and Glory |
Abdul Mujeeb | Servant of the Responder |
Abdul Mujib | Servant of the Answerer (Allah). |
Abdul Mumin | Servant of the All-faithful (Allah). |
Abdul Muntaqim | Slave of him who punishes wrongdoings and seizes retribution. |
Abdul Muqaddim | Servant of the Expediter |
Abdul Muqeet | Slave of the Sustainer. |
Abdul Muqsit | Servant of the Equitable |
Abdul Muq’sit | Slave to The Equitable |
Abdul Muqtadir | Servant of the Omnipotent (Allah). |
Abdul Muq’tadir | Slave to The Able |
Abdul Musawwir | Servant of the Fashioner (Allah). |
Abdul Mutaal | Servant of the Most High |
Abdul Mutakabbir | Servant of the Superb |
Abdul Mutali | Servant of the most High (Allah). |
Abdul Muti | Servant of the Donor (Allah). |
Abdul Muttalib | This was the name of the grand father of the Prophet PBUH |
Abdul Muzanni | He was a narrator of Hadith. |
Abdul Nafi | Servant of the Benefactor |
Abdul Naseer | Slave of the Helper. |
Abdul Nasir | Servant of the Helper, Protector |
Abdul Nasser | Servant of the Victorious One |
Abdul Noor | Slave of the one who is Light. |
Abdul Nur | Servant of the Light |
Abdul or ‘Abd | Literally means “slave” , i.e. “servant”. Can be used in combination with one of the Names of Allah, i.e. “Abdullah” meaning “Slave of Allah” or “Abdul-Rahman” or “Abdul-Raheem” etc. |
Abdul Qaadir | Servant of the Capable |
Abdul Qaa’dir | Slave to The Omnipotent |
Abdul Qabiz | Servant of the Withholder |
Abdul Qadeer | Servant of the Powerful (Allah). |
Abdul Qadir | Servant of the Powerful (Allah). |
Abdul Qaey’youm | Slave to The Subsisting |
Abdul Qahaar | Servant of the Subduer and the Almighty |
Abdul Qah’haar | Slave to The Subduer, The Dominant |
Abdul Qahhar | Servant of the Subduer, the Almighty |
Abdul Qahir | Servant of the Subduer (Allah). |
Abdul Qayyoom | |
Abdul Qayyum | Servant of the Eternal (Allah). |
Abdul Quddoos | |
Abdul Qud’dous | Slave to The Holy (Allah) |
Abdul Quddus | Servant of the All-Holy (Allah). |
Abdul Qudoos | Servant of the Most Holy |
Abdul Raafi | Servant of the One Who Raises (intellect, esteem), One who Elevates |
Abdul Rabb | Slave of the Lord. |
Abdul Rafi | Servant of the One Who Raises, Elevates (intellect, esteem) |
Abdul Rahaman | Servant of the Beneficent |
Abdul Raheem | Servant of the merciful; Servant of the Compassionate one |
Abdul Rahim | Servant of the Most Compassionate One |
Abdul Rahman | Servant of the Merciful One |
Abdul Raqib | Slave of the Vigilant. |
Abdul Rashid | Servant of the Rightly Guided One |
Abdul Rauf | Servant of the Compassionate |
Abdul Ra’uf | Servant of the Most Merciful |
Abdul Razzaq | Servant of the Maintainer, the Provider |
Abdul Rehman | |
Abdul Sabur | Servant of the Patient |
Abdul Salam | Servant of the Peace |
Abdul Samad | Servant of the Eternal |
Abdul Sami | Servant of the All Hearing |
Abdul Sattar | Servant of the Protector |
Abdul Shahid | Servant of the Witness |
Abdul Shakoor | Servant of the All-thankful (Allah). |
Abdul Shakur | Servant of the Most Thankful |
Abdul Tawwab | Slave of acceptor of repentance |
Abdul Vajed | Servant of the Finder |
Abdul Vakil | Servant of the Implementor |
Abdul Waahid | |
Abdul Waali | Slave of the Governor. |
Abdul Waase | Servant of the Vast |
Abdul Wadood | Servant of the All-loving (Allah). |
Abdul Wadud | Servant of the Loving |
Abdul Wahhab | Servant of the All-give (Allah). |
Abdul Wahid | Servant of the One (Allah). |
Abdul Wajid | Slave of the Finder, the Perceiver |
Abdul Wakil | Servant of the Trustee |
Abdul Wali | Servant of the Governor |
Abdul Waliy | Slave of the Protecting Friend |
Abdul Waris | Servant of the Survivor |
Abdul Warith | Servant of the Supreme Inheritor |
Abdul Wasi | Slave of the All Embracing. |
Abdul Zahir | Servant of the Manifest |
Abdul, Abdel | Servant (of Allah) |
Abdul-Aalee | Servant of the Most High |
Abdul-Adheem | Servant of the Most Great |
Abdul-Adl | Servant of the Just |
Abdul-Afuw | |
Abdul-Ahad | Servant of the One |
Abdul-Akhir | |
Abdul-Aleem | Servant of the All-Knowing. |
Abdul-Ali | |
Abdul-Alim | Servant of the Omniscient |
Abdul-Aliyy | Servant of the Most High |
Abdul-Awwal | |
Abdul-Azeem | |
Abdul-Azeez | Servant of the Mighty, the Powerful |
Abdul-Azim | Servant of the Mighty |
Abdul-Aziz | Servant of the Powerful (Dear) One |
Abdul-Baaqi | Servant of the Everlasting. |
Abdul-Baari | Servant of the Creator |
Abdul-Baasit | Servant of the Extender, Creator |
Abdul-Badee | |
Abdul-Badi | Servant of the Incomparable |
Abdul-Baith | Servant of the Resurrector |
Abdul-Baqi | Servant of the Everlasting |
Abdul-Bari | Servant of the Creator |
Abdul-Barr | Servant of the Source of All Goodness |
Abdul-Baset | |
Abdul-Basir | Servant of the All Seeing |
Abdul-Basit | Servant of the Extender |
Abdul-Batin | |
Abdul-Dhahir | Servant of the Manifest. |
Abdul-Fataah | Servant of the Opener (of the gates of sustenance) |
Abdul-Fattah | Servant of the Opener (of the gates of sustenance) |
Abdul-Ghafaar | Servant of the Forgiver |
Abdul-Ghaffar | Servant of the forgiver. |
Abdul-Ghafoor | Servant of the Forgiver |
Abdul-Ghafur | Servant of the All-Forgiving. |
Abdul-Ghani | Servant of the Self-Sufficient. |
Abdul-Haady | Servant of the Guide |
Abdul-Haafiz | Servant of the Protector |
Abdul-Hadi | Servant of the Guide |
Abdul-Hafeedh | Servant of the Preserver. |
Abdul-Hafezh | |
Abdul-Hafiz | Servant of the Protector |
Abdul-Hakam | Servant of the Arbitrator |
Abdul-Hakeem | Servant of the Wise. |
Abdul-Hakim | Servant of the Wise One |
Abdul-Haleem | Servant of the Forbearing One. |
Abdul-Halim | Servant of the Mild, Patient One |
Abdul-Hameed | Servant of the Praiseworthy; The Ever-Praised |
Abdul-Hamid | Servant of the Praised One |
Abdul-Haq | Servant of the Truth |
Abdul-Haqq | Servant of the Truth |
Abdul-Haseeb | Servant of the Respected, Esteemed |
Abdul-Hasib | Servant of the Respected, Esteemed |
Abdul-Hayy | |
Abdul-Jabaar | Servant of the Mighty |
Abdul-Jaleel | Servant of the Great, Revered |
Abdul-Jalil | Servant of the Great, Revered One |
Abdul-Jamee | |
Abdul-Jami | |
Abdul-Kabir | |
Abdul-Kareem | Servant of the Noble, Generous |
Abdul-Karim | Servant of the Noble, Generous One |
Abdul-Khaaliq | Servant of the Creator |
Abdul-Khabir | |
Abdul-Khafed | |
Abdul-Khafid | |
Abdul-Khaleq | |
Abdul-Khaliq | Servant of the Creator. |
Abdullah | Servant of Allah, slave of Allah; name of Prophet Muhammad’s Father. |
Abdul-Lateef | Servant of the Subtle One. |
Abdul-Latif | Servant of the Kind One |
Abdul-Maalik | |
Abdul-Majeed | Servant of the Most Glorious. |
Abdul-Majid | Servant of the Noble |
Abdul-Malik | Servant of the Sovereign Lord. |
Abdul-Mateen | Servant of the Firm, Strong |
Abdul-Matin | Servant of the Firm, Strong |
Abdul-Mubde | |
Abdul-Mubdi | |
Abdul-Mueez | |
Abdul-Mu’eid | Servant of the Restorer. |
Abdul-Mughni | Servant of the Enricher. |
Abdul-Muhaimin | Servant of the Supervising, the Guardian, the Protector |
Abdul-Muhaymen | |
Abdul-Muhaymin | |
Abdul-Muhsi | |
Abdul-Muhye | |
Abdul-Muhyi | |
Abdul-Muiz | Servant of the Giver of Might and Glory |
Abdul-Mu’izz | Servant of the Giver of Might and Glory |
Abdul-Mujeeb | Servant of the Responder |
Abdul-Mujib | Servant of the Responder |
Abdul-Mu’men | |
Abdul-Mumin | Servant of the Guardian of Faith. |
Abdul-Muqaddem | |
Abdul-Muqaddim | |
Abdul-Muqset | |
Abdul-Muqtadir | Servant of the Powerful. |
Abdul-Musawwir | |
Abdul-Mutaal | Servant of the Most High |
Abdul-Muta’alee | Servant of the Most Exalted |
Abdul-Mutakabber | |
Abdul-Mutakabbir | |
Abdul-Nafee | |
Abdul-Nafi | |
Abdul-Nasir | Servant of the Helper, Protector |
Abdul-Nasser | Servant of the Helper, Granting Victory |
Abdul-Nur | Servant of the Light. |
Abdul-Qaadir | Servant of the Capable |
Abdul-Qadir | Servant of the Capable, Powerful |
Abdul-Qadr | |
Abdul-Qahaar | Servant of the Subduer, the Almighty |
Abdul-Qahhar | Servant of the Subduer, the Almighty |
Abdul-Qaiyoum | Servant of the Self-Sustaining. |
Abdul-Qawi | Slave to The Almighty |
Abdul-Qayoum | |
Abdul-Qayyum | |
Abdul-Quddus | Servant of the Most Holy |
Abdul-Qudoos | Servant of the Most Holy |
Abdul-Raafi | Servant of the One Who Raises (intellect, esteem), Elevates |
Abdul-Rafee | |
Abdul-Rafi | Servant of the One Who Raises, Elevates (intellect, esteem) |
Abdul-Raheem | Servant of the Most Compassionate |
Abdul-Rahim | Servant of the Most Compassionate One |
Abdul-Rahmaan | Servant of the Mercifully Gracious |
Abdul-Raouf | Servant of the Most Merciful |
Abdul-Raqib | Slave of The Watcher |
Abdul-Rasheed | Servant of the Rightly Guided |
Abdul-Rashid | Servant of the Rightly Guided One |
Abdul-Ra’uf | Servant of the Most Merciful |
Abdul-Razaaq | Servant of the Maintainer, the Provider |
Abdul-Saboor | Servant of the Patient |
Abdul-Sabur | Servant of the Patient |
Abdul-Sabur | Slave to The Most Patient |
Abdul-Salaam | Servant of the Peace |
Abdul-Salam | Slave of The Peace, The Bestower of Security, The Author of Safety |
Abdul-Samad | Servant of the Eternal |
Abdul-Samee | Servant of the All-Hearing |
Abdul-Sami | Servant of the All-Hearing |
Abdul-Samie | Slave to The All-Hearing |
Abdul-Shahid | Slave of The Witness |
Abdul-Shakoor | Servant of the Most Thankful |
Abdul-Shakur | Servant of the Most Thankful |
Abdul-Tawaab | Servant of the Forgiver |
Abdul-Tawab | Slave to The Acceptor of Repentance |
Abdul-Tawwab | Servant of the Forgiver |
Abdul-Waahid | Servant of the One |
Abdul-Waajid | Servant of the Finder. |
Abdul-Wadood | Servant of the Loving |
Abdul-Wadud | Servant of the Loving |
Abdul-Wahhab | Servant of the Best-ower. |
Abdul-Wahid | Servant of the One |
Abdul-Wajed | |
Abdul-Wajid | Slave to The Reveler |
Abdul-Wakil | Slave to The Trustee |
Abdul-Waley | Slave to The Supporter |
Abdul-Wali | Slave to The All Governing |
Abdul-Wareth | Slave to The Inheritor |
Abdul-Warith | Servant of the Supreme Inheritor. |
Abdul-Wasee | |
Abdul-Wasi | Slave to The All-Embracing |
Abdul-Zhaher | Slave of The Manifest |
Abdun Naafe | Servant of the Giver of Gains |
Abdun Naa’fie | Slave of The Beneficial |
Abdun Nasir | Servant of the Helper (Allah). |
Abdun Noor | Servant of the Light. |
Abdun Nou’r | Slave of The Light |
Abdun-Nur | |
Abdur Rab | Servant of the Lord (Allah). |
Abdur Rabb | Slave to The Sustainer, Lord |
Abdur Rafi | Servant of the Exalted (Allah). |
Abdur Raheem | |
Abdur Ra’heim | Slave of The Most Merciful, The Compassionate |
Abdur Rahim | Servant of the most Merciful (Allah). |
Abdur Rahman | Servant of the most Gracious (Allah). |
Abdur Raoof | Servant of the Compassionate |
Abdur Raqeeb | |
Abdur Raqib | Servant of the Observer (Allah). |
Abdur Rasheed | Servant of the Right-minded (Allah). |
Abdur Rashid | Slave of the Guide. |
Abdur Rauf | Servant of the most Kind (Allah). |
Abdur Razzaaq | |
Abdur Razzad | |
Abdur Razzaq | Slave of the provider; Ibn Hammam was one of those prominent people with this name. |
Abdur Salam | |
Abdur-Raa’fie | Slave to The Exalteer |
Abdur-Rafi | |
Abdur-Raheem | Servant of the Most Merciful. |
Abdur-Rahman | Servant of the Most Gracious. |
Abdur-Raqeeb | Servant of the Watchful. |
Abdur-Rasheed | Servant of the Guide to Right Path. |
Abdur-Rashid | |
Abdur-Rauf | Servant of the Compassionate. |
Abdur-Razzaq | Servant of the Provider. |
Abdus | Name of a narrator of one of hadith |
Abdus Saboor | Servant of the Patient (Allah). |
Abdus Sabur | Slave of the Forbearing. |
Abdus Salaam | Slave of the Giver of Peace. |
Abdus Salam | Servant of the All-peaceable. |
Abdus Samad | Slave of the Eternal, The Independent. |
Abdus Sami | Servant of the All-hearing (Allah). |
Abdus Sattar | Servant of the Veiler of sin (Allah). |
Abdus Shafi | Slave of the Healer |
Abdus Shahid | Slave of the Witness |
Abdus Smad | Slave of the Eternal |
Abdus Subbooh | Slave of the Extremely pure. |
Abdus Subhan | Servant of the Glory (Allah). |
Abdus Subooh | Slave of the Extremely pure. |
Abdush Shafi | Slave of the Healer. |
Abdush Shaheed | Servant of the Witness |
Abdush Shahid | Slave of the Witness. |
Abdush-Shahid | |
Abdush-Shakur | |
Abdus-Sabour | Servant of the Patient. |
Abdus-Sabur | |
Abdus-Salaam | Servant of the Source of Peace. |
Abdus-Samad | Servant of the Eternal. |
Abdus-Sameei | Servant of the All-Hearing. |
Abdus-Sami | |
Abdus-Shaheed | Servant of the Witness |
Abdus-Shakur | Servant of the Appreciative. |
Abdut Tawwab | Servant of the most forgiving (Allah). |
Abduz Zahir | Slave of the Manifest. |
Abed | Worshipper |
Abedin | Worshippers |
Abid | Worshipper of God; Adorer |
Abidin | Pl. of Abid. i.e. worshippers, A popular name among Muslims. |
Abidullah | Worshipper of Allah. |
Abisali | Warrior in Islam. |
Abood | |
Abrad | Hail, Mail, Ibn Ashras a Narrator of Hadith had this name. |
Abraha | |
Abram | Need, stong grip. |
Abrar | Righteous, pious |
Abrash | Spotted, speckled; A master of penmanship during the early Abbasid period had this name. |
Abraz | Show, unfolded divulged mystery. |
Abreeq | Glittering sword. |
Absar | Pl. of Basar, vision, sight. |
Absat | Wide, vast, spacious. |
Absham | A tree which has scent. |
Absi | Probably from Abasa to frown; this was the name of Abdullah Ibn-Musa, a scholar and reciter of the Quran, died 828/829 |
Abteen | Father of Faridoon (a king). |
Abt’hi | One who lives in Abtah, a place near Makkah. |
Abu al Khayr | One who does good |
Abu Ayyub | A well-known Sahabi who had received the honour of offering hospitality to the Prophet Muhammad when he migrated to Madinah. |
Abu Bakr | Father of the young camel. The first Caliph of Islam. |
Abu Darda | Famous Sahabi of Rasoolullah PBUH. |
Abu Dawud | Author of one of the Sahih Hadith (d. 875). |
Abu Hanifa | Founder of the Hanafi school of thought/ Islamic Law. |
Abu Hurairah | A great Sahabi who is the narrator of many Ahadith (Traditions). |
Abu Huzaifah | A famous Sahabi of Rasoolullah PBUH. |
Abu Isa | Father of Isa. |
Abu Juhafa | A Sahabi of the Holy Prophet PBUH. |
Abu Mahzoorah | Name of one companion of the Prophet of Allah. |
Abu Masood | A great Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr. |
Abu Moosa | A well-known Sahabi; his full name was Abu Moosa Al-Ashari |
Abu Saeed | Father of dignified, name of a Sahabi (RA). |
Abu Talha | A great Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr. |
Abu Talib | Father of seeker; name of the Prophet Muhammad’s uncle. |
Abu Turab | An attributive of Caliph Ali, the fourth of the ‘rightly guided’ Caliphs. The Prophet Muhammad gave him this epithet. |
Abu Ubaidah | A great Sahabi of the Prophet PBUH; one of the ten companions whom the Holy Prophet PBUH has declared as the people of Jannah. |
Abu Yousuf | Name of a great jurist and pupil of Imam Abu Hanifah RA. |
Abu Zar | A great Sahabi of the Prohet of Allah. |
Abual Khayr | One who does good |
Abul Alaa | Father of glory. |
Abul Barakat | Father of blessings, blissful. |
Abul Bashar | Father of mankind. An epithet of Adam who was also the first Prophet. |
Abul Farah | Father of joy i.e. happy, glad. |
Abul Faraj | Possessor of comfort, father of comfort, comfortable. |
Abul Fath | Father of victory, victorious. |
Abul Fazl | Endowed with bounty, grace. |
Abul Haisam | A Sahabi; also a great scholar of history. |
Abul Hasan | Father of Hasan. |
Abul Husain | Father of Husain: Caliph Ali. |
Abul Kalam | Father of speech, eloquent. |
Abul Khair | Father of good work, virtuous. |
Abul Khayr | One who does good |
Abul Mahasin | Father of virtues, merits. |
Abul Qasim | Father of Qasim, an attributive name of the Prophet Muhammad. |
Abul Yumn | Father of happiness, happy. |
Abul Yusr | A great Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr. |
Abul-Hassan | The Son of Ali |
AbulKhayr | One who does good |
Abuzar | |
Abyad | A narrator of hadith was so named. |
Abyan | Clearer, more distinct. |
Abyaz | White, bright, brilliant. |
Abzari | Seeds, spice, seedsman, one who sows; the Persian scribe and memoriser of tradition, Abu-Ishaq Ibrahim had this name |
Adam | Name of the first man and Prophet of Allah; father of mankind. |
Adan | (Garden of) Eden |
Adawi | A grandson of Sayyidina Umer RA, famous for hsi piety and knowledge. |
Adbul-Qawi | Servant of the Most Powerful. |
Adeeb | A literary Person. |
Adeel | Equal, like, peer |
Adeem | Red coloured perfumed leather, Surface of earth, soil. |
Adel | Honorable Judge, One who Jugdes Fairly. |
Adel, Adil | Just |
Adham | Name of a saint |
Adheen | Follower, devotee. |
Adi | A Sahabi of the Prophet of Allah PBUH. And a son of Haatim Taai, a person famous for his in generosity; his full name was Adiyy ibn Haatim. |
Adib | Well-mannered, courteous, polished, man of letters. |
Adil | Just, upright, righteous. |
Adiy | A companion of the Prophet PBUH; also the name of the son of Hatim Taiy known for his generosity; also the son of Thabit had this name. |
Adl | Another name for the Quran |
Adli | Pertaining to justice. |
Adnaan | |
Adnan | A tribal ancestor of the Quraysh, the Prophet (S.A.W) was from this tribe; there were other noted men too later in history who had this name; for instance, word bin Hakim, a scholar of Basrah. |
Aduz Zahir | Slave of the Manifest. |
Adyan | A nabee was named by this name. |
Aejaz | A person who does miracles |
Afaaq | The place where Earth & Sky meet. |
Afandi | Noble, master, lord. |
Afaq | A verse who has depth like skies. |
Afdaal | Better |
Afdal | Better |
Afeef | Chaste, Modest |
Affan | Modest; Father of Caliph Usman. |
Afham | Wisdom, prudence. |
Afif | Chaste, modest, virtuous, honest, righteous, upright, decent. |
Afif, Afeef | Chaste, modest |
Afif-ud-Din | Virtuous of the religion (Islam). |
Afkar | Destitue, poor. |
Aflah | Gaining success-but the Prophet PBUH has discouraged us from giving such names to our children. |
Afraa | Happiness |
Afraz | Standing tall like a mountain,ability to withstand all that is thrushed upon it. |
Afridi | A cast of Afghans. |
Afroz | Bright, illuminated |
Afroze | Lightening, enlightening. |
Afsa | Transparent, clear. |
Afsah | Eloquent. |
Afsar | Commander, officer |
Afsar-ud-Din | Adorning the religion. |
Aftab; Aftaab | The sun |
Aftab-ud-Din | Sun of the religion (Islam). |
Aftar | Breakfast the east. |
Afuww | The Pardoner; He who pardons all who repent sincerely as if they had no previous sin. |
Afzaal | Kindness, grace, favours, virtues. |
Afzal | Better, superior, prominent. |
Afzul | |
Aga | |
Agharr | Hansome, beautiful, distinguished illustrious, noble, Magnanimous. Name of a companion of the Prophet, bin al-Muzan; he transmitted a hadith: “My heart is invaded by unmindfulness and I ask Allah’s forgiveness a hundred times a day. |
Aghlab | Superior, supreme. |
Agrim | Always ahead |
Ahad | One, unique, without partner; one of the names of Allah. |
Ahd | Pledge; Knowledge |
Ahdaf | Pl. of Hadaf, aim, goal, target. |
Ahil | Prince |
Ahkam | Strong, durable. |
Ahlam | Witty |
Ahmad, Ahmed | Most highly adored, or most praised; variation of the name “Muhammad” |
Ahmadullah | I praise Allah. |
Ahmar | Red Coloured. |
Ahmed | The most praised; one of the names of the Prophet Muhammad; I praise (First person present imperfect verb). |
Ahnaf | Bin Qays bin Muwiyah bin Husayn at Tamimi had this name; he was a narrator of Hadith |
Ahraz | Protection, piety. |
Ahsab | Nobler, more respected, of higher nobility. |
Ahsan | Nice; Beautiful; Mercy; Favour |
Ahtesham | |
Ahwas | Having narrow, contracted or squinting eye; he reported his father quoting a hadith from Prophet; ” Do not ask me about evil, but ask me about good; the worst evil consists in learned me who are evil and the best good in learned men who are good”. |
Ahyan | Eras, ages, times. |
Ahzab | Confederate Bin Aseed had this name; he was a narrator of Hadith. |
Aidh | Name of a reciter of the Holy Quran. |
Aijaz | Favour; Blessing |
Aiman | Fearless. |
Aishah | Life, Vivaciousness, Living Prosperous, Youngest wife of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). |
Aiz | This was the name of a reciter of the Quran who followed the recital of Hamzah. |
Aizaad | Extension, excess. |
Ajawid | Pl. of Jawwad, open-handed, generous, noble. |
Ajaz | |
Ajer | Reward. |
Ajib | Wonderful |
Ajlah | Bald, hairless, Ibn Abdullah, a narrator of Hadith, had this name. |
Ajmal | More beautiful, extremely beautiful. |
Ajtaba | Favourite, selected. |
Ajwad | Better, more generous. |
Akalmash | Stainless; Pure; Untainted |
Akbar | Greater, bigger, greatest, most pious, honourable. |
Akbar Khan | |
Akeem | Wise |
Akfash | There have been several men of this name; there were three grammarians of this name in the 8th / 9th century. |
Akhas | Bin Khalfah was so named; he was a narrator of Hadith. |
Akhdan | Best Friend. |
Akhfash | There have been several men of this name; there were grammarians of this name in the 8th / 9th century. |
Akhil | World |
Akhlaq | Good manners, morals. |
Akhmas | Brave, valiant. |
Akhram | Clever, active. |
Akhtar | A Star, good man. |
Akhter | |
Akhund | Honorific title of someone learned in religious matters. |
Akhund Zada | Son of a person learned in religious matters. |
Akhzar | Greenery. |
Akif | Devoted to, dedicated to, persevering in, busily engaged, attached, intent. |
Akil | The wanderer; Intelligent; Thoughtful; One who uses reason |
Aklamash | Spotless, pure |
Akmal | More complete, more perfect. |
Akmal | Complete, perfect |
Akram; Akaram | Most Generous; Excellent |
Akshan | Eye |
Al Abbas | Description of a lion; name of the Prophet’s uncle |
Al Amin | An epithet of the Prophet Muhammad. |
Al Bara | Wholesome with innocence |
Al Burhan | The proof. |
Al Faiz | Name of a Fatimid Caliph. |
Al Hakam | The arbitrator, the judge |
Al Harith | The plowman |
Al Mamoon | Seventh Abbasid Caliph (813-33). |
Al Rafi | One of the names of Allah. |
Al Safi | Clear, pure, fine |
Al Siddiq | The truthful, title of Abu Bakr the first righteous Caliph. |
Al Tahir | Nickname of Abdullah, son of Muhammad who died in infancy. |
Al Tayyib | Nickname of Abdullah, son of Muhammad who died in infancy. |
Al Tijani | Crowning |
Al Tufail, Al Tufayl | Old Arabic name |
Ala | Nobility; Excellence |
Ala al Din | Excellence of faith |
Alaa | Nobility, Excellence |
Alaa Udeen | Excellence of Religion |
AlAbbas | Description of a lion |
Aladdin, Ala al din | Nobility of faith |
Alaleem | He who knows all Things |
Alam | The world, the universe. |
Alamgeer | World-conquering |
Alamgir | The lord of the whole world |
Ala-ud-Din | Glory of religion, excellence of religion (Islam). |
Alawi | |
Aleef | Friendly, affable |
Aleem | Learned, expert, scholar, omniscient; one of the names of Allah. |
Aleemuddin | A learned person in religion. |
Aleem-ul-Huda | Banner of guidance. |
Alhad | Joy; Happiness |
Alhan | Eloquence, good voice. |
Alhasan | The handsome; The good; Name of the Prophets grandson |
Alhazar | Sos, help. |
Alhusain; Alhusayn | Diminutive of the handsome; The good; Name of the Prophets grandson |
Ali , Ali, Aliyy | The highest, greatest, excellent, noble; name of the Prophets son in law and the fourth Caliph |
Ali Asghar | Infant son of Imam Husayn who attained martyrdom in the Karbala when he was a suckling baby. |
Ali Hamza | |
Ali, ‘Ali, ‘Aliyy | The highest, greatest, excellent, noble; name of the Prophet’s son in law and the fourth Caliph |
Alibaba | Great leader |
Alif | The first character in Hijaiyah |
Alih | Idol, god |
Alim | Wise, scholarly, omniscient |
Allah Bakhsh | Gift of Allah. |
Allahbukhsh | |
Allahditta | |
AllahrakhaAmanullah | |
Allal | Comforter. |
Allam | very knowledgeagble |
Almahdi | Guided to the right path |
Alman | Kind, willing and wiseman. |
Almas | Diamond. |
Almir | Prince. |
Altaf | Grace, kindness |
Altaf Hussain | Kindness of Husain. |
Altair | The flying eagle; also refers to a first magnitude star in the constellation Lyra |
Altamash | Front-line army. |
Alwaz | Light, brightness. |
Aly Khan | |
Alyasaa | Elisha – a Prophet |
Amaan | Peace; The most lovelable |
Amaanat | Treasure |
Amaanullah | |
Amaar | One who prays 5 times and fasts |
Amad | Pillar, post, support. |
Amal | Pure; Hope; Aspiration |
Amam | Safety, Protection. |
Aman | Trust, safety, security, protection, tranquility, peace of mind, calmness. |
Amanat | Fidelity, loyalty |
Amani | Pl. of Umniya, wish, aspiration, hope. |
Amanuddin | Trust of religion (Islam). |
Amanullah | Trust, care of Allah, protection of Allah. |
Ameen | Faithful, Trustworthy |
Ameer | Chieftain, ruler, prince, commander, lord, leader, master. |
Amenoolah Khan | |
Amer | Rich |
Amid | Pillar, support, head. |
Amiduddawlah | Support of the state, (It is used both as name & title). |
Amin, Ameen | Trustworthy, faithful, reliable, custodian, honest. |
Aminuddin | Trustworthy in religion (Islam). |
Amir, Ameer | Ruler, prince, leader |
Amirr | |
Amjaad | Pl. of majd, glory, honour. |
Amjad | Most glorious, most distinguished, more illustrious, most venerable, most noble. |
Amlah | Pretty; Handsome; Beautiful; Pleasant |
Ammaar | One with strong Imaan. Also a Sahabi , one of the early muslims, son of Yasir and Sumaya Rad. |
Ammar, Ammar | Builder, constructor |
Ammar, ‘Ammar | Builder, constructor |
Amr | By my life A famous companion had this name, ibn al-Aas who conquered Egypt; also Ibn al-Ala called Zabban, was one of the seven readers of the Quran and an eminent Scholar. |
Amro | Old Arabic name |
Amru | |
Amrullah | The order of Allah swt |
Amzad | More Glorious |
Anahid | Immaculate |
Anam | Creatures. |
Anan | Clouds. |
Anas | A group of people (as opposed to other creatures) |
Anasah | The Freed slave of the Prophet PBUH had this name. |
Anbar | |
Aneeq | Smart, spruce |
Anees | Close friend |
Aniq | Neat, elegant, smart. |
Anis | Friend, close companion, sociable, intimate friend, companion. |
Aniya | Concern, Loving |
Anjam | Stars. |
Anjum | Plural of Najm, stars. |
Anjuman | Meeting |
Anna | Food |
Annnees | |
Ansar | Supporters, helpers. |
Ansari | Relation through ancestry to an Ansar; the people who helped the Prophet when he migrated to Madinah. |
Antar | Hero in a story of chivalry. |
Antarah | This was name of freed slave of Sulaym |
Anwaar | Light, glow, gleam. |
Anwar | More bright, more brilliant, more radiant, more luminous. |
Anwarulkarim | Lights of the Beneficent (Allah). |
Anwerus Sadat | The most brilliant of the Sayyids. |
Anzar | Having a good eye sight. |
Aqdas | Most holy, more or most sacred. |
Aqeel | Wise, Intelligent There have been several prominent men with this name; Abu Aqeel was a transcriber of the Quran; ibn abu Talib was one of Abu Talibs Family; Ibn Bilal was a granson of the poet Jarir. |
Aqeil | Knowledgable. |
Aqib | Successor, an epithet of the Prophet Muhammad. |
Aqil | Intelligent, wise |
Aqleem | Government, realm. |
Aqmar | Bright, brilliant, luminous, moonlit. |
Aqqad | Maker of trimmings, haberdasher. |
Aqrab | Near, close. |
Arab | Peaceful, tranquil |
Arafaat | |
Arafat | A plain twelve miles south west of Makkah where pilgrims spend a day performing special worship of Allah during the Hajj. |
Araiz | National leader. |
Araysh | Shadower, Overshadower. |
Arbaaz | Eagle. |
Arbab | Friends |
Arbad | Masters, Lords |
Ardam | Brave, boldman. |
Areeb | Wise, intelligent, bright, brilliant, clever. |
Areef | Learned, expert, authority. |
Areej | Fragrant, sweet-smelling. |
Arees | Peasant, farmer. |
Aref; Arif | Knowing; Knowledgeable |
Arfaa | Very high |
Arfan | Gratitude |
Arhab | |
Arham | Kind, generous. |
Arif | Learned, expert, authority, saint, the highest position a mystic can attain. |
Arikah | Decorated throne. |
Arjmand | Bountiful. |
Arjumand | Honorable, dear |
Arkaan | Principles |
Arkan | Pl. of Rukn, support, prop, pillar. |
Armaan | Wish, Desire |
Arman | Army man. |
Arqam | Writer, the best recorder; companion of the Prophet Muhammad. |
Arsal | The one who was sent. |
Arsalaan | Lion |
Arsalan | Lion |
Arsh | Dominion , Crown |
Arshad | Most rightly guided, most reasonable. |
Arshaq | Handsome, more elegant, more graceful. |
Arslan | |
Arsylan | |
Artah | Bin-Ashath was a narrator of Hadith who had this name. |
Arwah | More delicate, more gracious. |
Arwarh | more delicate, more gracious |
Aryan | Of utmost strength. |
Arzan | |
Arzang | An ancient wrestler. |
Arzu | Wish, hope, love. |
Asaad | Help, support. |
Asad | Happy, fortunate, lucky, Lion |
Asadel | Most prosperous one |
Asadullah | Lion of Allah. Title of Ali (R.A.). |
Asar | Fourth Prayer of the day. |
Asbagh | Coloured animal, huge flood, dyer. |
Asbat | Bin Muhammad al-Qurashi a narrator of Hadith had this name. |
Aseed | Ibn Yazid, a narrator of Hadith had this name. |
Aseel | Son of elite family. |
Aseer | Preferred, noble, exquisite. |
Asfa | Tanned sun burned, Bin Asla had this name; he was a narrator of Hadith. |
Asgar | Devoted to Lord |
Asghar | Shorter, Smaller, Junior. |
Asha’as | Scattered, Spread about, humble. |
Asha’ath | Scattered, Spread about, humble. |
Ashab | Reddish, blond, fair. |
Ash’ab | Lion, Diffcult, Strict. |
Ashaj | Abu ad-Dunya al-Maghrabi, had this name; he was a narrator of Hadith. |
Ashar | One who has wisdom. |
Ashaz | One in a million, name of a sahabi during the time of prophet. There is a hadith praising his virtue of patience and obedience to parents |
Asheem | Boundless |
Ashfaq | Pl. of Shafaqa, kindness, compassion, sympathy, pity, mercy, favours. |
Ashhal | Having bluish-black eyes; Bin Hatim had this name; he was a narrator of Hadith. |
Ashhar | Famous, popular. |
Ashim | Generous. |
Ashiq | Adorer, lover, suitor. |
Ashiq Ali | Adorer of Ali. |
Ashiq Muhammad | Adorer of the Prophet Muhammad. |
Ashja | More courageous, braver. |
Ashkan | Healthy, hearty. |
Ashmath | Correct path, Straight path. |
Ashnad | Swimmer. |
Ashqar | |
Ashraf | More honourable, most distinguished, eminent more nobler. |
Ashras | Abu al-Hasan az-Ziyat a narrator of Hadith was so named. |
Asif | Name of courtier in the kingdom of Prophet Sulaiman who is noted for his intelligence. |
Asil | Of noble origin, highborn, pure, pristine. |
Asim | Protector, guardian, chaste, safe. |
Asir | Captivating, fascinating. |
Askar | Troop |
Askari | Soldier |
Asla | This name was the name of Asfa the narrator of Hadith. |
Aslam | Very safe, safeguarded, better, more perfect, more complete. |
Asma | He was Ibn Harithah Al-Aslami. |
Asmar | |
Asooda | Prosperous, jolly, happy. |
Asra | Travel by night. |
Asrar | Secrets, mysteries, pl. of Sirr, secret. |
Asrar | Secrets |
Astan | Threshold, gateway. |
Aswad | Black |
Ata | Gift, present, favour, bounty, generosity. |
Ata al Rahman | Gift of the Beneficent |
Ata Allah | Gift of God |
Ata, Ataa | Gift |
Atabuk | Protector, guard. |
Atallah | The gift of Allah |
Ataubaq | Handsome, beautiful, helpful, generous and got a lot of love to share. |
Ataullah | Gift of Allah. |
Ataur Rahman | Gift of the merciful (Allah). |
Ateeb | Very pious. |
Ateeq | Ancient, longstanding |
Athar | Purer, more virtuous, most pious, meticulously neat and clean. |
Athazaz | Unknown, Mystery, Maze. |
Atheer | High, honorable |
Athil | Firmly rooted |
Athir | Favored, preferred |
Atif | Compassionate, affectionate, sympathetic, kind-hearted, loving. |
Atiq | Ancient, noble, antiquated. |
Atir | Fragrant, aromatic. |
Attar | Perfumer, perfume vendor. |
Attiq | Old. |
Atuf | Affectionate, kind-hearted, compassionate, loving. |
Atyab | Scrupulously clean, refined, most noble, excellent. |
Aula | Another name for Prophet Muhammad |
Aurang | Royal throne |
Aurangzeb | Ornament of the throne, a person befitting the throne. |
Aus | Myrtle; ace (in cards); Name of a number of Sahaba, e.g. Aus ibn Sabit, Aus ibn Saamit, Aus ibn Kholy. |
Ausaf | Virtues, merits. |
Avid | |
Awad | Reward, Compensation |
Awais | Naim of a saint |
Awaiz | Decorated, decked. |
Awan | Friend, supporter. |
Awanah | Middle-aged, fierce. Abu Awanah Al-Waddah was a scholar of Hadith and a reciter of Quran. |
Awf | Guest, fragrance, lion; |
Awn | To help, assist. |
Awni | |
Aws | Name of a tribe in Madinah |
Awwab | Sincere repentant, supplicant. |
Awwal | First. Al-Awwal, the first: one of the names of Allah. |
Ayaat | Pl. of Ayat, sign, verse of the Quran. |
Ayaaz | respected and enduring |
Ayat | Sign, revelation, verse of the Quran. |
Ayatullah | Sign of Allah. |
Ayaz | A trusted slave of Sultan Mehmood Ghaznavi |
Aybak | Ibn-Aybak was a leading historian. |
Aydin | Brilliant, Enlightened, Intelligent, Light of the moon. |
Ayesh | Living, well off |
Ayham | Exalted and brave |
Ayman | Lucky blessed, right-hand, right, on the right, fortunate. |
Ayn | Source |
Aynul Hasan | Hasan like. Hasan was the name of the Prophet Muhammad’s grandson from his daughter Fatima. |
Aynul Hayat | Fountain of Life. |
Aynun Naim | Fountain of blessing. |
Ayoob | A Prophet’s name |
Ayser | Easy in dealing, wealthy |
Ayub | Messenger of God; A biblical prophet’s name |
Ayub Khan | |
Ayub | Companion of Prophet Muhammad |
Ayyad | |
Ayyash | Bread seller. |
Ayyoob | |
Ayyub | Ayyub was a Prophet of Allah known for his patience in the face of severity and hardship. There have been other noted men by this name, for instance Ibn Tamim was a reciter of the Quran, Al-Sakhtiyani was a learned ascetic; both had this name. |
Ayyub,Ayoob | A Prophet’s name |
Aza | Comfort |
Azaam | Submission, prostration. |
Azaan | Call for the prayer. |
Azab | Touring, travelling, wandering |
Azad | Free, liberated. |
Azain | Decoration. |
Azam | Greater, greatest, more important, most important, most pious, most exalted. |
Azb | Sweet |
Azbak | Independent, autonomous. |
Azeem, Azim | Defender, referring to one of Gods ninety nine qualities |
Azeez | Honorable, mighty |
Azeez; Aziz | Friend; Dear one |
Azfar | Most victorious, winner. |
Azfer | Leader. |
Azghan | Faithful. |
Azhaar | Flowers; Blossoms |
Azhaf | Courageous, elite. |
Azhar | More glittering, blooming, shining, bright, brilliant, luminous, radiant. |
Azharan | The sun and moon alike, to adopt, buds. |
Azhmeer | Clever; Wise |
Azim | Might, magnificent, glorious, great, dignified, exalted, determined; one of the names of Allah. |
Aziz | Might, strong, illustrious, highly esteemed, dearly loved, one of the names of Allah. |
Azizullah | Dear to Allah. |
Azlan | Lion. |
Azli | From the beginning. |
Azmat | Majesty, pride, grandeur, greatness. |
Azmeer | Clever, pious. |
Azmi | One who fulfils his promise. |
Azraf | More elegant, more graceful; more humorous. |
Azraq | Blue; name of a companion of the Prophet PBUH, bin Qays. |
Azraqi | He was an authority on the history and geography of Makkah. |
Azud | Upper arm, strength, power, support. |
Azududdin | Support of religion (Islam). |
Azzaam | Determined, Resolved |
Azzam | Very determined, resolved, resolute. |
Baadi | Distinct, evident, plain, clear. |
Baahi | Glorious, magnificent. |
Baahir | Dazzling; Brilliant |
Baaligh | Major |
Baar | Just, Pious |
Baare | Brilliant, superior, outstanding. |
Baari | One of the names of God |
Baariq | Shining, lightning, bright, illuminating. |
Baasim | Smiling |
Baasir | Seeing, wise. |
Baasit | One who spreads or grants prosperity |
Babar | Origin: Hindi. Literal Meaning: Lion. Contextual meaning: King of Jungle; Lion hearted, brave, courageous and exemplary leadership qualities. Highly, powerful and influential, very charsimatic |
Baber | Courageous, Lion |
Badeeh | Wonderous. |
Badi | Wonderful, marvelous, unique, amazing. |
Badiul Alam | Unique in the world. |
Badiuz Zaman | Genius of the time. |
Badiy | Novel, primal |
Badr | Full moon |
Badr al Din | Full moon of the faith |
Badr Udeen | Full moon of the Faith |
Badran | The most beautiful. |
Badr-e-Alam | Full moon of the world. |
Badrud Duja | Full moon of the dark. |
Badruddin | Full moon of religion (Islam). |
Baghawi | Resident of Bagh or Baghshur in Khurasan. |
Baha | Beauty, glow, splendor magnificence. |
Baha al Din, Bahiyy | Magnificence of the faith |
Baha Udeen | The magnificent of the Faith |
Baha | Beautiful,Magnificent |
Bahauddin | Glow of the religion (Islam). |
Baheej | Happy delightful |
Baheen | Exalted, great, noble. |
Baheer | Dazzling |
Bahhas | Examinar; Scholar of research; a companion of the Prophet PBUH had this name. |
Bahi | Splendid, brilliant, shining. |
Bahij | Always happy, pleasant |
Bahili | Name of famous people, including; Abu Al-Husayn Muhammad, a student of Al-Ashari and Abu Umer Muhammad. |
Bahir | Dazzling, brilliant. |
Bahiy Udeen | The magnificent of the Faith |
Bahiyud Din | Radiant, brilliant of the religion (Islam). |
Bahjat | Splendours, pl. of Bahjah, delight, joy. |
Bahlawan | Acrobat. |
Bahlul | Name of a saint |
Bahram | Mars, a king. |
Bahu | Rod, a saint’s name. |
Bahz | Name of bin Hakeem; he has related many ahadith from his father, including the saying of the Prophet PBUH “Anger spoils faith as aloes spoil honey.” |
Baid | Another name for God,away,distant |
Bais | One of the ninety-nine names of God |
Bajala | Honoured, venerated. |
Bajeel | Honored, venerated |
Bakeet | Lover, paramour. |
Bakhit | Lucky, fortunate. |
Bakhsh | Gift, fortunate, give, forgive. |
Bakht | Luck, fortune. |
Bakhtari | Ibn Al-Mukhtar, a narrator of Hadith, had this name. |
Bakhtawar | Lucky, fortunate. |
Bakhtiyar | Fortunate, lucky. |
Bakhtiyar | Prosperous, lucky |
Bakir | baakir-early |
Bakkar | He was Ibn Ahmad, Abu Isa a reciter of the Quran and Author |
Bakr | Camel, First born, the eldest child |
Bakri | One who starts work early |
Bakur | Precocious, early coming. |
Balagh | Another name for the Quran |
Baleegh | Eloquent, learned, one who is qualified in the art of speech. |
Baleel | Moisture; One of the Prophet PBUH compaions had this name. |
Baligh | Eloquent, well versed |
Balj | Delighted; Al-Mahriyy had this name; he was a narrator of Hadith. |
Bandar | Seaport, district capital |
Baqa | Survival, immortality, eternity. |
Baqai | Immortal. |
Baqar | Inevitable, lion, powerful |
Baqee | Eternal, everlasting |
Baqi | Permanent, everlasting, eternal. |
Baqir | Fierce lion, abounding in knowledge, erudite, learned. |
Bar | Pious |
Bara | Free. Name of a Sahabi RA. |
Barakah | Blessing |
Barakat | Blessings, good fortunes prosperities; pl. of Barakah. |
Barakatullah | Blessing of Allah. |
Baraq | Electricity. |
Bareed | Messenger, partner. |
Bareeq | Glitter, flash, luster, brightness, brilliance, radiance. |
Baresham | Silk. |
Barhi | Thanks |
Bari | The Evolver. A Name For Allah |
Barii | Innocent |
Barir | Faithful |
Barkat | Bounty, blessing. |
Barni | Young, grown up. |
Barqash | A bird whose voice is very charming. |
Barr | Pious, upright, just; sing. of Abraar. |
Barraq | Flashing, bright, brilliant, glittering. |
Basaam | Smiling |
Basair | Another name for the Quran |
Basan | One who uproots fully. |
Basaud | Exalted, blessed. |
Baseem | Always smiling |
Baseer | Perspicacious |
Baseerat | Insight, wisdom. |
Baseet | Vast, spacious. |
Basel | Brave |
Basem | Smiling |
Bashaar | Bringer of glad tidings |
Bashar | Man, mankind |
Basharat | Good news, glad tidings |
Basheer | Bringer of good news |
Bashir | Harbinger, bringer of good news. |
Bashshar | Herald, bringer of glad tidings. |
Basil | Brave, bold, valiant. |
Basim, Bassam | Smiling, Happy |
Basiq | High, lofty |
Basir | One of the ninety-nine names of God |
Basit | One who stretches, enlarges. |
Basman | Smiling a lot |
Basool | Courageous (lion) |
Basr | Eye-sight, wisdom, sight |
Basrah | Name of a Sahabiyah; dry land |
Bassam, Basim | Smiling a lot |
Batal | Brave, champion, hero. |
Batin | Inward, within, secret, esoteric; one of the names of Allah. |
Bayan | Another name for the Quran |
Bayazid | Name of a saint |
Bayhas | Name of the lion |
Baz | Falcon |
Bazam | It was the name of the Tabiee, Abu Salih |
Bazan | A companion of Prophet (PBUH). |
Bazikh | High, exalted |
Bazil | Merciful. |
Bazir | Educated, a great person. |
Bazish | Aggressive, hardliner. |
Bazl | Prize, reward. |
Bazlur Rahman | Generosity of the All-merciful. |
Bedar | Wakeful, attentive, enlightened. |
Bedaruddin | Attentive to the religion (Islam). |
Beg | Honorific title i.e. Lord. |
Behlol | Leader, a famous saint. |
Behr | Wave. |
Behroz | Sacred, noble. |
Behzad | Honest and caring |
Beram | Fun, eid, enjoyment. |
Bihar | Sea |
Bihzad | |
Bilal | Water, moisture, freshness, river, sea. A Sahabi i.e. the companion of Prophet Muhammad. |
Bina | Wise, far-sighted. |
Binyamin, Benyamin | Name of the brother of Prophet Yusuf. |
Bishr | Joy, happiness, cheerfulness. |
Bostan | Garden |
Boulos | Arabic form of “Paul” |
Budail, Budayl | Name of a companion of the Prophet |
Budayr | Little full moon |
Bujair | Name of Sahabi RA who known as Bujair ibn Bujair was present in the battle of Badr. |
Bukhari | Muhammad ibn Ismail Al-Bukhari (810-870). author of one of the Sahih Hadith i.e. collection of the Prophet Muhammad’s traditions. |
Buland | Hight, upward. |
Bulbul | Nightingale. |
Bulhut | Bin Abbat a narrator of Hadith had this name. |
Buqrat | An ancient physician. |
Burak | Horse like animal that carried the Prophet (PBUH) during mehraj and will carry those that are selected on resurrection day |
Buraq | Horse of the Prophet (PBUH). |
Burayd | Cold, Mild; A companion of the Prophet PBUH had this name. |
Buraydah | It is the name of a place in Saudi-Arabia; name of a companion of the Prophet PBUH bin al-Haseedb RA who has narrated many Ahadiths. |
Burhaan | Proof |
Burhan | Proof, evidence. |
Burhan-ud-Din | Proof of the religion (Islam). |
Bushr | Joy, happiness |
Busr | Unripe dates; It was the name of a companion ibn-Sufyan who was sent to scout Makkah from Zu-al-Hulayfah when they had intended to perform Umrah |
Butrus | Arabic form of “Peter” |
Changez | |
Cheekoo |
Daafi | One who expels prevents |
Daai | Another name for Prophet Muhammad |
Daamin | Guarantor, Surety |
Daamir | |
Daanish | Wisdom, Learning, Science |
Daanyal | |
Daawood | |
Dabbah | Latch, door lock |
Dabir | Root, origin, ultimate, bygone. |
Daboor | Morning breeze |
Dafiq | Jubilant, buoyant, active. |
Daghfal | Ibn-Hanzalah had this name and he was the first genealogist of Islam. |
Dahbal | This ws the name of Wahb Ibn Zamai; who was a very noble, generous man. |
Dahhak | One who laughs much. |
Dahi | Lion, rapid. |
Daib | Happy fellow. |
Daif | |
Daifallah | |
Daim | Eternal |
Daiyan | A mighty ruler, judge, guard, protector. |
Dakheel | Stranger, alien |
Dakhil | Foreigner, stranger. |
Dalaj | A mufti of Baghdad, Ibn Ahmad al-Sajazi, had this name, he was a very generous person. |
Daleel | Guide |
Daler | Brave, valiant. |
Dalil | Another name for God, evidence, a guide |
Damdam | |
Dameer | Heart, Conscience |
Damian | Tamer |
Damurah | Sparkle of light, fire |
Dana | Wise, learned. |
Dani | Near, close |
Daniel | Intelligent |
Danish | Wisdom, insight |
Daniyal | A Prophet of Allah |
Danyal | Prophet |
Dara | possessor, sovereign |
Darakhshan | Bright, shining, pearl-like. |
Darim | This was the name of a narrator of Hadith. |
Daris | Scholar, studying |
Darman | Cure, treatment. |
Darraj | Historical name |
Darrak | Prudent, wise. |
Darvesh | Holy man |
Darwish | Dervish |
Dastagir | Suporter, patron |
Dastgir | Protector, saint |
Daud | |
Da’ud, Dawud | Arabic form of “David”, beloved; a Prophet’s name |
Daudi | A flower |
Dawar | Ruler, judge. |
Dawid | Prince |
Dawlah | Riches, happiness |
Dawood | |
Dawoud | A Prophet’s name |
Dawud | A Prophet and father of Prophet Sulaiman. In Bible, he is known as David. |
Dayim | Everlasting, perpetual, for ever. |
Daylam | Name of a companion of the Prophet PBUH |
Dayyan | Ruler, rewarder, judge |
Dean | Religion |
Deenar | Gold coin |
Dhaafir | |
Dhaahir | |
Dhaakir | |
Dhaki | |
Dhakir | One who remembers God frequently |
Dhakiy | Intelligent, bright |
Dhakwan | Intelligent |
Dhareef | |
Dharr | |
Dhiya | Light, splendour |
Dhul | Fiqar Name of the Prophet’s sword |
Dhul Fiqaar | The name of the Prophet’s Sword |
Dhul Fiqar | Name of the Prophets sword |
Didar | Vision, sight |
Dihyah | Commander of troops. |
Dihyat | A companion of Prophet Muhammad |
Dil | Heart, mind |
Dil Nawaz | Soothing heart, mind. |
Dilafroz | Captivating, attractive. |
Dilawar | Brave, valiant, intrepid |
Dilbar | Lover |
Dildar | Charming, beloved |
Dilnawaz | Attractive; Beloved; Mistress |
Dilshad | Happy |
Din | Religion, faith, belief. |
Dina | It was the name of the grandfater of Abu Bin Thabit. |
Dinar | Name of the grandfather of Abu Bin Thabit. |
Dirar | Old Arabic name |
Diwan | Royal court, tribunal of justice. |
Diwan Muhammad | Court of the Prophet Muhammad. |
Diya | Brightness, light |
Diya al Din | Brightness of the faith |
Diyaa Udeen | Brightness of the Faith |
Diyanat | Honesty, piety |
Diyari | A gift, or a present |
Dizhwar | Mean, strong |
Dost | Friend |
Dost Muhammad | Friend of the Prophet Muhammad. |
Duha | Forenoon, (This name is generally pronounced as Zohya in non-Arabic speaking countries like Pakistan/India). |
Dulamah | Tall and black |
Duqaq | |
Durrah | Companion of Prophet Muhammad |
Dyab | The one who perseveres |
Ebrahim | |
Ehan | Full moon |
Ehsaan | Favour, good |
Ehsaas | Feel |
Ehsan | Powerful |
Ehtisham | Modesty, decency |
Eijaz | Blessings, Miracle |
Eitzaz | |
Ejaz | To do something which others cannot do; a miracle; inimitability |
Ekbal | Dignity |
Ekhlaq | Character |
El-Amin | Trustworthy |
Elias | Name of one Prophet |
Emir | To command |
Emran | Progress, Achievement |
Esam, Essam | Safeguard |
Eshaan | Desiring and wishing |
Eshan | In God Grace, Worthy |
Esmail |
Faadi | |
Faadil | |
Faaid | |
Faaiq | |
Faaiz | Victorious, triumphant, successful. |
Faakhir | Proud, Excellent |
Faalih | |
Faaris | Horseman, Knight |
Faarooq | He who distinguishes truth from falsehood |
Faateh | Conqueror |
Faatih | Another name for Prophet Muhammad |
Faaz | Victorius, successful |
Fadil | Generous, honorable, superior |
Fadl | Outstanding, Honorable |
Fadl Ullah | The excellence of God |
Fadwa | Name derived from self-sacrifice |
Faeq | Surpassing, excellent |
Fahd | Lynx, wild cat. |
Fahd, Fahad | Leopard, lynx |
Faheem | Intelligent, judicious, learned, erudite. |
Fahim | Undrestanding, clever, wise |
Fahmi | Intelligent, discerning |
Fahyim | Understanding |
Faid | Very Clever |
Faik | Benefit, advantage, gain, worth, welfare. |
Faiq | Excellent, outstanding, distinguished, superior. |
Faird | faa-eq- outstanding, awake |
Faisal, Faysal | Umpire, arbitrator, decisive, sword, a judge. |
Faiyaz | Decisive |
Faiz | Super abundance, effluence, plenty, generosity, grace, favour, bounty. |
Faizaan | Winner |
Faizan | Beneficence; Generosity; Abundance; Benefit |
Faizeen | Ruler |
Faiz-e-Rabbani | Honest |
Faizi | Possessing divine surplus. |
Faizul Anwar | Endowed with superabundance. |
Faizullah | Abundance of light or graces. |
Fajahat | Abundance from Allah. |
Fajaruddin | The First |
Fajer | The First |
Fajr | Morning |
Fakaruddin | Dawn, rise, beginning, start. |
Fakeeh | Pride of religion; Glory of the faith |
Fakheem | Cheerful |
Fakhir | Excellent, superior, magnificent, honourable, precious, proud. |
Fakhiri, Fakhry | Excellent quality |
Fakhr | Pride, Something to feel proud about. |
Fakhr al Din | Pride of the faith |
Fakhri, Fakhry | Honorary, glorious, proud |
Fakhr-ud-Dawlah | Honorary |
Fakhruddin | Glory of kingdom/state. |
Fakhr-ud-Din | Glory of the faith; Pride of religion |
Fakhrul | Pride of the religion (Islam). |
Fakhry | Proud |
Fakih | Legal expert; one who recites the Qu’ran |
Falah | Success, prosperity. |
Faleh | Success |
Falih | Fortunate, lucky, successful, prosperous. |
Faliq | One that divides into two; creator |
Faqeed | One that divides into two,creator |
Faqeeh | Rare, special. |
Faqih | Jurist, scholar in fight (Islamic jurisprudence). |
Faqir | Poor, needy, one renounces the world i.e. Sufi mendicant. |
Farafisa | Name of a companion, bin Umayr al-Hanafi |
Farah | Name of a companion |
Farahat | Happiness, delight. |
Faraj, Farraj | Comfort, relief, ease, repose. |
Farajallah | Relief, freedom from grief |
Faraqlit | who distinguishes truth from false |
Farasat | One who can identify between truth and falsehood |
Faraz | On the top; Above; Equitable |
Farazdaq | Ascent, height |
Fard | Another name for God; unequalled |
Fardeen | Another name for God,unequalled,unique |
Fardeen; Fardin | Radiant |
Fare | One who has triple strength; First month of the Parsi year when the sun is in Aries |
Fareed | Unique, incomparable. |
Fareez | Braverer |
Farhaan | Matchless, paramount |
Farhad | Wise |
Farhal | Happiness; An Iranian musician and singer |
Farhan | Glad, happy, joyful, cheerful, delighted. |
Farhat | Calm, satisfaction, happiness. |
Fari | Happiness |
Farid, Fareed | Another name for God,pearl |
Fariduddin | Unique |
Farih | Unique of the religion (Islam). |
Fariq, Fareeq | Another name for God,separating,eminent |
Faris | Horseman, knight, cavalier |
Fariz | Perspicacity |
Farjad | Promising, determined. |
Farman | Intelligent, wise |
Farmanullah | Order, decree. |
Farook | Order of Allah. |
Farookh | Sprout, shoot, young (bird). |
Farooq | One who distinguishes truth from falsehood and right from wrong. Title of the Caliph Umar. |
Farooque; Farokh | Comely |
Farouk | Power of discrimination; Fortunate; Variant of ‘Farukh’ |
Farqad | Two bright stars of Ursa Minor. |
Farraj | |
Farras | Reliever |
Farrukh | Beautiful-faced, happy, auspicious, fortunate. |
Farukh | Happy, Auspicious |
Faruq, Farooq | One who distinguishes truth from falsehood. |
Farwah | Some companions had this name, for instance Ibn-Musayk and Ibn-Nawfal, and ibn-Amr. |
Fasahat | Name of a few of the companions |
Faseeh | Fluent, eloquent |
Fasih | Eloquent |
Fasih Ur Rahman | Eloquent, fluent, well-spoken. |
Fasikh | Eloquent (by grace of Rahman i.e. Allah). |
Fastiq | Successful, bounty, bliss, blessing. |
Fatan | Another name for God; One who rips apart |
Fateen | Intelligent, sagacious, smart, clever. |
Fateenah | Clever,Smart |
Fateh | The victorious one; Victory |
Fath | Victory, conquest, triumph, success. |
Fathi | One who wins victory after victory. |
Fathullah | Victorious one |
Fatih | Victory granted by Allah, victory of Allah. |
Fatik | Deadly, Lethal; Ibn-Fadalah a narrator of Hadith was so named. |
Fatin | Clever, fascinating. |
Fatin, Fateen | Smart, witty |
Fattah | Conqueror, victor, one who opens, one who eases difficulties; an attribute of Allah. |
Fattooh | Charming, bright. |
Fawad | The little conqueror, diminutive of Fattah. |
Fawaz | Success, Salvation |
Fawwaaz | Successful |
Fawwaz | Winner of victory after victory, successful. |
Fawz | Victory, triumph, success. |
Fawzan | Victorious |
Fawzi | To do with success |
Fawzy | Successful |
Fayaaz | Triumphant, victorious, successful. |
Fayaz | Kind & Generous; Gracious |
Fayd | Abundance |
Fayek | Surpassing, excellent, superior, outstanding |
Fayruz | Surpassing, excellent, superior, outstanding |
Faysal | Judge (decisive) |
Fayyaad | Decisive |
Fayyad | Overflowing, generous |
Fayyadh | Overflowing, generous |
Fayyah | Generous |
Fayyaz | Very generous |
Fayz | Generous, munificent, most bountiful, most generous. |
Fayzan | Overflowing grace |
Fayzee | Beneficence |
Fayzul Haq | Generous, liberal |
Fazal | Grace of the truth i.e. Allah. |
Fazalah | Grace |
Fazan | Name of the father of Anas and Munis whom the Prophet PBUH sent as scouts to watch Quraysh movements at Badr. |
Fazeelat | Ruler |
Fazil | An accomplished person, knowledgeable virtuous, superior, outstanding, eminent. |
Faziuddin | Talented,expert,intelligent,wise |
Fazl | Favour, grace, kindness, gift, present, bounty, excellence, virtue, extra. |
Fazle Ilahi | grace, bounty |
Fazle Mawla | Bounty of Allah. |
Fazle Rab | Bounty of the Lord (Allah). |
Fazle Rabbi | Bounty of lord. |
Fazli | Bounty of my Lord. |
Fazlullah | Kind, bountiful, graceful, virtuous. |
Fazulul Haq | Bounty of Allah. |
Ferdows; Firdows | Bounty of the Truth i.e. Allah. |
Feroz | Name of a king; Winner; Successful |
Ferran | Shinning |
Fiam | Baker |
Fida | Redemption, sacrifice |
Fidaa | Sacrifice |
Fiddah | Silver |
Fidyan | Silver |
Fikhar | Person who makes sacrifice |
Fikri | Honour, pride, glory. |
Firaas | Knight |
Firas | Perspicacity |
Firasah | Perspicacious |
Firasat | Perspicacity, acumen. |
Firdaus | Farsightedness |
Firdos | Heaven |
Firdose | |
Firdoze | |
Firoze; Firoz | Gift |
Firyal | Gift; Winner; Victorious; Name of a king |
Fizan | Adornment |
Fizza | Breeze |
Fouad, Fuad | Silver; Ibn Abu Mawdood, a narrator of Hadith had this name. |
Fravash | Heart |
Fuaad | Guardian Angel |
Fuad | Heart |
Fudail | Excellent in character |
Fudayl | Excellent in character |
Fujai | Name of a companion of the Prophet PBUH Al-Fujai, Al-Amiri. |
Furays | Name of Prophets (SAW) companion |
Furoogh | little horse |
Furozh | Splendour, light, brightness. |
Furqaan | Light |
Furqan | Criterion (between right and wrong), proof, evidence, another name for he Quran. |
Furqau | Distinction between truth & falsehood |
Futteh Khan | Which separates truth and falsehood |
Futuh | |
Fuwad | Victories, conquests; pl. of fatah. |
Fuzail | Eminent, learned |
Gabir | |
Gadi | |
Galal | |
Gamal, Gamali | Camel |
Gauhar | Gem, jewel, noble. |
Ghaali | |
Ghaalib | Victor |
Ghaamid | |
Ghaazi | Conqueror |
Ghaffar | Most forgiving, one of the names of Allah. |
Ghafir | Another name for God; generous,kindhearted |
Ghafur | Most forgiving |
Ghais | Rain |
Ghaith, Ghayth | Rain |
Ghaiyyas | Helper, reliever, winner. |
Ghali | Valuable, dear, beloved, expensive |
Ghalib | Excellent; A great classical Urdu and Persian poet |
Ghallab | Ever victorious, triumphant. |
Ghamir | Giving a lot of charity |
Ghanem | Successful |
Ghani | Rich, wealthy, prosperous, all-sufficient, one of the names of Allah. |
Ghanim | Successful |
Ghannam | Shepherd; Name of a companion who took part in the battle of Badr. |
Ghannan | Two friends of Prophet Muhammad,shepherd |
Ghaous | assistance, help |
Gharib | Poor, need, humble; stranger. |
Ghasaan | Old Arabic name |
Ghashiah | 88th Surah of the Quran,covering,attendant |
Ghassaan | |
Ghassan | Ardor, vigor (of youth) |
Ghaus | Help, aid, rescue, succor. |
Ghauth | Helper, Defender. |
Ghawth | Succor, to help |
Ghaylan | Great, Fat; One of the companions of the Prophet PBUH bin Salamah As-Saqafi had this name. |
Ghayoor | Self-respecting |
Ghayth | Rain |
Ghayur | Another name for God,haughty,enthusiastic |
Ghayyath | The one rushing to help |
Ghazalan | Spinner |
Ghazanfar | Lion, title of Caliph Ali. |
Ghazawan | Warrior, a companion of the prophet PBUH had this name. |
Ghazi | Attacker, campaigner for Allah’s cause swt |
Ghazir | Plentiful, ample |
Ghazwan | One on expedition, to conquer |
Ghazzal | Name of a reciter of Quran, Ibn Khalid. |
Ghazzali | historical name |
Ghiyaath | Succorer |
Ghiyas | Deliverance from hardships, succorer, aid given in time of need, rain. |
Ghiyas-ud-Din | Helper of the religion (Islam). |
Ghiyath | Succorer |
Ghiyath | Aid, Succourer |
Ghofran | Pardon, forgiveness. |
Ghufran | Another name for God, pardon, benevolence |
Ghulam, Gulam | Servant, boy, youth. |
Ghulam-Khan | |
Ghunaim | A person who takes booty. Name of a Sahabi RA. |
Ghunayn | One who collects booty |
Ghusharib | Brave |
Ghusun | Branches of tree |
Ghutaif | A well of a person; well to do. |
Ghutayf | Affluent |
Gohar | Diamond, precious stone |
Guda | |
Gul | Flower |
Gulab | Rose |
Gulam | Slave; Servant |
Gulbar | Shedder of flowers, generous. |
Gul-e-Rana | A beautiful flower |
Gulfam | Flower color |
Gulsan | A flower Garden |
Gulshan | A flower Garden. |
Gulzar | A garden with flowers; Rose Garden; An inhabited town |
Gurdana-Khan |
Haadee | The guide |
Haady | Guiding to the right |
Haafil | |
Haafiz | Title of a man who has memorized the whole Quran; guardian, protector, attribute of Allah. |
Haajid | |
Haamid | Praising (God); Loving (God) |
Haani | Happy; Delighted; Content |
Haaris | Friend |
Haarith | Plowman, Old Arabic name |
Haaroon | A Prophet’s name |
Haashid | |
Haashim | Name of the Prophet’s grandfather, Old Arabic name |
Haashir | Gatherer |
Haatim | Judge |
Haazim | |
Haaziq | Intelligent, Skillfull |
Habab | Aim, goal, end. |
Habash | Guinea hen, Guinea fowl;, turkey; A tabaee (successor of the companions) was so named. |
Habbab | Affable, lovable |
Habeeb | Friend |
Habeebullah | Beloved of Allah |
Habeel | Name of one of the sons of Sayyidina Aadam AS; his sacrifice wias accepted by Allah but that of Qabeel, his brother rejected. |
Habib | Another name for Prophet Muhammad |
Habibullah | Friend of Allah, dear to Allah. |
Habis | Ibn Sad al-Taiy had this name; he ws a narrator of Hadith; a companion, Al-Tamimi RA also had this name. |
Hadad | Syrian god of fertility |
Hadaya | Gifts, presents, pl. of Hadiyaa. |
Haddad | Blacksmith, Iron Smith; An Egyption jurist and judge who was a disciple of Al-Tabari, Muhammad Ibn-Ahmad was named ibn Al-Haddad |
Hadee | Director, guide |
Hadi | One who leads to the right path, guide, one of the names of Allah. |
Hadid | The 57th Surah of the Quran,iron,eloquent |
Hadir | The sound of thunder |
Hadis | Narration or sayings of Prophet Muhammad |
Hadrami | There have been notable men with this name, for isntance, (i) Abdullah ibn-Abi Ishaq, a Quran reciter of Basrah. |
Hafeez | Guardian, protector. |
Hafi | Generous |
Hafid | The wise one |
Hafiz | Protector, one who has memorized the Quran |
Hafizullah | Remembrance of Allah |
Hafs | Lion, Young of Lion. |
Haidar | Lion, Title of Caliph Ali. |
Haider Bux | |
Haikal | Tale |
Haitham | Eagle |
Haiyy | alive |
Haji | Title of someone who has performed Hajj. |
Hajib | Doorman, janitor, bailiff, eyebrow, edge, covering; Ibn Hajib was the name of the director of the Bureau of the Sawad under Muizz Al-Dawlah |
Hajjaj | Orbit, eye socket; Orgument, debate; Ibn-Yusuf the well-known ruler of Iraq had this name. |
Hajveri | Of Hajver, a saint’s name. |
Hakam | One of the ninety-nine excellent names of God |
Hakeem | Wise, sage, judicious, prudent. |
Hakeem, Hakim | Wise, one of God’s ninety-nine qualities |
Hakem | Ruler, governor, nine qualities |
Hakim | One of the ninety-nine excellent names of God |
Hakim, Hakeem | Wise, one of Gods ninety nine qualities |
Haleef | Ally, confederate |
Haleem | Clement, Patient |
Halif | Ally |
Halim | Generous,compassionate,composed, tranquil |
Hallaj | Cotton ginner; Al-Husayn ibn Mansur had this name, he was a famous martyr brought up at al-Wasit and grew up as an ascetic and extreme mystic. |
Halwani | Confectioner. This was the name of Ahmad Ibn-Zayd a reciter of the Quran and student of Hadith. |
Hamad | praised (praiseworthy) |
Hamadullah | The Thanks of Allah swt |
Hamal | Lamb |
Hamas | Enthusiasm, fervour. |
Hamd | Praise, laudation of Allah. |
Hamdaan | |
Hamdan | The praised one; variation of the name “Muhammad” |
Hamdast | Friend, one who remains close. |
Hamdhy | Sympathy, blessing |
Hamdi | Of praise, commendable |
Hameed | praiseworthy (praised) |
Hameedullah | Servant of the All-laudable. |
Hameem | Friend |
Hamham | brave and noble |
Hami | Protector, Patron, Supporter, defender |
Hamid | The praised one; variation of the name “Muhammad” |
Hamidullah | The appreciation of Allah swt |
Hamim | Another name for Prophet Muhammad |
Hamiz | Brave, strong |
Hammad | One who praises God |
Hammam | A great man, a chief, a hero. |
Hammouda | laudable |
Hammud | Much praise to Allah. |
Hamood | One who praises Allah |
Hamoud | praiseworthy (praised) |
Hamraz | Confidant. |
Hamshad | Always victorious |
Hamud | Praised, commended, praiseworthy, commendable. |
Hamza | Lion. Name of the Prophet Muhammad’s uncle. |
Hamzad | Comrade, companion. |
Hamzah | Lion; name of the Prophets uncle |
Hana | Arabic form of “John” |
Hanai | Of happiness |
Hananan | Another name for God,generous, charitable |
Hanash | A Hadith is anrrated by him to the effect that Sayyidina Ali RA Sacrificed two rams on the day of Sacrifice. |
Hanbal | Purity |
Haneef | Upright, true |
Hani | Happy, delighted, content |
Hanif | True believer, true faith, upright. |
Hanifah | Upright. Name of Al-Numan Ibn Thabit, the great jurist of Al-Kufah, the Hanafi School takes its name from him. |
Hanifud Din | True of religion (Islam). |
Hanin | Yearning, desire. |
Hanlala | |
Hannad | Old Arabic name |
Hannan | Compassionate, merciful, affectionate, tender-hearted. |
Hanoon | Compassionate, merciful, affectionate, tender-hearted, soft hearted. |
Hanzalah | This was the name of Ibn Abu “Aamir Al-Ansari; he is known as al-ghasil because when he had joined the battle at Uhud |
Haq | True, truth, real, right, just. |
Haqq | One of the ninety-nine excellent names of God |
Haqqani | Correct, right, proper. |
Haqqi | A person who upholds the truth, just. |
Haraam | Sacred; A companion of the Prophet PBUH had this name |
Hareef | Pungent, Acrid. |
Hareem | Respectable. |
Harim | Sanctuary, Sacred Place; |
Harir | Silk, Silken Cloth. Ibn Al-Sarih was so named. |
Haris | Ploughman, cultivator, agnomen of lion. |
Haris, Hares | Guard |
Harisah | Farmer, Ibn-Wahb was a companion who had this name. |
Harith | Ploughman, cultivator |
Hariz | Strong, secure, guarded. |
Harmalah | A Plant (African rue); An Egyption disciple of Shafaee had this name. He was Ibn Yahya. |
Haroon | Chief, protector, guard, the wealth of the entire universe, a Prophet known as Aaron in the Bible and brother of Prophet Moses. |
Haroun, Harun | Arabic form of “Aaron”; lofty or exalted; A Prophet’s name |
Harun | |
Harun Al Rashid | Celebrated Abbasid Caliph (786-809). |
Hasan | Handsome, beautiful, good-looking. |
Hasanat | Good deeds, kind acts, favours. |
Haseeb | Respected, esteemed |
Haseef | judicious, wise |
Haseen | Strong, secure, immune. |
Haseen | Beautiful, Smart |
Hasham | Servant |
Hashash | Mirthful, happy, tidy, pleased. |
Hasher | Collector. |
Hashid | One who rallies people, crowded, gathered |
Hashim | One who smashes or breaks anything to pieces. Grandfather of the Prophet Muhammad. |
Hashimi | Hashemite, a nisba (relation) through ancestry to the Banu Haashim. |
Hashir | Another name for Prophet Muhammad,collector |
Hashmat | Prompt, magnificence. |
Hasib | Another name for Prophet Muhammad |
Hasif | Judicious, wise, prudent, sagacious. |
Hasim | Decisive, definite. |
Hasin | Handsome. |
Hasnain | The two Hasans, Hasan and Husain, the two sons of Caliph Ali and it is used as name of one person. |
Hassaan | Beautiful |
Hassam | Sword |
Hassam-ud-Din | |
Hassan | Really beautiful or one who beautifies |
Hassib | The Reckoner A Name for Allah |
Hasson | |
Hatam | Helper, generous. |
Hatem | Judge, justice, decider. |
Hatib | A wood collector |
Hatif | Praiser; a voice from heaven, or from an invisible speaker; guardian angel. |
Hatim | Judge |
Hatim | decisive, absolute |
Hawshab | A son of Iama Muslim had this name |
Hayaat | Life |
Hayat | Life |
Hayder | Means “lion” in Arabic. This was another name of Ali, the husband of Fatima – daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). |
Hayee | |
Haysam | Lion |
Haytham | Young hawk |
Hayy | Alive, living |
Hayyam | Loving |
Hayyan | Lively, energetic. |
Hazim | Firm, resolute, energetic, judicious, discreet, prudent. |
Hazim | Discreet, prudent |
Hazim, Hazem | Strict |
Haziq | Intelligent, skillful |
Hazir | Another name for God,present,ready |
Hazm | |
Hazrat | An honorific title, used at the beginning of a name. |
Henna | |
Hesam | A sharp sword |
Hiba | gift, boon |
Hibah | Grant, donation |
Hibatullah | Gift of Allah. |
Hibbaan | Fleshy |
Hibban | Having too much flesh, angry, outburst. Name of a scholar of Hadith. |
Hidayat | Instruction |
Hidayat-ul-Haq | Guidance of the Truth (Allah). |
Hifzur Rahman | Remembrance of the Beneficent |
Hikmat | Wisdom. |
Hilaal | Crescent; A companion of the Prophet PBUH |
Hilal | Crescent, new moon. |
Hilal, Hilel | The new moon |
Hilali | Crescent-like. |
Hilmi | Patient, tolerant, lenient, clement, wise. |
Himayat | Protection, safeguarding, sheltering. |
Himmat | Ambition, endeavour, resolution, determination. |
Hirz | Another name for God,place of refuge |
Hishaam | |
Hisham | Beneficence, generosity, Name of a Sahabi. |
Hissan | Generous |
Homair | |
Hooman | Good soul, good natured |
Hosaam | Sword |
Houd | A Prophet’s name |
Houda | Guided |
Hozaifah | A companion of the Prophet |
Hub | Love. |
Hubaab | Bubble of Water |
Hubaish | Well known bird. Name of a Tabi. |
Hubayl | |
Hud, Houd | A Prophet’s name, Islamic Arabic King |
Huda | Right, guidance, right path. |
Hudad | Name of a pre Islamic Arabic king |
Hudhafah | Old Arabic name |
Hudhaifa | |
Hudhaifah, Hudhayfah | Old Arabic name |
Hujayyah | The father of Ajlah bin Abdullah was so called. |
Hujjat | Argument, reasoning, proof |
Hulayl | Old Arabic name. |
Humaid | Praised |
Humaidaan | |
Humair | Red |
Humam | Brave and noble, magnanimous, courageous, generous. |
Humamuddin | Brave (person) of the religion (Islam), generous. |
Humayd | Diminutive of Ahmad, praised. |
Humayl | A companion of the Prophet PBUH had this name. |
Humayu; Humayun | Fortunate; the second Mughal Emperor |
Humayun | Auspicious, fortunate, Mohammad Humayun (d. 1556): name of a Mughal Emperor. |
Humd | Praise of Allah |
Humza | The name Humza is one of the arabic alphabets |
Hunayn | This was the name of the most important man in the Baytal Hikmah (House of Wisdom) |
Hunayn | historical name |
Huraira | |
Hurairah | Narrator of Hadith, a close companion to Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). |
Hurayra | Kitten. This name is usually used in combination with the word “Abu”, as Abu-Hurayra. |
Hurays | A small cultivator; |
Hurayth | A small cultivator |
Hurmat | Chastity, sacred |
Hurrah | Liberal, free |
Husaam | Sword |
Husaam Udeen | The sword of the Faith |
Husaam | Sword |
Husain, Hussein | Little beauty; Hussein was a descendent of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) |
Husam | Sword |
Husam al Din | Sword of the faith |
Husamuddawlah | Sword of the state. |
Husamuddin | Sword of religion (Islam). |
Husayn | Diminutive of Hasan, beautiful, Imam Husayn: second son of Caliph Ali. |
Husayn, Husein | Handsome (Diminutive of Hassan) |
Husayni | Of Husayn; nisba (relation) through ancestry to Husayn. |
Husnan | |
Husni | Possessing beauty. |
Hussain | Islamic thinker; Islamic Saint |
Hussein | Handsome, Beautiful. |
Huthaya | Old Arabic name |
Huthayfa | Old Arabic name |
Huzaifa | An old Arabic name, short-statured. |
Huzaifah | Curtailed, shortened |
Huzair | |
Huzayfa | historical name |
Huzayfah | Curtailing, shortening, curtailed, short. |
Huzayl | Bin Shurah bil had this name |
Hyat |
Ibaad | A worshipper |
Ibn | Son |
Ibn Sina | Sina was the father of Abu Ali Ib-e-Sina, the celebrated physician Avicenna. |
Ibraheem | A Prophet’s name |
Ibrahim, Ibraham | Kind father, (combination of Abu, father and Rahim, kind) a Prophet’s name. |
Ibtisam | Smiling, smile. |
Id | Feast, festival |
Idrak | Intellect, perception, achievement, attainment. |
Idrees | A Prophet’s name |
Idris | A Prophet, the biblical Enoch/ Henoch. |
Iesa | A Prophet’s name |
Ifran | Identity |
Iftekhar | Pride, honor |
Iftikhar | Honour, grace, glory, pride, repute. |
Iftikhar-ud-Din | Pride of the religion (Islam). |
Iftikharus Sadat | Pride of the chiefs. |
Ifzal | |
Ihaab | |
Ihab | Leather |
Ihsaan | Beneficence |
Ihsan | Kindness, beneficence; highest level of Iman |
Ihsanul Haq | Kindness of the Truth (Allah). |
Ihtesham | Respectable, honourable, present personality |
Ihtiraam | Honour, hold in honour. |
Ihtiram | Honour, hold in honour |
Ihtisham | Modesty, decency |
Ihtsham | Strength |
Ijaz | Miracle, inimitability, astonishment, wondrous nature. |
Ijazul Haq | Inimitability of the Truth (Allah). |
Ijlal | Glorification, exaltation, honesty, integrity, fidelity, faithfulness. |
Ijli | This was the name of the makes of astrolabes |
Ikhlaas | |
Ikhlas | Sincerity, purity. |
Ikhtiyar | Choice, preference, selection. |
Ikleel | Crown |
Iklil | Crown, garland. |
Ikram | Honouring, glory, esteem, respect, veneration. |
Ikram-ul-Haq | Glory of the Truth (Allah). |
Ikramullah | Glory of Allah. |
Ikrima | A female pigeon. Name of an illustrious Sahabi. |
Ikrimah | Female of a pigeon |
Iksir | Elixir |
Ilaahi | A term used for the era instituted by the Akbar |
Ilahi | My lord (for Allah), divine. |
Ilahi Bakhsh | Gift of Allah. |
Ilan | Good person |
Ilash | Another name for God |
Ilderim-Khan | |
Ilham | Inspiration, revelation. |
Ilias | A Prophets name (Elijah) |
Ilifat | Friendship, kindness, obligation |
Illiyas | |
Iltifat | Friendship, kindness, obligation. |
Ilyaas | |
Ilyas | A Prophet, the biblical Elias. |
Imaad | Pillar of strength, confident |
Imaad Udeen | The pillar of the Faith |
Imaad | Support, Pillar |
Imaan | Faith |
Imad | Support, pillar, confidence |
Imad al Din | Pillar of the faith |
Imaduddin | Pillar of the faith (Islam). |
Imam | One who leads communal prayer, leader, chief. |
Imdad | Help aid, support. |
Immad | |
Imraan | A Prophet’s name |
Imran | Population, civilization, careful observance of rules of etiquette. Father of Maryam (Mother of Prophet Isa) i.e. Mary, mother of Jesus. |
Imran-Khan | |
Imtiaz | Distinction, privilege, mark of honour. |
Imtiyaz | Mark of distinction or excellence |
Inaam | Reward, favour, Prize |
Inam | Gift, present, prize, grant, reward. |
Inamul Haq | Gift of Truth (Allah). |
Inas | Capable; Sociability |
Inayat | Care, concern, favour, bounty, kindness. |
Inayatuddin | Care of religion (Islam). |
Inayatullah | Care of Allah. |
Inayatur Rahman | Care of the most Gracious (Allah). |
Iniat | Blessing |
Insaf | Justice, impartiality, fairness, equity. |
Insar | Helper, supporter. |
Inshaf | Equity; Justice |
Inshirah | The 94th Surah of the Quran advancing,happiness |
Intaj | King, magnificent |
Intakhab | Election |
Intikhab | Selection, choice |
Intisar | Victory, triumph |
Intizar | Wait |
Inzamam | |
Iqbal | Prosperity, good fortune, good-luck, responsiveness, welfare. |
Iqmal | It means White Soul |
Iqraam | To be of assistance, respect |
Iqrit | A man of early Islam about whom amusing tales are told |
Iqtidar | Power, Office, Authority |
Iravat | Son of Arjuna; Riding Elephant of Indra; Rain Clouds |
Irfaan | Thankfulness |
Irfan | Knowledge, learning, perception, erudition, discernment, science, wisdom, knowledge |
Irshad | Guidance, guiding hand, instruction. |
Irtiza | Contentment, approval. |
Irtiza Husain | Approval of Husayn. |
Isa, Eisa | A Prophet, the biblical Jesus. |
Isaam | Safeguard |
Isaar | Selflessness. |
Isabhani | |
Isad | Making happy or prosperous, blessing, favoring. |
Isam | Self-made. |
Isam, Isam, Issam | Safeguard |
Isbahani | From Isbahan; quite a few people were kown by this name; Abu Bakr ibn Ashtah, among them; he wrote on the syntax and rhetoric of the Quran |
Ishaaq | |
Is-haaq | A Prophet’s name |
Ishaq | One who laughs. A Prophet, the biblical Isaac and son of Prophet Ibrahim. |
Ishâque | |
Ishat | Superior |
Ishayu | Full of strength |
Ishfaq | Compassion, sympathy, pity. |
Ishir | Another name for agni |
Ishrat | Society, Familiar and pleasant talk, happiness. |
Ishtaq | |
Ishtiyaq | Fondness, wish, desire, yearning, eagerness. |
Iskafi | Iskaf is a shoe-maker. |
Iskandar | Name of a Greek king, Alexander. Iskander Mirza: President of Pakistan (1956-58). |
Islah | Reform, improvement, betterment. |
Islam | To bow ones head in submission, surrender (to the will of Allah) name of the religion of the Muslims. |
Ismaael | A Prophet’s name |
Ismad | |
Ismaeel | |
Ismah | Preservation; infallibility; A 9th century scholar, ibn Hammad had this name. |
Ismail | A Prophet, the biblical Ishmael and son of Prophet Ibrahim. |
Ismat | Purity, chastity, modesty. |
Isra | Travel by night. |
Israail | The chosen one |
Israfil | Angel who will blow the Trumpet |
Israil | Another name of Prophet Yaqub. |
Israr | Insist, never gives up |
Issar | Sacrifice |
Istakhri | A Shafaee jurist, Abu Saeed Al-Hasan had this name. |
Istifa | To choose, to prefer, to give prefer to one over the other. |
Itakh | The name of Abu Mansur, the Turk; |
Itban | Censured, blamed; |
Ithaar | Selflessness |
Itidal | Moderation, moderateness, clemency. |
Itimad | Reliance, dependence, confidence. |
Iyaad | Generous |
Iyaas | Compensation |
Iyaaz | Generous, Ibn Himar Mujashit had this name and he was a companion of the Prophet PBUH. |
Iyad | A big mountain |
Iyali | Name of Abu Jafar, a jurist and disciple of Abu Tawr. |
Iyas | Consoling |
Izaan | Obedience |
Izaz | Honour, esteem, regard, affection, to respect an honour, or raise to an exalted position. |
Izazuddawlah | Honour of the state. |
Izhar | Expression |
Izyan | Intelligent, wise |
Izz | Glory, honour, Prestige, High Standing. |
Izz al Din | Might of the faith |
Izz Udeen | Might of the Faith |
Izzaddeen | |
Izzat | Honour, fame, power. |
Izzuddin | Honour of the religion (Islam). |
Jaabir | Consoler, Comforter |
Jaad | |
Jaadallah | |
Jaafar | Rivulet |
Jaan | Life, Soul |
Jaarallah | |
Jaasim | |
Jaasir | |
Jabal | Mountain; ibn Yazid, who lived and held hight office during the reigns of Al-Mansur and Al-Mahdi, had this name. |
Jabalah | Name of Ibn Harisah a companion of the Prophet PBUH. And one who had participated in the Badr Battle. |
Jabbar | Almighty, powerful |
Jabbar, Jabr | Mighty, brave |
Jabber | |
Jabez | God will increase your boundary |
Jabir | Consoler, Comforter, restorer |
Jabr | Compulsion name of a companion, Ibn Ateeq; also bin Habib and bin Nawf. |
Jad | Curly, Frizzled; ibn Dirhim had this name, he ws the tutor of Marwan. |
Jad Allah | Gift of God |
Jadallah | The Generosity of Allah swt |
Jadil-Haqq | Truth follower |
Jadwal | Brook, rivulet. |
Jafar, Jafar | Rivulet, little creek |
Jaffar | |
Jaffer | Flowing water |
Jah | Rank. |
Jahan | World. |
Jahanafirin | Another name for God,creator,of the world |
Jahangir | A moghul emperor had this name |
Jahangir-Khan | |
Jahanzeb | Beautiful |
Jahdami | Abu Amr Nasr, an authority for Hadith had this name. |
Jahdari | Abu al Mujashshar had this name; he was an authority for the Quran. |
Jaheer | Handsome man, high sound |
Jahid | Diligent, hardworking, striving. |
Jahiz | Ogle-eyed |
Jahm | Sullen, Ibn Huzafah Al-Adawi had this name; he helped conduct the funeral of Sayyidina Usman RA. |
Jahsh | Companion of Prophet Muhammad |
Jal | Resolution, firm will |
Jalaal | Glory of the Faith |
Jalal | Majesty, grandeur, glory. |
Jalal al Din | Glory of the faith |
Jalal-ud-Din | The majesty of religion (Islam). |
Jaleb | Attainer |
Jaleel | Great, glorious |
Jalees | Companion, friend, person with whom one sits |
Jalib | Attractive |
Jalil | Great, exalted, magnificent. |
Jalil, Jaleel | Great, revered |
Jalis | Companion |
Jam, Aan | |
Jamaal | Beauty |
Jamaal Udeen | Beauty of the Faith |
Jamal | Handsome; Being fair |
Jamal al Din | Beauty of the faith |
Jamal-ud-Din | Beauty of the religion (Islam). |
Jameel | Beautiful |
Jamesha | Beautiful leader |
Jami | Gatherer, collector, author, writer. |
Jamil | Another name for God, well-bred, good manners |
Jamil, Jameel | Beautiful |
Jammaz | Name of Muhammad Ibn Amr who related anecdotes and recited poetry at the court of al-Mutawwakil. |
Jamshed | Shining river; An ancient king of Persia |
Jamuh | Defiant. |
Jan | Life, heart |
Jan Muhammad | Life of Muhammad. |
Janasheen | Successor, vicegerent. |
Janayd | Historical name |
Jandarah | Name of a Sahabi RA. |
Jan-e-Alam | Life of the world. |
Jansher-Khan | |
Jaraah | Surgeon; name of a tabaree. |
Jareed | Hawk, messenger, herald. |
Jareer | Corpulent; A distinguished companion, |
Jari | Bold, courageous, brave. |
Jarir | One who can pull; name of a famous Arab poet |
Jariya | This was the name of Ibn Jamil; he was on eof the Ashab-As-Suffa |
Jariyah | Name of a Ashb-as-Suffa |
Jarood | Name of a companion of the Prophet (S.A.W). |
Jarrar | Attractive; Huge; Tremendous army |
Jarullah | Neighbour of Allah. |
Jasar | Courageous |
Jasim | Healthy, Strong, Powerful |
Jasim-ud-Din | Great (man) of the religion (Islam). |
Jasir | Brave, bold, courageous, valiant. |
Jasiyah | The 45th Surah of the Qiirayi,the One who kneels |
Jasmir | Strong |
Jasoor | |
Jassur | very brave |
Jasur | Brave, bold, courageous, valiant. |
Jauhar | Gem, jewel |
Jaul | Choice |
Jaun | Kind of plant, handed, generous |
Javaid | |
Javed | Immortal; Eternal |
Javeed | Forever |
Javier | Month of January |
Jawaad | |
Jawad | Generous, liberal, open-handed. |
Jawahir | Jewels; pl. of jawhar, jewel. |
Jawaid | |
Jawan | A young man. |
Jawdah | Heavy rain, benevolent deed |
Jawdat | Excellence, goodness |
Jaweed | Eternal |
Jawhar | Jewel, gem, essence. |
Jawwad | Most bountiful |
Jazam | Encourager, instigator. |
Jazib | Beautiful, Handsome. |
Jazlaan | Happiness |
Jeelan | It is a city in Iran |
Jhanda | |
Jibrail | Arch Angel |
Jibran | Result, value, ransom; Famous philosopher-writer of Lebanon: Kahlil Jibran. |
Jibril | Archangel of Allah (Gabriel) |
Jihaad | |
Jihad | Struggle, Islamically sanctioned war |
Jiyaad | |
Jiyad | Very good; there is also a mountain in Makkah by this name. |
Jnab | An honorific title, Your Excellency. |
Jnhih | Sun |
Juail | One black and ill-shaped, a black beetle, quarrelsome. Name of a Sahabi. |
Juayl | Quarrdsome |
Jubair | Counsels or brings together |
Jubair, Jubayr | Old Arabic name |
Jubayr | Compelled, Assisted a companion of the Prophet PBUH ibn Mutim RA, also ibn Nufayr RA. |
Juda | |
Juday | This was the name of a skilled Kufic (Script) writer who wrote copies of the Quran during the reign of Mutasim. |
Jugnu | a fire- fly |
Juhaym | Sullen; A companion of the Prophet PBUH was so named. |
Jul | Resolution, firm will |
Julaybib | Brave Martyr |
Juma’ | Friday |
Jumah, Jumuah | Born on Friday |
Jumail | |
Jumanah | Pearl; name of a companion |
Jummal | A thick rope, a rope with which a boat is anchored. |
Junaid | Fighter, worrier whose strength is equal to a small army |
Junaid, Junayd | Young fighter |
Junayd | Diminutive of Jund, army, soldiers. |
Jundub | Grasshopper, A companion ibn-Abdullah had this name. |
Jurayj | This was the name of a teacher of Tabari, he was also an authority for Hadith. |
Jurhad | He was ibn Khuwaylid Al-Aslami. |
Jusamah | Nightmare; Name of a companion. |
Juthamah | Nightmare (name of companion) |
Juwain, Juwayn | Sibling |
Juyal | Quarrdsome; A companion of the Prophet PBUH, Ibn Suraqah al-Dumari had this name and was one of the Ahl as Suffah. |
Juzar, Joozher, Joozhar, Zuzer | Competent |
Kaab | |
Kaalim | |
Kaamil | Perfect, accomplished |
Kaarim | |
Kaashif | Uncoverer, pioneer, discoverer |
Kab | Fame, honour, high rank |
Kabaark | Noble, dignatories |
Kabeer; Kabir | Name of a famous poet-saint; A mystic poet or poet sants of India |
Kabir | Great, grand, magnificent, senior, Allah’s epithet. |
Kadar, Kedar | Powerful |
Kadeem | Slave to god |
Kadeen, Kadin | Friend, companion, confidant |
Kadeer, Kadir | Green or green crop (connoting freshness and innocence) |
Kadir | Ray of light; Shoot of grass; Green |
Kafee | Enough, sufficient |
Kafeel | Responsible, Surety, Sponsor |
Kafi | Sufficient, Al-Kafi, one of he names of Allah |
Kafil | Guarantor, surety, sponsor, responsible. |
Kahil | Friend, lover |
Kahill | Best friend |
Kaif | State, condition, mood. |
Ka’im | |
Kaisan | Wise; A companion of the Prophet PBUH. was known by this name. He was Ibn-Jareer Al-Awami RA. |
Kaiser | Emperor, King |
Kajji | Name of Ibrahim Abdullah of Basrah, an authority for the Hadith at Baghdad. |
Kala | |
Kalam | Another name for the Quran, speech, conversation |
Kalan | Greator, bigger, senior. |
Kalbi | Name of Muhammad Ibn Saib an authority on genealogy and the Quran. |
Kaleem | Orator, spokesman |
Kaleema | Public speaker, singer |
Kalim | Another name for Prophet Muhammad, a speaker |
Kalim-ud-Din | Spokesman of religion |
Kalimullah | One who conversed with Allah. An epithet of Prophet Moses. |
Kaliq | Creative, refers to a quality of God |
Kamaal | |
Kamaaluddeen | |
Kamal | Perfection, completion, integrity. |
Kamaluddin | Perfection of religion (Islam). |
Kameel | |
Kamil | Perfect, consumate, thotough; Abu Bakr Ahmad was Ibn Kamil; he studied with Tabari and was a judge at Kufah and a scholar of Hadith. |
Kamil, Kameel | Perfect; one of the ninety nine qualities of God |
Kamran | Lucky, happy, success. |
Kanaan | |
Kanaz | Historical name |
Karam | Generosity, bounty. |
Karamah | Nobility, miracle |
Karamat | Karimah is dignity, honour, respect. Name of a companion of the Prophet PBUH. |
Karamullah | Bounty of Allah. |
Kardal | Mustard seed |
Kardar | Prime minister. |
Kareem | Generous, Noble |
Karif, Kareef | Born in Autumn |
Karim, Kareem | Kind, generous, benevolent, noble, bountiful, magnificent, gracious, merciful, an epithet of Allah. |
Karmani | Benefactor |
Karoobi | Angel. |
Karrar | Impetuous, passionate |
Karukar | Another name for God, workers |
Kasam | The king |
Kasar | |
Kaseem, Kasim | Divided |
Kaseer | Plentiful |
Kashan | Place of rulers |
Kashef | Uncoverer |
Kashif | Explorer; Discoverer; Revealer |
Kasib, Kaseeb | Winner, provider, Fertile |
Kasim | Lovely |
Kasir | Another name for God,One who breaks |
Kateb, Katib | Writer, scribe, tempered, cool, patient |
Katheer | |
Kathe-Khan | |
Kathir | |
Kaukab | Planet. |
Kausar | 108th Surah of the Quran,a stream in Paradise |
Kawkab | Star |
Kawthar | Much, Abundant, Copious. (Name of a river in paradise) |
Kayani | Of good nature. |
Kayid | Cunning |
Kaykaus | Just, noble. King of Iran (d. 1058). |
Kaysan | Wise |
Kazi | Judge |
Kazim | One who controls or suppresses his anger. |
Keyaan | Crown, King |
Khaalid | |
Khabbab | One who paces, trots or walks fast; |
Khabeer | Expert, skillful |
Khabir | One of the ninety-nine names of God, wisdom |
Khader | |
Khadim | Servant, attendant. |
Khafid | Easy, comfortable, smooth |
Khafiz | Easy, comfortable, smooth; also a name of Allah Al-Khafid meaning one who humbles, The Abaser, hence Abdul Khafid. |
Khair | Good, blessing, boon, wealth, benevolent, fortune. |
Khair al Din | Goodness of the faith |
Khair Udeen | The good of the Faith |
Khairat | Blessings, good work, good deeds. |
Khairi | |
Khairi, Khairy, Khayri | Charitable, beneficent |
Khairuddin | Boon of religion (Islam). |
Khairul Bashar | Best of mankind, an epithet of the Prophet Muhammad. |
Khairy | Charitable, Beneficent |
Khairy, Khayri | Charitable, beneficent |
Khalaf | Successor, Descendants |
Khalaf Hasan | Successor of Hasan. |
Khalam | Servent to Allah |
Khaldoon | Old Arabic name |
Khaldun | Name of a famous Muslim philosopher, historian & social scientist. |
Khaldun, Khaldoon | Old Arabic name |
Khaleed | Abiding |
Khaleefa | |
Khaleel | Friend |
Khaleeq | Suitable (for), Worthm Deserving, Polite, Affable, Well-disposed. |
Khalfan | Successor |
Khalid | Eternal, everlasting |
Khalid Bin Walid | General to whom the Prophet Muhammad awarded the title of honour, Sword of Allah (d. 642). |
Khalid, Khaled | Eternal |
Khalifa | Successor, viceroy, caliph, vice-regent. |
Khalifah | Successor, Caliph |
Khalig | |
Khalil | Good friend. |
Khalil al Allah | Friend of God; title given to Prophet Ibrahim |
Khalil, Khaleel, Kal | Beautiful, good friend |
Khalilullah | Friend of Allah, an epithet of Prophet Ibrahim. |
Khalilur | |
Khaliq | One of the ninety-nine names of God,who creates |
Khaliqus Subhan | Worthy of the Glory (Allah). |
Khaliquz Zaman | The qualified (person) of the era. |
Khalis | Pure, true, clear, real. |
Khallad | Old, Aged; A companion of the Prophet PBUH had this name, he was Ibn As-Saib. |
Khallaq | Another name for God, One who creates |
Kharijah | Outside, external; Ibn Huzafah a companion, had this name. |
Khashi | Pious, devout. |
Khasib | Fertile, Productive, Profuse. |
Khateeb | Orator, title of someone who delivers speech. |
Khatib | Suitor, matchmaker. |
Khatir | Heart, idea. |
Khawar | From east to west |
Khawli | Deer. Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr. |
Khawwas | To be filled with food. Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr. |
Khawwat | Name of a companion, bin Jubayr RA who was one of those whom them Prophet PBUH sent to verify reports of treachery of Banu Quraysh. |
Khayaam | Iranian Poet, Tent. |
Khayr | Goodness, health, Safe. |
Khayri | Benevolent, charitable, beneficent. |
Khayrullah | The Prosperity of Allah swt |
Khayyam | Tent-maker. |
Khayyat | Tailor; Name of Abu Muhammad al-=Qasim, a reciter of The Quran. |
Khayyir | Generous. |
Khazin | Treasurer. |
Khidash | A companion of the Prophet PBUH had this name, he was ibn Satamah RA. |
Khidr | Green |
Khirash | Scratching, Scraping, Name of a companion, ibn Abdullah. |
Khizar | Name of a Prophet. |
Khizr | Green |
Khoury | Priest |
Khubaib | Shinning |
Khubayb | A fast walker; Ibn “Adi al-Ansari RA” a companion of the Prophet PBUH who participated in the battle of Badr had this name. |
Khuda Bakhsh | Gift of Khuda (Allah). |
Khulaidah | A form of Khalidah, meaning: permanent. Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr. |
Khulaifah | A form of Khalifah, meaning: Successor, heir. Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr. |
Khulayd | Abidingt; A companion of the Prophet PBUH. |
Khulud | Immortality, eternity. |
Khulus | Clearness, purity |
Khunays | Hidden; Name of a companion of the Prophet PBUH. |
Khuram | Tiger |
Khuraym | Ibn Fatik had this name. |
Khuraymah | Name of ibn Jazi RA, A companion of the Prophet PBUH also bin Sabit a noted companion who was martyred at Badr. |
Khurram | Cheerful, glad, fresh. |
Khursheed | The sun |
Khurshid | Sun |
Khush Bakht | Fortunate, of good fortune |
Khusham | Loin |
Khushtar | Sarrounded by happiness |
Khusraw | Beautiful |
Khuzaimah, Khuzaymah | Old Arabic name |
Khuzayma | Historical name |
Khuzaymah | Old Arabic name |
Khwaja | |
Kibria | Divine majesty, divine grandeur. |
Kifah | Struggle, fight. |
Kifat | Lion, cheetah, tiger. |
Kifayat | Enough, sufficient. |
Kinza | Hidden Treasure |
Kishwar | A country, region |
Kohinoor | The mountain of light, name of a precious stone. |
Kudrat | |
Kulsoom | Ibn Al-Husayn al-Ghifari a well-known companion had this name; and quite a few others. |
Kulthum | (name of companion) |
Kunmayl | Historical name |
Kurayb | Ibn Abi Muslim al-Hashami had this name |
Kursheed | Sun |
Kutaiba | |
Kuukburi |
Labeeb | Understanding, Sensible, Intelligent |
Labeed | |
Labib, Labeeb | Sensible, Intelligent, reasonable, rational, wise. |
Labid | A companion |
Lablab | Ivy |
Laeeq | Qualified, able |
Lahab | |
Laham | Intuition, conjecture, wisdom. |
Lahi’ah | Bin Uqabah al-Misri a narrator of Hadith had this name. |
Laiq | Worthy, deserving, capable, decent. |
Lais | A famous jurist had this name. bin Saad bin Abdur Rahman |
Laith | Lion |
Lajlaj | A companion of the Prophet PBUH al-Aamiree RA had this name. |
Lakshman-Khan | |
Laman | Luminescence, twinkle |
Lame | Brilliant |
Lamee | Bright, shining |
Lam’I, Lamee | Shining, Bright |
Laqeet | Bin Sabirah RA was a well-known companion of the Prophet PBUH. |
Laraib | Faultless, pure, intact. |
Laskhar | Soldier, army. |
Latafat | Elegence |
Lateef | Gracious |
Latif | Kind, gracious, courteous, gentle, friendly. |
Layeeq | Worthy, capable, clever, sensible. |
Layth | A famous jurist had this name , Lion |
Layyin | Tender, resilient. |
Layzal | Another name for God,immortal,undying |
Lazim | Fitting, compulsory, needed. |
Liaqat | |
Liaquat | Decorum, decency, competence, worth, capability, merit. |
Liban | Succesfull, charmed |
Limazah | Ibn Zabbar had this name; he was a narrator of hadith. |
Lisan | Tongue, language. |
Lisanuddin | Language of religion (Islam). |
Liyaqah | Fitness |
Liyaqat | Worth, deserving, merit. |
Lodhi | A famous Afghan tribe. |
Lu’ay | Shield |
Lubaid, Lubayd | Old Arabic name |
Luqmaan | A Prophet’s name |
Luqman | The sage Luqman.. is the type of perfect wisdom, Lokman. |
Lut | Name of a great Prophet of Allah. |
Lutf | Kindness, friendliness, gentleness, grace, courtesy, favour (from Allah). |
Lutfi | Kind, friendly, courteous. |
Lutf-ul-Baari | Kindness of the Creator. |
Lutfullah | Kindness of Allah, favour of Allah. |
Lutf-ur-Rahman | Favour of the All-merciful (Allah). |
Luwai |
Maad | An old Arabian Tribe’s name. |
Maahi | Another name for Prophet Muhammad |
Maahir | Skilled |
Maaiz | |
Maajid | |
Maali | Noble, sublime, Excellency. |
Maalik | Owner, proprietor, master, lord. Allah’s epithet. |
Maarij | The 70th Surah of the Quran |
Ma’awiya | A young dog or fox (First Umayyad Khalifah) |
Maaz | A friend of Prophet Muhammad |
Maazin | Proper name |
Mabad | A place of worship; Many of the prominent people had this name including the companions ibn Khalid al-Juhanni and ibn-Hawzah RA. |
Mabarak | |
Mabruk | Blessed, prosperous. |
Mad | An old Arabian tribe’s name |
Ma’dan | Name of the tutor of the family of Ziyad ibn Abih at Basrah and then at Kufah; he was called al-fil because of the elephant his master had given. |
Madani | Urban, civilized, modern |
Madhat | Praise, lauding. |
Madi | Past, sharp |
Madih | Praised, commendable. |
Madyan | Name of a holy place in Saudi Arabia where the Prophet (PBUH) used to visit |
Mahad | Great, nice |
Mahasin | Pl. of Mahsana, beauty, attraction, virtue, merit. |
Mahaz | The place of war |
Mahbeer | Brave |
Mahboob | Dear, beloved. |
Mahbub | Dear, Darling, Sweetheart |
Mahbubullah | Beloved of Allah. |
Mahd | The guided one |
Mahdi | Another name for Prophet Muhammad |
Mahdy | Guided to the right path |
Maheen | Fine or thin texture, feeble voice (also; despised, contemptuous). |
Maher | Skilled |
Mahfooz | |
Mahfuj | The Protected One, The Protector |
Mahfuz | Safeguarded, well-protected, preserved, secure. |
Mahfuzur Rahman | Protected of the Beneficent |
Mahib | Another name for God; lion; terrible;held in awe |
Mahir | Skilled, skilful, proficient. |
Mahja | Place to sleep, quarters, lodgings |
Mahjub | Hidden, covered, screened. |
Mahmood; Mahmoud; Mahmud | Praised one; Praiseworthy; The Prophet of Islam |
Mahrus | Guarded, protected, secured. |
Mahud | Another name for God; One who is worshipped |
Mahuroos | |
Mahzuz | Fortunate. |
Maimun, Maymun | Auspicious, prosperous, lucky, good fortunate, blessed. |
Maisara | Ease, comfort. |
Maisoon | |
Maisur | Easy, successful, fortunate, lucky, prosperous. |
Majd | Glory, honour, nobility. |
Majd al Din | Glory of the Faith |
Majd Udeen | The glory of the Faith |
Majdi | Glorious, praiseworthy |
Majduddin | The glory of the religion (Islam). |
Majdy | Glorious |
Majeed | Glorious, noble, exalted, an epithet of Allah. |
Majid | Glorious, noble, honourable, generous, Allah’s attribute. |
Majid al Din | Glory of the Faith |
Maka-Khan | |
Makarram-Khan | |
Makeen | Strong, Firm |
Makhdoom | One who is held in reverence and served by others, lord, master. |
Makin | Strong, firm, well founded |
Makki | Pertaining to Makkah |
Makram | Noble trait, excellent quality. |
Maleek | Reigning, ruling. |
Malih | A reciter of Quran was so called. |
Maluf | Familiar, popular. |
Ma’mar | One who lives long, an edifice or a building. |
Mamdooh | Praised, celebrated, famous, commended, laudable. |
Mamdouh, Mamduh | One who is commended, praised, glorified |
Mamnoon | Trustworthy |
Mamoon | Trustworthy honest, faithful, reliable, something about which one feels secure. |
Mamoor | Inhabited, civilized. |
Mamun | Trustworthy, trusted |
Ma’n | Examine closely; accept the truth. |
Manaf | Abd Manaaf: an ancestor of the Prophet Muhammad. |
Manal | Attainment, acquisition, reachable. |
Mandhur | Vowed, consecrated to God |
Mangal | |
Manhal | Fountains, spring of salubrious water. |
Mani | Strong, secure, well-fortified, unconquerable. |
Mannan | Benevolent, bountiful, generous. |
Manoshan | |
Mansha | Resolution, accord, wish. |
Manshoor | Prism, manifesto, law, principal. |
Mansoor | Assisted, aided (by God), victorious, triumphant. |
Mansooruddin | Victorious in religion (Islam). |
Mansour | Aided (by God), Victorious |
Mansur | Divinely aided, victorious |
Mansur-Khan | |
Manus | Friendly, sociable, polite. |
Manzar | View, Sight |
Manzoor | Visible, perspective. |
Maqadar | Fate, destiny. |
Maqbool | Accepted, admitted, granted, approved. |
Maqbul | Accepted, popular |
Maqeem | Resident, residing, staying. |
Maqil | Intelligent; Quite a few people had this name, among them companions of the Prophet PBUH ibn Sinah RA. |
Maqsood | Intended, aimed at, object. |
Maqsud | Proposed, intended |
Maram | Wish, desire, aspiration. |
Maraqab | Ranks, praises. |
Marghoob | Desirable, coveted, agreeable |
Marghub | Desirable, coveted |
Marid | Rebellious Known, good |
Markooz | Centered. |
Maroof | Favour, kindness, kind act, famous, noted. |
Marsad | Ibn Abu Marsad al-Ghanavi was the companion of the Prophet PBUH who took part in the Badr Battle and had this name. |
Maru’deen. | Srtong believer of the religion |
Maruf | Well known, good |
Marufirah | Another name for the Quran; lofty, respected |
Marwaan | |
Marwan | An ancient Arab name. |
Marzooq | Blessed (by God), fortunate, prosperous, successful. |
Marzouq | Blessed (by God); Fortunate |
Marzuq | Blessed by God, fortunate |
Masarrat | Happiness, delight, joy, (Mussarrat is not correct). |
Maseeh | One who is blessed with piety from the cradle to the grave. The Messiah (Jesus), a Prophet. |
Maseehuzzaman | Masih (Messiah) of the age. |
Mashal | Torch |
Masheer | Advisor |
Mashhood | Witnessed, present, manifest, the day of judgment, the day of Arafah. |
Mashhud | Clear, Manifest, Witnessed |
Mashhur | Famous |
Mashkoor | One who is worthy of thanks, deserving, commendable |
Mashkur | Thankful, praiseworthy |
Masir | Destiny, goal. |
Maslama | |
Masood | Prosperous, happy, dutiful, fortunate, lucky. |
Masoud | Happy, Lucky |
Masroor | Happy person, joyfull. |
Masruq | |
Masrur | Happy, joyful |
Mastoor | |
Masud | Fortunate, happy, lucky, protected, sheltered |
Masum | Innocent, infallible. |
Masun | Well protected, sheltered |
Mateen | Solid, constant, tough, substantive |
Matin | Strong, powerful, solid, of resolute mind, durable. Al-Matin: the Strong; one of the names of Allah. |
Matloob | Desired, required, sought after. |
Maudad | |
Mausoof | Worthy of description, endowed with laudable qualities. |
Mawahib | Pl. of Mauhiba, gift, talent. |
Mawdood | Beloved, attached. |
Mawdud | Loving, attached |
Mawhoob | Gifted, talented, endowed, favoured. |
Mawla | Helper, protector. |
Mawsil | Name of a Hanafi Jurist of Iraq (Ibn Mawsil). |
Maymun | Fortunate, blessed |
Maysarah | Ease, Comfort |
Mazeed | |
Mazhar | Manifestation, expression, outlook. |
Mazhar-ud-Din | Manifestation, of the religion (Islam). |
Mazharul | |
Mazharul Haq | Manifestation of the Truth i.e. Allah. |
Mazid | Increase, excess, more. |
Mazin | Cloud that carries rain |
Mazkoor | Related, said of. |
Mazur | |
Mehboob | Lover |
Meherdad | Given by the sun |
Mehmood | |
Mehmud | |
Mehtab | The Moon. |
Mehul | Rain |
Mekka | Name of Holy city |
Mensur | Winner |
Merdasan | |
Meryam | |
Mibsam, Mebsam | Smiling a lot |
Midlaj | Ibn Amr as-Sulami RA had this name. |
Miftah | Key |
Mifzal | Great and blessed person. |
Mihran | Name of a companion of the Prophet |
Mihyar | Name of a famous poet |
Mika | Cool, sweet, intelligent |
Mikaeel | Name of Allah’s Angel. |
Mikail | Name of an Angel (Michael) |
Mikayeel | One of the main Angels of Allah (SWT). |
Mikhail | One of the main Angels of Allah (SWT). |
Mimar | Mason, architect |
Mimrah | Cheerful, lively, gay-tempered. |
Minhaj | Method, system, order, way, road. |
Minhajuddin | Way of religion |
Minnat | Grace, kindness, favour, gift. |
Minnatullah | Gratitude owed to Allah. |
Miqdaad | |
Miqdaam | |
Miqdad | Ibn Amir Ibn Thalabah RA, a well-known companion who participated in the battle of Badr. |
Miqdam | In the forefront of battle, very bold, undaunted. |
Mir | Prince, governor, leader. |
Mir Jahaan | King of the world. |
Miraj | Ascension (to heaven). |
Miran | Princes; pl. of Mir. |
Mirsab | Prudent, wise, a sword of the Prophet Muhammad. |
Mirza | Son of a prince. Honorific title. |
Misal | Example |
Misam | Smiling, happy. |
Misaq | Agreement, covenant, contract, pact. |
Misbaah | Lamp |
Misbah | Lamp, lantern. |
Misbahuddin | Lamp of the religion (Islam). |
Misfar | |
Mishaal, Mishal | Torch, light |
Mishaari | |
Miskeen | Poor |
Mistah | (Musattah is plain level) hence, an instrument to level something. |
Miyaz | Distinguished, preferred |
Mizan | Balance, scales. |
Mizanur Rahman | Balance of the most merciful (Allah). |
Moazzam | Respectable |
Mobeen | Sensitive |
Moeen | |
Moeen ud din | Helper in the religion |
Moeez | Respectful |
Moemen | Believer and faithful to Allah |
Moez | |
Mohammad | Name of the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) |
Mohammed | Praised; from “Muhammad”, name of the Prophet pbuh) |
Mohd. Khaleel | Variant of ‘Khalil’ |
Mohd.Ibraham | Variant of ‘Ibrahim’ |
Mohid | The one who believes in oneness of Allah Almighty |
Mohsin | Helper, attractive |
Moidul | |
Moin | Fountain, spring. |
Moin-Khan | |
Mokbul | Accept |
Momin | One who believes in God |
Moosa | A Prophet’s name |
Moosha | |
Mostafa | Chosen one |
Motabir | Trusted, accomplished. |
Mo’tasim | Handsome |
Motaz | Proud |
Mounir | Light, sunlight |
Mourad | Desire |
Muaaid | |
Muaath | Protected |
Muaawiya | |
Muad | A noted companion of the Prophet PBUH had this name, ibn-Jabal RA. |
Muadh | Protected; name of a companion |
Mu’afa | Ibn Imran, an ascetic, who travelled extensively to find Hadith, had this name. |
Mu’alla | A judge and follower of Abu Yusuf, ibn Mansur had this name. |
Mu’allim | Teacher |
Muammar | Antiquated, long-lived, one given log life, title of Luqman i.e. Lokman. |
Muammer | Senior |
Mu’attib | It was the name of a companion bin Ubayd RA. |
Muawin | Assistant, helper, supporter. |
Muawiyah | Young fox, Sehabie Rasool (sawas) |
Muawwaz | Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr. |
Muawwiz | Ibn Afra RA, the companion who participated in the battle of Badr. |
Muayid | Supported |
Muayyad | Supported, championed, approved, victorious. |
Muaz | protected |
Muazzam | Exalted, glorified, honoured, revered. |
Mubajjal | Glorified, exalted, honourable, greatly respected. |
Muballigh | Preacher, one who preaches and propagates Islam. |
Mubarak | Blessed, fortunate, lucky, auspicious, august. |
Mubaraq | Blessing |
Mubashar | |
Mubashir | Bringer of good news, a Prophet. |
Mubashshir | |
Mubassir | Observer |
Mubayyin | Another name for God; One who makes clear |
Mubeen | Clear |
Mubid | Intellectual |
Mubin | Clear, evident, grandfather of the Prophet |
Mubtasim | Smiling. |
Mudabbir | Planner, designer, disposer. |
Mudar | An Arabian tribe; name of a great grandfather of the Prophet |
Mudasir | Handsome |
Mudasser | A word in the Qur’an |
Muddassir | Wrapped in, enveloped, attribute of the Prophet Muhammad. |
Muddaththir | Covered; a title of the Prophet |
Muddsar | |
Mudhakkir | Reminder |
Mudrik | Perceptive, intelligent, reasonable, endowed with reason. |
Mueen | One who helps |
Mueez | A person who gives shelter. |
Mufaad | Profit, interest. |
Mufaddal | One who is preferred |
Mufakhar | Glorious, exalted. |
Mufakkir | Thinker, one who meditates |
Mufallah | One who prospers |
Mufarrij | One who helps in removing difficulties and worries |
Mufazzal | Preferred, chosen, favoured. |
Mufid, Mufeed | Beneficial, useful, advantageous, favoured, profitable. |
Mufiz | Giver. |
Muflih | One who succeeds, prospers. |
Mufti | Interpreter or expounder of Sharia (Islamic Law). |
Mughis | Helper, assistant. |
Mughith | Helper, succourer |
Mughni | One who releases another from straitened circumstances, an epithet of Allah. |
Muhaajir | |
Muhab | Dignified |
Muhaddas | Compiler of hadith. |
Muhafiz | Preserver, custodian, guardian. |
Muhafiz-ud-Din | Preserver of the religion (Islam). |
Muhaimin | Ruler, overlord, one who provides sanctuary from any hazard or danger. Al-Muhaimin, the All-preserver: one of the names of Allah. |
Muhair, Muhayr | Skilled |
Muhajir | Immigrant |
Muhammad, Mohammed | Praised, lauded, commended, praiseworthy. Muhammad ibn Abdullah (570-632); Messenger of Allah who preached the faith of Islam. |
Muhammed Bachal | |
Muhammed Bux | |
Muhanna | Happy, delighted |
Muhannad, Muhanned | Sword, Indian sword. |
Muharrem | 1st month of Islamic year |
Muharrim | Another name for Prophet Muhammad |
Muhazzab | Polite, courteous, well-mannered. |
Muhdee | One who presents |
Muheet | That which embraces all round |
Muhib | Loving, affectionate, friend. |
Muhibb | Loving |
Muhibuddin | Friend of the religion (Islam). |
Muhibullah | Friend of Allah. |
Muhit | Encompassing, ocean. |
Muhiyuddin | Reviver of the religion (Islam). |
Muhriz | Obtainer, winner, earner, Ibn Awn al-Hilali RA had this name. |
Muhsin | Beneficent, Charitable |
Muhsin | Good-doer, i.e. performs good deeds totally for Allah’s sake only without any show off or to gain praise or fame etc., and in accordance with the Sunna of Allah’s Messenger Muhammed SAAWS. Also the name of one of the sons of Fatimah (Muhammad’s daughter). |
Muhtadi | Rightly guided, following the right path, on the right way. |
Muhtady | Rightly guided |
Muhtashim | Decent, modest, chaste, shy. |
Muhyddeen | |
Muhyi | One who gives life, reviver. |
Muhyi al Din | Reviver of the faith |
Muid | Reviser, restore. |
Muin | Helper, patron, supporter, aide. |
Mu’in/Mu’een | Helper |
Muinuddawlah | Defender of the state. |
Mu’inuddeen | The Helper of the religion |
Muinuddin | Helper of the religion (Islam). |
Muinul Islam | Supporter of Islam. |
Muiz | The giver of might and glory |
Muizz | One who honours, strengthens. |
Muizzuddawlah | He who renders the state mighty. |
Muizzuddin | One who strengthens the religion (Islam). |
Mujaahid | Fighter (in the way of Allah) |
Mujab | One whose prayers were answered |
Mujaddid | One who renews or renovates or refreshes. |
Mujahid | One who struggles, strives, or fights for the cause of Islam, soldier of Jihad. |
Mujammil | Adorner, beautifier. |
Mujazzir | A person who cuts off, uproots, or consolidates. Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr. |
Mujazziz | One who cuts off, name of a companion, al-Mudliji. |
Mujeeb | Responder |
Mujib | Replier, answerer. Allah’s epithet. |
Mujibur | Responsive |
Mujir | Protector, defender, helper, supporter. |
Mujtaba | Chosen, selected, elected. Title of the Prophet Muhammad. |
Mujtahid | Diligent, industrious, hardworking. |
Mukafih | Freedom fighter. |
Mukammil | Perfecting, completing. |
Mukarram | Honoured, revered, honourable, noble. |
Mukhallad | Immortal. |
Mukhlis | Sincere, honest, true, faithful. |
Mukhtaar | Chosen |
Mukhtar | Selected, chosen, preferred, favorite, the most exquisite.. |
Mukhtarul Haq | Chosen by the Truth (Allah). |
Muktafi | Satisfied, contended. |
Mukthadir | Strong, health |
Mulayl | A companion was so named |
Mulham | Inspired |
Mulhim | Inspiring |
Mulk | Kingdom, sovereignty, supreme power or authority. |
Mulla | A Persian construction probably from the Arabic Mawla (master, leader, lord). |
Mumin, Moomin | Believer (in Islam), pious, one who advocates peace and harmony. Allah’s attribute. |
Mummar | Given or granted long life |
Mumtaz | Distinguished, superior, outstanding. |
Munadi | A scholar of Baghdad who wrote books on the Quran and related subjects, Abu al-Hasan, had this name. |
Munadil | Fighter, defender. |
Munaf | Exalted, inconsistent with contradictory to. |
Munahid | Strong |
Munaim | Benevolent kind. Al-Munaim, the Benevolent: one of the names of Allah. |
Munasir | Helper, protector, friend. |
Munawwar | Enlightened, lighted |
Mundhir | Warner, cautioner |
Muneeb | One who turns in repentance |
Muneef | |
Munib | One who turns to Allah seeking His pardon. |
Munif | Eminent, exalted, superior, high, lofty. |
Munim | Benefactor, donor, grantor. |
Munir, Muneer | Splendid, shining, something that reflects light, bright, brilliant, radiant, luminous.. |
Muniruzzaman | Brilliant of the age. |
Munis | Name of a previous chief army guard |
Munjid | Helper, supporter, rescuer. |
Munkadir | This was the name of Abu Bakr Muhammad, an ascetic and authority for Hadith. |
Munna | Strength, power, vigour. |
Munqad | One who is led, conducted, obedient |
Munqiz | Saviour, rescuer, deliverer. |
Munsif | Just, fair, righteous. |
Muntaha | |
Muntahakhan | |
Muntaqim | The Avenger; He who punishes wrongdoers; One who takes revenge. Name: Abdul Muntaqim. |
Muntasir | One of the Abbasid Khalifah was known as such |
Muntazar | Expected, prospective, anticipated, awaited. |
Muntazir | The awaitting |
Munthir | Warner, Cautioner |
Munzir | Warner, cautioner, forerunner, Messenger sent by Allah to warn mankind. |
Muqaddas | Sacred |
Muqaffa | Name of Abdullah (Ibn al-Muqaffi) who had converted to Islam from Zoroastrian religion and worked with the uncles of al-Mansur. |
Muqarrab | Intimate companion, friend, one who is brought near the throne of Allah, one who is nearest to Allah. |
Muqatadir | Name of an Abbasid Khalifah |
Muqbil | Following, next |
Muqeet | Provider. Al-Muqeet, the Nourisher; one of the names of Allah. |
Muqla | Eye, eyeball, the middle of anything, Ib Muqlah; Abbasid vizier and “founder of Arabic calligraphy”. |
Muqsit | Just, impartial, Allah’s attribute. |
Muqtadi | Follower, one who follows an imam during ritual prayer. |
Muqtadir | Able, powerful, mighty, Allah’s epithet. Al-Muqtadir, the omnipotent: one of the names of Allah. |
Muqtafi | One who follows (another). Al-Muqtafi (1136-60): Abbasid Khalifa. |
Muqtasid | One who is economical, thrifty. |
Murabbi | Patron, Superior, guardian |
Murad | Will, intention, desire, intended. |
Murarah | Bitterness, innermost, heart; al-Rabi al-Ansari RA was a companion who participated in the Battle of Badr. |
Mursal | Messenger, Prophet, Ambassador |
Murshid | Leader, guide, adviser, counselor. |
Murtaad | Ascetical |
Murtada, Murtadi, Murtadhy | Satisfied, contented, pleased |
Murtadaa | Chosen one |
Murtadi, Murtadhy | Satisfied, content |
Murtaza | Chosen, approved, agreeable, acceptable, an epithet of the Prophet Muhammad. |
Musa, Moosa | A Prophets name (Moses) |
Musaaid | |
Mus’ab | Ibn-Umair RA was so named he was a companion whom the Prophet PBUH name as one of the fourteen eminent guardians. |
Musad | Unfettered camel; favored by fortune, lucky |
Musaddiq | One who confirms. One who accepts another’s word as truth. |
Musaid | Helper, assistant, supporter. |
Musawwir | The FashionerA Name for Allah |
Museeb | Apple in persian. Also means great warrior |
Musharraf | One who is honoured, exalted. |
Musharrif | One who exalts. |
Musheer | Advisor |
Mushfiq | Kind, tender, fearful. |
Mushir | The one of highest rank was used mostly in military in the past, now used to describe many things in arabic. |
Mushir-ul-Haq | Counselor of the Truth i.e. Allah. |
Mushtaaq | |
Mushtaq | Longing, desiring, eager. |
Musir | Prosperous, affluent, rich. |
Musleh | Reformer |
Muslih | Peacemaker, conciliator, reformer, one who sets things right. |
Muslihuddin | Reformer of the religion (Islam). |
Muslim | Follower of the religion of Islam. |
Mussarrat | Joyful, always happy |
Mustaba | |
Mustaeen | One who asks the help or aid or assistance. |
Mustafa Kamal | Founder of modern Turkey (1881-1938). |
Mustafa, Mustaffa | The choosen one, also one of the Prophets names |
Mustafavi | Attributed to the family of Mustafa, i.e. Muhammad. |
Mustafeed | Profiting, gainful |
Mustafiz | Profiting, one who is desirous of gaining. |
Mustahfiz | Guardian, protector, custodian. |
Mustahsan | Commendable |
Mustajab | One who is heard, one whose supplication is answered. |
Mustakfi | One who desires another to do something effectively. |
Mustakim | Straight road |
Mustali | High, elevated, superior. |
Mustamsik | Composed, calm of mind, one who restrains himself. |
Mustaneer | Brilliant |
Mustanjid | One who implores for help. |
Mustansir | One who asks for help. |
Mustaq | |
Mustaqeem | Straight |
Mustaqim | Straight, upright. |
Mustarshid | One who seeks direction. |
Mustasim | He who holds fast. |
Mustatab | Good, Delectable. |
Mustazhir | Memorizer, one who knows by heart. |
Mustazi | One who seeks light or advice or guidance. |
Muta | Obeyed |
Muta Ali | The Most Exalted A Name for Allah |
Mutaa | Obeyed |
Mutad | Prepared, ready. |
Mutahhar | Pure, clean, purified, very beautiful. |
Mutahhir | What Purifies |
Mutakabbir | The Majestic A Name for Allah |
Mutali | Exalted, supreme. |
Mutamad | Trustworthy, reliable, dependable. |
Mutamakan | Accomplished, perfect, complete. |
Mutamid | One who relies upon Allah. |
Mutamin | One who entrusts his affairs to the management of another. |
Mutammam | |
Mutammim | Perfecting, completing. |
Mutaqid | Confident, believer, faithful friend. |
Mutashim | Decent, honest and modest |
Mutasim | Abstaining from sin (by the grace of Allah), preserved, defended. |
Mutawakkil | One who puts his trust (in Allah). |
Mutawalli | Entrusted |
Mutawassit | Moderate, average. |
Mutaygab | Son of Prophet Muhammad; aromatic; clear |
Mutayyib | Fragrant. |
Mu’taz | |
Mutazid | One who takes assistance (of Allah), petitioner of justice. |
Mutazz | Mighty, proud, powerful. |
Mutee | Obedient, pious, devoted, faithful, submissive. |
Muthanna | Old Arabic name |
Muti | Giver, granter, donor, Al-Muti: the Granter: one of the names of Allah. |
Mutiul Islam | Obedient (follower) of Islam. |
Mutiur Rahman | Obedient (servant) of the most gracious i.e. Allah. |
Mutlaq | Free, unlimited, unrestricted. |
Muttalib | Seeker. Abdul Muttalib: grand father of the Prophet Muhammad. |
Muttaqi | God-fearing, pious, religious, devout. |
Muttee | Obedient |
Muwafaq | Successful |
Muwaffiq | Successful, prosperous, lucky, fortunate. |
Muyassar | Fortunate, facilitated |
Muzaffar | Victorious, triumphant, conqueror. |
Muzaffaruddin | Victorious of the religion (Islam). |
Muzahir | Protector, defender, supporter. |
Muzahiruddin | Defender of the religion (Islam). |
Muzakkir | Reminder, warner. |
Muzammil | One who is enwrapped in garments. Al-Muzzammil: title of the 73rd Sura of the Quran. In this sura, Allah addresses the Prophet Muhammad. |
Muzammil | The wrapped one |
Muzhir | Witnessed, name of companion |
Muzzammi | guided one |
Muzzammil | One who is wrapped up; a title of the Prophet |
Naabih | Noble, famous, eminent, distinguished, brilliant. |
Naadir | Dear, Rare, Precious |
Naaif | |
Naa’il | Acquirer, Earner |
Naaji | |
Naajy | Safe |
Naase | Clear, pure, white. |
Naasif | |
Naasih | Advisor |
Naasiruddeen | |
Naathim | Arranger, Adjuster |
Naazil | |
Naazim | |
Nabeeh | Noble, Outstanding |
Nabeel | Noble, gentleman |
Nabhan, Nabih | Intelligent, witty |
Nabi Bakhsh | Gift of the Prophet. |
Nabi Bux | |
Nabi | Another name for Prophet Muhammad, messenger |
Nabibukhsh | |
Nabigh | Distinguished; talented; man of genius, brilliant person. |
Nabigha | Genious, talent |
Nabighah | Intelligent |
Nabih | Famous, noble, outstanding, eminent, distinguished, brilliant. |
Nabil, Nabeel | Noble, high born, honourable, intelligent, dexterous, one skilled in archery. |
Nabiullah | An epithet of the Prophet Nuh. |
Nadeem | Intimate friend, boon companion, courtier. |
Nadheer | |
Nadhir | Warner |
Nadiha | |
Nadim | Friend, companion |
Nadim, Nadeem | Friendly, entertaining |
Nadir | Extraordinary, rare, dear, exceptional. |
Nadira | Rare, Inaccessible |
Nadqid | A critic; a reviewer; a fault-finder. |
Nadr | Flourishing |
Naeb | Deputy |
Naeem | Happiness, comfort, ease, tranquil, felicity, peaceful, bliss, pleasure, bounty, anything given as gift. |
Naeemullah | Grace of Allah, bliss of Allah. |
Naef | Excess, surplus. |
Nafasat | Refinement |
Nafe | Benefactor |
Nafee | Beneficial, Profitable |
Nafees | Pureness, Pure |
Nafi | Beneficial, advantageous, profitable. |
Nafis | Refined, pure, choice, exquisite, precious, invaluable, costly. |
Nahi | Another name for Prophet Muhammad |
Nahid | Stainless |
Naib | Deputy, Second in Command |
Naif | Exalted, lofty, eminent, superior. |
Naif Na’il | Aquirer, earner |
Naim | Comfort, ease, tranquility |
Najaf | |
Najah | Success. |
Najair | Little Star |
Najam | Star |
Najat | Rescue, salvation, deliverance. |
Naje | Wholesome, beneficial |
Najeeb | Noble, gentle, Beneficial |
Najeed | Highland |
Najeeh | Sound, good (opinion). |
Najeem | |
Najeh | Successful |
Naji | Saved, liberated, safe. |
Najib, Najeeb | Excellent, noble, distinguished, praiseworthy, generous, aristocratic. |
Najib-ud-Din | Distinguished (person) of religion. |
Najibullah | Distinguished (servant) of Allah. |
Najid | One who helps, supports. |
Najih | Successful, prosperous. |
Najillah | Saved by Allah. An epithet of Prophet Nuh. |
Najiullah | Intimate friend of Allah. |
Najiyy | Intimate friend |
Najjar | Carpenter |
Najji | Intimate friend, bosom friend. |
Najm | Star, celestial body |
Najm al Din | Star of the faith |
Najm Udeen | The star of the Faith |
Najmuddawlah | Star of the state. |
Najmuddin | Star of the religion (Islam). |
Nakir | Hateful |
Naman | Old Arabic name |
Namdar | Renowed, famous. |
Nameer | Pure, clear, healthy, good. |
Namik | Writter/Author |
Namir | Leopard, tiger, panther. |
Namood | Sample, model, paragon. |
Naqeeb | Chieftain |
Naqi | Pure, clean. |
Naqib | President, head, chief. |
Naqid | Fault-finder |
Naqit | Salih bin Aasim had this name. |
Naqiy | clear, pure |
Naqqaash | Painter, artist |
Naseef | The just one |
Naseem | Fresh air |
Naseer | Helper, protector, patron. |
Naseeruddin | Defender of the religion (Islam). |
Naseh | Adviser, preacher |
Nashah, Nashat | Growing up, youth |
Nashat | Joy, Cheer |
Nasheet | Energetic, dynamic, lively, fresh, vigorous. |
Nashi | Growing, fresh, nascent |
Nashir | One who scatters; Exposer; Announcer |
Nashit | Energetic, dynamic, lively, fresh, vigorous. |
Nashwan | Elated, exalted, exuberant. |
Nasib | Noble, highborn. |
Nasif | Most just, equitable. |
Nasih | Advisor, well-wisher |
Nasihuddin | Counselor of the religion (Islam). |
Nasim | Gentle wind, fresh air, fragrant air, zephyr, a cool breeze. |
Nasimuddin | Breeze of the religion (Islam). |
Nasim-ul-Haq | Breeze of the Truth i.e. Allah. |
Nasir | Protector, helper, supporter |
Nasir al Din | Protector of the faith |
Nasir; Naseer | Defender; Supporter; Success |
Nasirah | A companion of Prophet Muhammed,helper,friend |
Nasiruddin | Defender of the faith (Islam). |
Nasmi | Breeze |
Nasr | Help, aid, support. |
Nasr, Nasser | Victory |
Nasrallah | The Victory of Allah swt |
Nasri | Winner of victory after victory. |
Nasruddin | Victory of the religion (Islam). |
Nasrullah | Help of Allah. |
Nassaar | |
Nasser | Victorious |
Nasser Udeen | Protector of the Faith |
Nasuh | Sincere, faithful |
Natheer | Warner |
Natiq | Endowed with speech, eloquent, rational (being), spokesperson. |
Nauman | Flower Beds, Blood; name of the kind of Hirah in Arabia, especially of the last, Numan bin Munzir, also name of a Sahabi (AS). |
Naushad | Happy |
Naveed | Happy tidings, good news. |
Navid; Naved | Messenger of happiness; Good News; Glad tiding |
Navroz | |
Nawaar | |
Nawab | The powerful influencer; A governor in India during the Mughal empire |
Nawaf, Nawwaf | High, lofty |
Nawal | Gift |
Nawaz | Prince, kind, loving and generous. |
Naweed | Glad tidings |
Nawf | |
Nawfal | Generous, Old Arabic name for the sea |
Nawshad | Very happy |
Nawwaf | Superior, high |
Nayab | Rare, Precious |
Nayif, Naif | High, excellent; surplus, abundance |
Nayyar | Bright star, sun. |
Nazakat | Delicacy |
Nazan | Proud |
Nazar | A vow, promise made to God; a gift, charity, votive offering. |
Nazeef | Clean, neat |
Nazeeh | Pure, Chaste |
Nazeer | Warner, Prophet sent by Allah to warn mankind, a courtier. |
Nazif | Pure, clean, innocent, neat and clean, chaste. |
Nazih | Pure, virtuous, just, honest. |
Nazih, Nazeeh | Pure, chaste |
Nazim, Nazeem | Organizer, governor, arranger, adjuster, administrator, director, a composer of verses. |
Nazimuddin | Organizer of the religion (Islam). |
Nazir | Another name for the Quran, One who preaches |
Nazmi | Arranger, organizer |
Nazzeer | Precedent, alike, equal to. |
Neeshaan | |
Nehan | Beautiful |
Niaz | Dependence |
Niazi | Petitioner, an afghan tribe. |
Nibras | Lamp, light |
Nidal | Fight, defence |
Nihal | Happy, Prosperous |
Nijad | Tall, dominant |
Nilabh | Moon |
Nimat | Blessing, boon, favour, grace, bounty, comforts of life. |
Nimatullah | Blessing of Allah. |
Nimr | Tiger |
Nisar | To strew, to sacrifice. |
Nishaaj | Explorer |
Nishat | Mirth, ecstacy. |
Nithar | Sacrifice |
Niyaz | Dedication, Offering |
Nizaam | |
Nizaar | |
Nizal | Striving, contest, competition, battle. |
Nizam | Order, arrangement, discipline, ruler, system. |
Nizamat | Organization, arrangement. |
Nizami | Of or relating to Nizam. |
Nizamuddin | Discipline of the religion (Islam). |
Nizam-ul-Mulk | The organization of the kingdom. |
Nizar | Old Arabic name |
Nizzar | Keen-eyed |
Nokhez | Newly bloomed, arising. |
Noman | Men with all blessings of Allah |
Nooh | A Prophet’s name |
Noor | Light, illumination. Allah’s epithet. |
Noor Muhammad | Light of the Prophet Muhammad. |
Noor Udeen | Brightness of the Faith |
Noorali | Light of Ali |
Noori | Light, luminous. |
Nooruddin | Light of the religion (Islam). |
Noorul Absar | Light of vision. |
Noorul Ayn | Light of the eye |
Noorul Haq | Light of the Truth i.e. Allah. |
Noorul Huda | Light of the right guidance (of Allah). |
Noorullah | Light of Allah. |
Nooruz Zaman | Light of the era. |
Nooruzzaman | Light of the era. |
Noraiz | The first ray of sunlight which came to earth |
Nosherwan | |
Nour | Light |
Noureddine | Light of faith |
Nuaim, Nuaym | Name of several of the Prophets companions |
Nuaym | One of the narrators of Hadith was Abu Nuaym al-Nakhee; ibn Masood was a well-known companion by this name. |
Nuayum | Historical name |
Nubaid | Bringing Happiness |
Nuh, Nooh | A Prophets name (Noah) |
Nuhaid, Nuhayd | Big |
Nujaym | Starlet |
Nu’maan | |
Numair | Panther |
Numan | Blood, red |
Nur | Light. |
Nur al Din | Brightness of the faith |
Nur Firdaus | Light of the Highest Paradise |
Nurani | Luminous |
Nuraz | The Treasure Of Noor |
Nurdeen | Light of the religion |
Nuri, Noori | Shining, brightness |
Nur-ul-Qiblatayn | Light of the two Qibla |
Nusayb | Name of Ibn Rabah al-Thaqati a black slave who fought in the early wars of Islam. |
Nusayr | Ibn al-Farj al-Asaliyy a narrator of Hadith had this name. |
Nusrah, Nusrat | Help, support |
Nusrat | Help, aid, assistance, support. |
Nusratuddin | Help of the religion (Islam). |
Nuzayh | Pure, chaste. |
Obaid | Small Slave |
Omair | Intelligent |
Omar | First son; Disciple; Gifted Speaker; Famous; An era; Name of the second Caliph-(Khalifah) |
Omeir | Long living |
Omran | Solid structure |
Osama | Lion |
Osman | |
Ossama | One of the names of the lion |
Ossamah | |
Othman | |
Owais | A companion of the Prophet (S.A.W). |
Pamir | Helper, constant perfect. |
Parsa | Devout or abstemious person, pious |
Parvaiz | |
Parvez | Success, Name of a Persian King |
Parwez | Victorious peace |
Pasha | Lord, honorific title. |
Pervaiz | Breeze |
Pir | Saint, spiritual guide, wise. |
Pirzada | A son of pir (Sufi), a souvenir of leader. |
Purdil | Brave, fearless. |
Qaadir | Capable |
Qaaid | |
Qaasim | |
Qabeel | Son of Sayyidina Aadam |
Qabid | The ConstrictorA Name for Allah |
Qabil, Qabeel, Qaabeel | Another name for God, efficient, skilful |
Qabir | |
Qabiz | One of the ninety-nine names of God |
Qabool | Accepted, accreditec, appreciated. |
Qabus | |
Qadar | Divine destiny |
Qaddur/Qaddoor | Capable |
Qadeer | Able, powerful, mighty, one of the names of Allah. |
Qadi | Judge |
Qadim | Old, primitive, without any beginning or end |
Qadir | Able, capable, powerful, might. One of the names of Allah. |
Qahhar | The Subduer A Name For Allah |
Qahir | Courageous, brave, conqueror, destructor |
Qahtan | Name of a tribe |
Qaid | Leader, commander |
Qaim | Rising, Standing, Existing, well-grounded. |
Qais | Measure, measurement, firm, example. |
Qaiser | Caesar |
Qalandar | One who lives in solitude. |
Qamar | The moon. Al-Qamar: title of 54th sura of Quran. |
Qamaruddin | Moon of the religion (Islam). |
Qanbar | Historical name |
Qane | Satisfied |
Qani/Qanee | Satisfied with one’s life |
Qanit | Obedient, Submissive, Humble, God-fearing. |
Qaraja | |
Qareeb | Near |
Qarib | Another name for God,proximity,poetic meter |
Qarin | |
Qaseem | Share, Portion |
Qasid | Messenger, courier. |
Qasidul Haq | Courier of the Truth i.e. Allah. |
Qasif | Discover |
Qasim | Divider, distributor |
Qasit/Qaasit | Just, Fair |
Qaswarah | Lion |
Qatada | Historical name |
Qatadah | Name of a companion of the Prophet |
Qatawah | A companion |
Qati’i | Muhammad Ibn Yahya, a student of Hadith ahd this name. |
Qawee | Strong, powerful |
Qawi | Strong, powerful, firm, mighty. One of the names of Allah. |
Qays, Qais | Firm |
Qayyam | Another name for God, immortal |
Qayyim | Another name for the Quran, just, strong |
Qayyum | Eternal, everlasting. An epithet applied to Allah. |
Qazafi | One who lives in vast forest. |
Qazi | Magistrate, Judge |
Qidam | – |
Qismat | Fate, destiny. |
Qiwam | Support, prop. |
Qiwamuddin | Support of the religion (Islam). |
Quadir | Strong |
Quasim | Judge |
Qudamah | A companion of the Prophet PBUH Ibn Mazoon RA. |
Quddoos | Holy, most, pure, free from any defects. Al-Quddus, the All-holy: one of the names of Allah. |
Quddus | Very holy |
Qudoos | Most holy |
Qudrat | Power, strength; potency; nature |
Qudratullah | Power of Allah. |
Quds | Holiness, sanctity. |
Qudsi | Holy, sacred. |
Qudus | Holiness, sanctity. |
Qudwa | Model, example. |
Quraish | |
Qurban | Sacrifice, sacrifice on the occasion of Eid-al-adha. |
Qureshi | Attributed to Quraish, the tribe of the Prophet Muhammad. |
Qurratulayn | Darling, dearest |
Qusay | Old Arabic name |
Qusta | He was ibn Luqa. He translated works of philosophy, astronomy and geometry into Arabic for the Baytal Hikmah of Al-Mamun. |
Qutaiba | Irritable, impatient. |
Qutaybah, Qutaibah | Bin Saad bin Jamil a narrator of Hadith had this name. |
Qutb | Leader, chief, pivot, axis, pole. |
Qutbah | Name of Ibn Maalik RA a comanion of the Prophet PBUH. |
Qutbuddin | Leader of the religion (Islam). |
Qutub | Chieftain, leader |
Qutuz |
Raadi | |
Raafe | A companion |
Raafi | |
Raahil | Path guider |
Raaid | |
Raaji | |
Raakaan | |
Raakin | Respectful |
Raamis | The good looking one |
Raamiz | Symbol |
Raashid | Major, Adult, Orthodox, Guided, Intelligent |
Raatib | Arranger |
Raazi | Satisfied, contended, well-pleased. |
Rab | Lord, master. One of the names of Allah. |
Rabah | Gainer, winner |
Rabar | A loving and caring person to all |
Rabb | Lord, master |
Rabbani | Divine, from Allah. |
Rabee | Spring |
Rabees | Powerful, fearless, dauntless. |
Rabi | Spring, breeze |
Rabia | Fem. of Rabi. |
Rabiah | Greenery |
Rabih | Winner, gainer. |
Rabit | Binding, Fastening |
Radi/Radhi | Happy, Satisfied |
Ra’ed | Leader |
Raeef | Very sympathetic |
Raees | Rich, Wealthy, Chief |
Raem | One who has a desire and searches. |
Rafan | Beautiful, graceful |
Rafaqat | Friendship, closeness. |
Rafay | The Exaulter, To Elevate Rank |
Rafe | The exalter |
Rafee | High, High-ranking, cultured, refined |
Rafeed | Helper, supporter |
Rafeek | Friend |
Rafeeq | Kind friend |
Rafi | High ranking, noble, eminent, exalted, sublime. |
Rafid | Tributary stream, affluent, helper, supporter, aide. |
Rafif | Glittering, shining, gleaming. |
Rafik | Kind, friend |
Rafik-Khan | |
Rafiq | Associate, intimate friend, companion. |
Rafiqul Islam | Friend of Islam. |
Rafi-ud-Din | Noble (person) of the religion (Islam). |
Ragheb | Desirous |
Ragheed | Comfort, opulence, affluence. |
Raghib, Ragheb | Willing, desirous, wishful, inclined towards anything. |
Raghid | Pleasant |
Raham | Merciful. |
Rahat | Rest, Repose, Peace. |
Rahbar | Leader, guide, coach. |
Raheel | One who shows the way, Fearless or Brave. |
Raheem; Rahim | Compassionate; Merciful |
Raheesh | Leader, Chief, Rich |
Rahib | |
Rahil | Path guider |
Rahim | Merciful, compassionate, kind. Al-Rahim, the most Merciful: one of the names of Allah. |
Rahman | Compassionate, merciful; referring to qualities of God listed in the Quran |
Rahmat | Sympathy, mercy, compassion, kindness. |
Rahmatullah | Mercy of Allah. |
Rai | Guardian, custodian, patron, protector, sponsor. |
Ra’id, Raed, Raa’id | Pioneer, explorer, leader, model. |
Raif | Merciful, gentle |
Raihaan | |
Raihan | Heavens’ Flower |
Raiq | Pure, clear, tranquil, serene. |
Rais | Leader, chief, president, superior, nobleman. |
Raisuddin | Leader of the religion (Islam). |
Raiyan | Satisfaction, contented |
Raja | Hope, anticipation |
Raja Al-Karim | Hope of the Kind. |
Rajaa | Hope |
Rajab | The seventh month of the Muslim year |
Rajah | |
Rajeel | One who walks too much, steadfast. |
Rajeh | Preferable |
Raji, Raajee | Hopeful, hoping, full of hope. |
Rajih | Having the upper hand, more acceptable |
Rajwan | Full of hopes |
Rakeem | Writer |
Rakhshan | Dazzling, Shining, Bright. |
Rakin | Respectful, firm, confident |
Ramadan/Ramadhaan | Ninth month of the Muslim lunar calendar; month of fasting |
Ramalaan | |
Rameez | Intelligent, dignified |
Rami | Marksman |
Ramih | Arcturus (brightest star in constellation Bootes) |
Ramin | Who rescues the people from hungry and pain. Brings Joy into peoples life |
Ramiz | One who indicates by signs. |
Ramiz-ud-Din | One who indicates by signs to the religion (Islam). |
Ramzi | The man who keeps secrets. |
Rana | A flower, happy and gay, clever. |
Rani | To gaze, gazing |
Rao | |
Raonar | Lustre |
Raoushan | Bright |
Raqib | Observer, guard. the watcher: one of the names of Allah. |
Raqim | Writer |
Raquib | Most watchful |
Raseem | One who designs |
Rasesh | Lord Krishna |
Rashaad | |
Rashad | To lead a righteous life, right guidance, integrity of conduct. |
Rashdan | Guidance. Name of a Sahabi RA. |
Rasheed, Rashid | Wise, prudent, judicious, rightly guided. Al-Rasheed, the Right-minded: one of the names of Allah. |
Rasheed-ud-Din | Wise (person) of the faith (Islam). |
Rasheeq | Graceful, elegant |
Rashid | One of good council; rightly guided, wise, having true faith |
Rashiduddin | Rightly-guided (person) of the religion (Islam). |
Rashiq | Graceful, elegant. |
Rasikh | Well-established, well-founded, stable, steady. |
Rasil | Messenger |
Rasim | Planner, designer. |
Rasin | Calm, composed. |
Raslan | Lion |
Rasmi | Formal, official |
Rasool | Name of the nabi |
Rasool Bux | |
Rasul | Messenger, messenger of Allah. |
Rasul aidil | |
Rasul aidil | |
Rasul | Another name for Prophet Muhammad |
Ratib | Regular, arranger |
Ratiq | Another name for God,One who brings together |
Rauf | Merciful, kind, compassionate. Al-Rauf, the most Kind: one of the names of Allah. |
Raunak | Fame |
Ravoof | Slavery of Love |
Rawaha | Rest, ease |
Rawahah | Departure, Fragrance, ease |
Rawdah | Garden Meadow, Paradise |
Rawh | Refreshment, Rest |
Rawman | |
Rawza | Garden, Meadow, Paradise |
Rayan | The gate of heaven which allows fasting people in Ramadan to enter |
Rayees | Rich |
Rayhaan | Sweet basil |
Rayhan | Ease, fragrant herb, sweet basil, comfort. |
Rayn | It is the name of a gate of the heaven. |
Rayyaan | |
Rayyan | Luxuriant; one of the gates of paradise |
Raza | Wish, assent, good will, desire. |
Razak | Protector |
Razam | Lion |
Razeen | Sedate, Slemn, Grave, Sober-Minded. |
Razi | Thankful of anybody, contented, satisfied. |
Razin | Calm, composed, self-possessed. |
Raziq | Another name for God,cherisher |
Razi-Ur-Rahman | Pleasure of the Beneficent |
Razzaq | Provider. Al-Razzaq, the All-provider: one of the names of Allah. |
Reda, Rida, Ridha | (In Gods) favor; contentment, satisfaction |
Reem | White gazelle |
Reemaz | Intelligent, wise |
Rehaan | |
Rehaman; Rehman; Rahaman; Rahman | Merciful |
Rehan | King |
Rehma | The loving |
Rehman | Kind hearted |
Rehmat | Kind |
Rehmat-ullah | Blessings of Allah Almighty |
Rehyaaz | |
Reza | Contentment, satisfaction, pleasure, approval, consent. |
Rezaul | |
Rezaul Karim | Satisfaction of the most Generous (Allah). |
Riaz | Garden, devotion |
Rib’i | Ibn Ibrahim bin Muqasim al-Asadi, Ibn Jarash and Ibn Abdullah all had this name; they were narrators of Hadith. |
Ribi’i | |
Rida | |
Ridha | Contentment |
Ridhwan | Acceptance, Good will, Name of the keeper of the Gates of Heaven |
Ridwaan | |
Ridwan | Acceptance, satisfaction; name of the keeper of the gates of Heaven |
Rifaah | Dignity |
Rifah | Name of twenty three companions of Muhammad. |
Rifat | High rank, high standing, dignity, exaltation, eminence. |
Rihab | Vastness |
Risay | The Risk, Black Rose, Lovest One, The One |
Rishan | Good human being |
Riyaal | |
Riyad, Riyadh | Gardens |
Riyasat | Rule, Dominion |
Riyaz | Practice |
Riyazul Islam | Gardens of Islam. |
Riyyan | |
Riza | Pleasure, assent al-Sharif Abu al-Hasan Ibn-Tahir had this name. |
Rizawan | Angel who is the guard of Paradise |
Rizq | Livelihood, subsistence, blessing of Allah. |
Rizq Allah | Livelihood from Allah. |
Rizvi | Descendant of Imam Ali Raza. |
Rizwaan | Satisfaction contentment, happiness, pleasure, name of the Keeper of the gates of Jannah (Paradise). |
Rizwan | Messenger of Good news |
Robeel | Flight |
Rohail | Noble |
Romail | |
Ronaq | Lustre. |
Rooh | Spirit, soul. |
Roohul Amin | Spirit of the faithful, spirit of the reliable; an epithet of Jibreel. |
Roohullah | Spirit of Allah. An epithet of Prophet Isa. |
Roshan | Bright, Shining |
Rowel | Flower |
Ruhab | Our who keeps one’s promise. |
Ruhani | Spiritual |
Ruhi | Spiritual |
Ruhul Haq | Spirit of the truth. An epithet of the Prophet Muhammad. |
Ruhul Qudus | Spirit of the holy. Epithet of Jibreel i.e. Gabriel. |
Rukanah | Firm, solid; Ibn Abd Yazid was RA a companion of the Prophet PBUH and he had this name. |
Rukhailah | Female sheep. Name of a Sahabi who took part in the battle of Badr. |
Rukham | White stone, marble. |
Rukn | Pillar, prop, support. |
Ruknud Din | Pillar of the religion (Islam). |
Rushan | Illuminated |
Rushd | Maturity, wisdom, sensible conduct |
Rushdi | Mature, wise |
Rushil | Attractive |
Rustam | The most renowned hero among the Persians, hero of the Persian epic Shahnama. |
Ruwaid, Ruwayd | Walking gently |
Ruwayfe | High, superior, exalted |
Ruwayfi | Exalted |
Ruwwad | Pioneers, explorers, guides, leaders, models; pl. of Raid. |
Sabih, Sabeeh | Beautiful, pleasant, fond |
Saabiq |
Saabir | Patient |
Saad | Good luck, good fortune, success, happiness, prosperity, lucky. |
Saadah | Happiness |
Saadat | Prosperity, happiness, good fortune, auspiciousness. |
Saadi | Happy, lucky, blissful fortunate, name of a great Persian poet. |
Saadiq | |
Saaduddin | Success of the religion (Islam). |
Saadullah | Joy of Allah. |
Saafi | Pure, clear, crystal. |
Saafir | Ambassador, handsome |
Saahir | Wakeful |
Saaiq | He who drives on the right path |
Saajid | One who worships God |
Saal | The year consisting of twelve months |
Saalih | Good; Righteous |
Saalim | |
Saami | Eminent, exalted, high-minded, sublime. |
Saamir | Fruit-bearing, fruitful, productive. |
Saaqib | Star |
Saariyah | Clouds at night |
Sab | Lion |
Sabaah | |
Sabah | Morning, Dawn |
Sabahat | Beauty, Grace, Handsomeness. |
Sabaque | One who surpasses or excels. |
Sabat | Firmness, stability, certainty, endurance, boldness, truth. |
Sabbir | Patient |
Sabeeh | Beautiful, handsome, one with a fair complexion. |
Sabeer | Patient, tolerant. |
Sabih, Sabeeh | Coming or arrival in the morning. |
Sabil | Path, way |
Sabiq | Another name for God,primary,first,former |
Sabir, Sabeer | Patient, persevering |
Sabit | Strong, well-established, certain, sure. |
Saboor | Patient, tolerant, forbearing. |
Sabri | Of patience, perseverence |
Sabuh | Shining, brilliant. |
Sabur | Patient, perservent |
Saburah | Ibn Abdul Aziz a narrator of Hadith had this name. |
Sad | Good luck |
Sad al Din | Good of the Faith |
Sadaat | Princes, lords, chiefs title of the Prophet Muhammad’s director descendents. |
Sadad | Right thing to do, lucky hand |
Sadan | Happy, Fortunate |
Sadaqat | Truth |
Sadeed | Relevant, Pertinent |
Sadeem | Haze, Mist |
Sadeeq | Trustworthy |
Sadi | Historical name |
Sadid | Correct, right, sound, appropriate, unerring, hitting the target. |
Sadik | Truthful, veracious |
Sadiq | True, truthful, honest, sincere, devoted, faithful, veracious. |
Sadir | Ordered, pasted, appointed. |
Sadit | Hard working and strong. |
Sadoon | |
Sadooq | Honest, truthful, sincere, trustworthy. |
Sadr | Chest, breast, forefront, start, dawn, bosom, the highest part, prime. |
Sadruddin | Person at forefront of the faith (Islam). |
Saduh | Singer, singing. |
Saeeb | Right, appropriate. |
Saeed, Said | Fortune, auspicious, venerable, dignified, happy, lucky. |
Saeeduz Zaman | Luckiest of the age. |
Saeel | Attacker. |
Safa | Friendship, purity, love, company. |
Safar | |
Safdar | One who breaks the enemy’s rank |
Safeenah | Name of an Ahl As-Suffah. |
Safeer | Emissary |
Saffah | Killer, blood shedder. |
Saffar | Abu Ali Ism ail, an authority for Hadith had this name; died 952. |
Safi | Pure, just, righteous, pious. |
Safir | Ambassador, mediator, intercessor. |
Safiuddin | The pure (one) of the faith (Islam). |
Safiullah | The pure (one) of Allah. |
Safiy | Best friend |
Safiy al Din | Best friend of the faith |
Safiy-Allah | Allah’s chosen one |
Safiyy | Chosen One. |
Safiyyullah | The Choice of Allah swt |
Safuh | Forgiving |
Saful Islam | Sword of Islam. |
Safulmulk | Sword of the kingdom. |
Safwaan | |
Safwah, Safwat | The best, the chosen |
Safwan | Pure, clear, smooth stone, cloudless day. |
Safwat | Supreme,good friend,purity,choicest part |
Sagar | Ocean, sea. |
Sagheer | Small, short |
Saghir | Small, young, slender, tender. |
Saghir Ali | Little Ali. |
Sahab | Clouds. |
Sahar | Time before day break; bewtich. |
Saheim | Warrior |
Sahel | One who shows way/path |
Sahib | Companion, freind. |
Sahil | River bank; Shore; Kinara |
Sahir | Magician |
Sahl | Soft, soil, smooth, smile. facile, easy, even. |
Sahm | Arrow, dart |
Sahmir | Entertaining companion |
Saib | The wind coming with rain. |
Said, Sayyid | Ibn Al-Hasan Ar. Raba’ee a narrator of Hadith. |
Saidah | Lion. |
Saif | Sword |
Saif al Din | Sword of the faith |
Saif, Sayf, Seif | Sword (of religion) |
Saifan | Sword of Allah |
Saifuddin | Sword of the religion (Islam). |
Saiful Azman | Sword of dream |
Saiful Baari | Sword of the Creator. |
Saiful Islam | Sword of Islam. |
Saifullah | Sword of Allah. Title of honour awarded to Khalid Bin Walid by the Prophet Muhammad. |
Saim | Fasting. |
Sair | Walking, going on foot. |
Sa’irah | Walking |
Saiyid | |
Saja | A pleasant face, eloquent. |
Sajal | Promise, vow, pledge, commitment. |
Saji | Abu Yahya had this name, a scholar and jurist who studied with the disciples of al-Shafaee. |
Sajid | Prostrate in worship, bowing in adoration to Allah. |
Sajidur Rahman | One who prostrates to the Merciful (Allah). |
Sajjad | One who constantly prostrates, worshiper of Allah, worshipper engaged in sujud (prostration) before Allah. |
Sakeen | |
Sakha | Generosity, liberality. |
Sakhan | Obedient. |
Sakhawat | Generosity, liberality, open-handness. |
Sakher | Conqueror. |
Sakhi | Generous. |
Sakhir | He who wins heart. |
Sakhr | Rock; Bin Wadaah RA was a companion of the Prophet PBUH. |
Sakhrah | Rock(s). |
Saklain | |
Sakoot | Silence, peace, calm, satisfaction. |
Salaah | |
Salaahddinn | The righteousness of the faith. |
Salaam | Peace |
Salabah | B. Abdullah was a narrator of Hadith. |
Salabat | Strong, majesty, dignity, awe. |
Salah | Piety, righteousness, honesty, goodness, peace, concord, treaty, rectitude. |
Salah al Din | Righteousness of the Faith; name of the Muslim leader who liberated Jerusalem from the Crusaders |
Salah Udeen | The righteousness of the Faith |
Salah | Righteousness |
Salahuddin | |
Salah-ud-Din | Rectitude of the faith (Islam). |
Salam | Peace, safety, security. Al-Salam, the All-peaceable: one of the names of Allah. |
Salama | Peace; fem. of Salam. |
Salamah | Soundness, integrity |
Salamat | Safety, security, soundness, integrity. |
Salamatullah | Security of Allah. |
Salar | Leader, officer of army, commander. |
Salarjung | Army leader in war |
Saleel | Warrior of understanding, Noble hearted, container of inner strength |
Saleem | Sound, affable, healthy, guarded, perfect, complete, safe, secure. |
Saleemullah | Soundest (servant) of Allah. |
Saleemuz Zaman | Soundest (servant) of the time. |
Saleet | Shar-tongued. |
Saleh, Salih | Good, right; a Prophets name |
Salem | Safe |
Salif | Previous, Former. |
Salih | Pious, righteous, upright, just, virtuous, devoted, chaste. |
Salik | Passable, unobstructed. |
Salil | Drawn (sword), scion, son. |
Salim, Saleem | Another name for God, perfect, healthy |
Salit | Strong, solid, firm, sharp. |
Salmaan | |
Salman | Safe, mild, affable, perfect, name of a sahabi i.e. companion of the Prophet Muhammad. |
Salsaal | Pure Water |
Salsal | Pure Water |
Salt | Ibn Bahram, a narrator of Hadith had this name. |
Sama | One who listens a lot. |
Samad | Eternal, high, Al-Samad, the Everlasting: one of the names of Allah. |
Samah | Generosity, bounty, good-heartedness. |
Samama | A companion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). |
Saman | Price, Worth. |
Samar | Fruit, Outcome. |
Samee | Listener |
Sameed | Brave, simple |
Sameeh | Forgiving, kind |
Sameer, Samir | Early morning fragrance; Breeze; Wind; Entertainer |
Sameeullah | |
Sameh | Forgiver |
Sami | Hearing, listening. Al-Sami, the All-Hearing: one of the names of Allah. |
Samih | Magnanimous, generous, king, forgiving, good-hearted. |
Samil | Peacemaker |
Samim | Sincere, genuine, pure, true, essence, heart. |
Samin | Valuable, precious, priceless. |
Samiq | Another name for God,exalted,tall |
Samir, Sameer | Entertaining companion |
Samit | Quiet. |
Samiy | Exalted, honorable |
Sammak | Abu al-Abbas Muhammad Ibn Sabih had this name. |
Samman | Grocer |
Samsaam | Sword; name: Samsaamuddin. |
Samsam | Finely tempered sword |
Samurah | Name of a distinguished Sahabi RA. |
Sana | Praise, commendation, eulogy. |
Sanad | Another name for God,evidence,proof |
Sanaubar | A cone-bearing tree, fir, Pne. |
Sanaul | |
Sanaullah | Worshiper of Allah. |
Sanawbar | A cone-bearing tree, fir, Pine. |
Sanie | Brilliant, majestic, exalted, eminent, splendid. |
Saniyy | High, supreme |
Sa’ood | Fortunate, Happy |
Saqaf | To surpass in skill. |
Saqeel | Strong, tough, robust, foreceful. |
Saqer | Falcon |
Saqib | Penetrating, piercing, sharp-witted, sagacious, astute, acute. |
Saqif | Proficient, skilful. |
Saqlain | Two worlds, world and Hereafter. |
Saqr | Falcon |
Saquib | Bright, luminous |
Sarab | Mirage. |
Sarae | Swift. |
Sarafat | Nobility, honest |
Saramat | Chief, ruler, traveller. |
Sarar | |
Sardar | Chief, noble man, officer of rank. |
Sarfaraz | King |
Sarfraz | Person sitting at a high place. |
Sarim | Lion, brave, big hearted |
Sariyah | Clouds at night; name of a companion of the Prophet |
Sarkar | Chief, overseer. |
Sarmad | Eternal, everlasting |
Sarosh | Name of an angel who speaks but does not appear. |
Sartaj | |
Sarwar | Chief, leader, Joy, Delight. |
Sarwat | Wealth, Fortune, riches. |
Sati | Shining, bright |
Satih | Another name for God,preacher |
Sattar | Veiler (of sin). Al-Sattar, the veiler of sin: one of the names of Allah. |
Sauban | Two garments. |
Saud | Fortunate, pious, auspicious, prosperous. |
Saulat | Pomp, dignity, majesty. |
Sawa | Equal, same. |
Sawad | Blackness, Skill. |
Sawlat | Influence, commanding, personality, awe. |
Sawwaf | Wool Stapler, Wool Dealer. |
Sayeed | Leader, Auspicious |
Sayeshan | |
Sayf | Sword |
Sayf Udeen | Sword of the Faith |
Sayfiyy | Concerning sword. |
Sayfullah | The sword of Allah swt |
Sayhan | Flowing. |
Sayid | Lord, Master |
Sayooj | |
Sayuj | United companion comrade |
Sayyar | Mobile, Constantly on the move. |
Sayyid | Chieftain, master, lord,munificent |
Seema | Mien, Expression, Countenance. |
Seif | Sword |
Seif al Din | Sword of the faith |
Seif, Sayf | Sword (of religion) |
Shaady | Singer |
Shaaf | One who gives health. |
Shaafi | Intercessor, mediator. |
Shaaheen | |
Shaahir | |
Shaamikh | |
Shaamil | |
Shaar | Habit, custom, an under garment. |
Shaariq | Radiance |
Shabaan | Islamic Month. |
Shabab | Youth |
Shaban | Eighth lunar month. It is a month of religious significance for Muslims. |
Shabar | Nector |
Shabaz | Beautiful, handsome, intelligent, protected by Allah,self confidence, respectful |
Shabb | Young |
Shabbar | Son of the Prophet Harun, by which name Muhammad is said to have called his grandson Hasan. |
Shabbeer | Appellation of Imam Husayn (R.A). |
Shabbir | Son of Prophet Harun, by which name Muhammad is said to have called his grandson Husain. |
Shabeeh | Resembling. |
Shabeer-Ali | |
Shabi | A leading scholar of his time, especially for the Hadith. |
Shabib | A scholar who wrote about spelling in the Quran, Ibn Shabib. |
Shabir | |
Shad | Happy |
Shadab | Fresh, evergreen |
Shadaf | |
Shadah | Pleasant, happy, jovial, jubilant. |
Shadan | Happy |
Shaddaad | |
Shadeed | Lover |
Shadhin | Independant |
Shadi | Singer, enchanter |
Shadin | Fawn, young deer |
Shadman-Khan | |
Shafaat | Intercession, mediation, recommendation. |
Shafay | Intercessor, mediator. |
Shafee | Intercessor, mediator. |
Shafeeq | Compassionate, Tender |
Shafi | The healer, attributive name of Allah. |
Shafin | He who cures |
Shafiq, Shafeeq | Affectionate, compassionate, tender, kind-hearted friend, warm-hearted. |
Shafiulla | Compassionate of Allah or Purity of Allah. |
Shafqat | Compassion, pity, kindness, tenderness. |
Shagufta | Blooming, Happy |
Shaguftah | Blooming, Happy. |
Shah | King, emperor. Title assumed by fakirs i.e. mystics. |
Shah Alam | King of the world. |
Shah Jahan | King of the world. |
Shah Nawaz | Friend of king. |
Shah Nawaz; Shahnawaz | Brave |
Shahab | Bright red colour. |
Shahadat | Testimony, evidence, fundamental belief in Islam. |
Shahalad | Joy |
Shahan | King |
Shahan Shah | King of kings. |
Shaharyar | King |
Shahbaz | Royal falcon, royal, generous, noble. |
Shaheed | Present, witness, martyr in the cause of Islam and as such held in very high esteem and honour. |
Shaheem | Intelligent |
Shaheen | Royal, white falcon; the needle of the beam of scales. |
Shaheer | Well-known, famous |
Shaheryar | |
Shahid | A martyr (religious or political) |
Shahin | Hawk |
Shahiq | High, towering, lofty, tall. |
Shahir | Famous, eminent, renowned. |
Shahjahan | |
Shahnaaz | Pride of a King |
Shahnawaz | |
Shahnawaz | Brave |
Shahrukh | Concerning, monarchy. |
Shahrul | Moon |
Shahwar | Very precious, title of a king. |
Shahzad | Prince, son of king. |
Shahzada | Prince. |
Shahzaib | Crown of a king, like a king. |
Shahzor | Extreme Power. |
Shahzore | Powerful, kingly, forceful, strong. |
Shaibaan | Grayness, senility, old age. Name of a Sahabi RA. |
Shaida | Greatly Attached |
Shaik | |
Shaikh | Chief, an experienced man, an old man. |
Shaikhul Islam | Leader of Islam. |
Shailen | |
Shaiq | Full of desire |
Shairyaar | Friendship. |
Shaista | Gentle, obedient |
Shaizad | |
Shajan | Long, lengthy. |
Shajee | Brave, courageous |
Shaji | Courageous, bold, brave, fearless. |
Shakaib | |
Shakeel | Handsome, Comely. |
Shakeyb | Historical name |
Shakib | Present, gift, reward |
Shakil | Well formed, handsome, comely, well-shaped. |
Shakir | Thankful, grateful, contented. |
Shakoor | Very thankful |
Shakorun | A Name for Allah |
Shakur | Thankful, most grateful, one who gives due appreciation. Al-Shakur, the All-thankful; one of the names of Allah. |
Shalabh | Parwana |
Shalik | A sage |
Shalin | Good manners |
Shalina | Courteous |
Shaline | Praiseworthy |
Shallal | Waterfalls. |
Shamal | Wind that comes from the north |
Shamas | Sun |
Shameel | Complete |
Shameem | Fragrance |
Shamel | Comprehensive, complete. |
Shamikh | Another name for God,lofty,arrogant,exalted |
Shamil | All comprehensive |
Shamim | Fragrant, scent, a sweet-smelling breeze. |
Shamiq | Exalted, high |
Shammakh | High, lofty |
Shammas | A companion of the Prophet PBUH, bin Usman al-Makhzumi RA, who was martyred at Badr. |
Shammyn | Sun light |
Shamoil | He name of a Prophet. |
Shams | The sun. |
Shams al Din | Sun of the faith |
Shamshad | Box-tree |
Shamsheer | The sword of honors. |
Shamsideen | Sun of religion. |
Shams-ud-Din | Son of the religion (Islam). |
Shamsuddin-Khan | |
Shamsudduha | Son of forenoon. |
Shamsul | |
Shams-Ul-Haq | Appellation given to Indian and Pakistani Scholars. |
Shamsuzzaman | Sun of the age. |
Shamuel | Banu Israil Prophet |
Shan | Dignity, Splendour. |
Shanawar | Informed, knowing, aware of. |
Shaoor | Wisdom, decorum. |
Shaqeeq | Real; brother; name of a Sahabi RA; part, half, piece, brother. |
Shaquita | Blessed |
Sharaf | Nobility, high rank, eminence, honour distinction, honour, glory, dignity. |
Sharafat | Honour, nobleness. |
Sharafuddin | Honour of the religion (Islam). |
Sharafyab | Dignified |
Sharaheel | Ibn Abdul Hameed had this name, he was a narrator of Hadith. |
Shardul | The best |
Shareef | Distinguished, Noble |
Shareeh | A companion |
Shareek | Associate. |
Shareeq | |
Shariat | Divine law, Islamic Law. |
Shariatullah | Divine law of Allah. |
Sharif, Shareef | Honest, honorable, noble, distinguished |
Sharifuddin | Noble (person) of the religion (Islam). |
Sharifudin | The noble religion |
Sharim | Fast, quick, brisk. |
Shariq | Radiant, Bright. |
Sharique | Sunrise. |
Sharjeel | Fine |
Shatir | Clever, smart |
Shaukat | Power, might, valour, dignity, magnificence, grandeur, pomp, power. |
Shawaiz | Speak melodious |
Shawal | |
Shawkat | Glory, dignity |
Shawqi | Affectionate |
Shayaan | Intelligent |
Shayal | Hardworking, diligent, determined. |
Shayan | Suitalbe, desirable, suited, worthy, eligible, fit. |
Shaybah | Grey-haired, aged. |
Shayda | Frenzied (with love) |
Shaz | Rare |
Shazad | Prince |
Shazeb | Decorated king |
Shaziya | Aromatic |
Shees | The name of a Prophet |
Shehran | The ancient king of Persia |
Shehroze | King of Roses |
Shehryaar | Sovereign. |
Shehryar | Friend of the city. |
Shehyar | Lucky one |
Shehzaad | Prince |
Sher | Lion, An epithet of Kahlifa Ali. |
Sherafgan | Powerful, one who defeats a lion. |
Sheraz | Name of a prince who founded a Persian city Sheraz. |
Sheryar | King |
Shibil | Young one in Arabic |
Shibl | Lion cub |
Shibli | Mawlana Shibli Numani was a great Scholar and writer. |
Shifa | Cure |
Shifwat | Good friend |
Shihaab | |
Shihab | Flame, meteor, shooting star, star. |
Shihab al Din | Star of the Faith |
Shihab | Flame,Blaze |
Shihabuddin | Meteor of the religion (Islam). |
Shihad | Honey |
Shiham | Sagacious, clever |
Shimah | Cream; Character |
Shiqdar | Land tax collector during the Muslim rule in India, now a family title. |
Shiraz | Sweet |
Shoaib | A Prophet’s name. |
Shriranjan | Lord Vishnu |
Shua | Ray of the sun, sunshine, light, luster, splendour. |
Shu’aa | Beams, Rays. |
Shuaib, Shuayb | A Prophet (see surat al-Araaf 7:88). |
Shubool | Lion cubs; pl. of Shibl. |
Shufwat | Best,immaculate |
Shuhrat | Fame, renown. |
Shuja | Brave, bold, Valour. |
Shujaa | |
Shujaat | Courage, bravery, valour. |
Shujauddin | Brave (person) of the religion (Islam). |
Shukr | Thanks, gratitude, gratefulness. |
Shukrallah | The Thanks of Allah swt |
Shukri | Thankfulness |
Shumail | |
Shumayl | Complete |
Shuneal | Traveller |
Shuqran | Blondness, fair. |
Shurahbeel | Ibn Shurayk, a narrator of Hadith was known by this name. |
Shuraih | |
Shurayh | Bin Artah al-Nakhee, a narrator of Hadith had this name. |
Shuraym | Split, Cleavage |
Siddeeqi | |
Siddiq | Righteous, very truthful, hones, sincere. |
Siddique | Friend, companion. |
Siddiqui | Attributed to the first Khalifa Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq (d.634) through ancestry. |
Siddiqullah | The truthful (one) to Allah. An epithet of Prophet Yusuf. |
Sidqi | |
Sifarish-KhanSofian | |
Sifet | Quality |
Siham | Arrows; pl. of Sahm. |
Sikandar | Name of a famous Sovereign |
Silah | Arms, armour, weapons. |
Silahuddin | Armour of the religion (Islam). |
Silan | A diamond, part of sword which is sheathed. |
Silm | Peace. |
Silmi | |
Simak | Arcturus (Star). |
Sinan | Spear. Umm Sinan: a sahaabia i.e. a woman who lived in Prophet Muhammad’s time. |
Sinanuddin | Spear of the religion (Islam). |
Siraaj | Lamp; Light |
Siraj | Lamp, light, the sun, candle. |
Siraj al Din | Light of the faith |
Sirajud Dawlah | Lamp of the state. |
Sirajuddeen | |
Sirajuddin | Lamp of the religion (Islam). |
Siwar | Bracelet, Arm-ring. |
Slaeet | Sharp-tongued. |
Sofian | Devoted |
Sohaib | Reddish or Sandy (Hair). |
Sohail | Gentle, ease; name of star. |
Soham | I am |
Sohel; Sohail | Moon Light |
Sohil | Handsome |
Sohrab | |
Sohum | |
Somood | Steadfastness, firmness, endurance. |
Sonia | |
Souban | A companion, Returning |
Souffian | Sand |
Su`ud | Good luck |
Sual | Invitation |
Subah | Beautiful, graceful. |
Subahuddin | Beautiful (person) of the religion (Islam). |
Subaih | Beautiful. Name of Sahabi who took part in the battle of Badr. |
Subayah | Handsome, Comely. |
Subbooh | Extremely pure; Allah’s attribute. Name: Abdus-Subbooh. |
Subhan | Praise, glory. Al-Subhaan, the Glory: one of the names of Allah. |
Subhi | Pertaining to morning. |
Subhy | Early morning |
Suboor | Patience, one who takes pity on sinners. |
Sufi | A mystic, someone believing in Sufi mysticism. |
Sufian | Ship builder. Abu Sufian: name of a companion of the Prophet Muhammad. |
Sufyaan | |
Sufyan | Old Arabic name |
Suhaan | Very good |
Suhaem | Arrow |
Suhaib, Suhayb | Of reddish hair or complexion; name of the first Roman to embrace Islam |
Suhail, Suhayl | Gentle, easy; the name of a star |
Suhaili | A companion |
Suhaim, Suhaym | Arrow |
Suhayb | Of reddish hair or complexion |
Suhayl | Canopus (Star). |
Suhayr | Late night companion |
Suheb | Love. |
Suhrab | Son of the Iranian epic hero Rustam. |
Sulaimaan | |
Sulaiman | |
Sulaiman, Sulayman | A Prophet, the biblical Solomon, son of Prophet Dawood. |
Sulayk | Traveller, Walker. |
Sulayman | A Prophet’s name |
Sulayt | Dominant, Strong. |
Suleman | |
Sultaan | Authority. |
Sultan | King, emperor, ruler, authority, power. Title of a Muslim king. |
Sumamah | Millet (Plant). |
Sumayya | Matyr of Islam |
Sumrah | Brownness |
Suoud | Good luck |
Suraqah | Name of a companion of the Prophet |
Surayj | Ibn Yunus al-Marwazi, a jurist and authority on the Hadith had this name. |
Suroor | Happiness, joy |
Surraq | Thieves, name of a distinguished Sahabi RA. |
Surur | Joy, happiness. |
Suud, Suoud | Good luck |
Suwailim | |
Suwaybit | Roof over path, alley between houses. |
Suwayd | Black. |
Swab | True, right. |
Sydeek | King |
Syed | Always in control. |
Taafeef | Praise, hymn of God, definition, recognition. |
Taaha | |
Taahid | To console, to guard. |
Taahir | Chaste; Modest |
Taai | Obedient, willing. |
Taajuddeen | |
Taalib | |
Taalim | Sky. |
Taamir | One who knows dates |
Taanish | Good |
Taban | Resplendent, Glittering |
Tabarik | To be magnified greatly. |
Tabassum | Smiling |
Tabbar | Family, caste, race. |
Tabeed | Glitter, curve, shine, brightness. |
Tabish | Heat, Brilliancy. |
Tabnak | Hot, bright. |
Tabrez | Challenging; Showing openly |
Tafazzul | Courteousness, favour kindness, beneficence. |
Tafazzul Husain | Favour of Husain. |
Tafheem | Undersanding, knowledge, know-how. |
Taha | Mystic letters at the beginning of Surat Taha, from which the sura derives its title. |
Tahawwur | Rashness |
Tahfeez | To praise, to describe. |
Tahib | Watchful. |
Tahir | Virtuous, pure, pious, modest, clean, chest. |
Tahleem | Ornament, beauty. |
Tahmeed | Praise, appreciation, recitation of good will. |
Tahmid | Thanks to the graceful and merciful Allah |
Tahoor | Purifying, cleansing |
Tahseen | Acclaim, appreciation |
Tahsin | Adornment, ornament, decoration, embellishment, betterment. |
Taib | Repentant, penitent. |
Taif | Vision, specter. |
Taifur Rahman | Vision of the Merciful i.e. Allah. |
Taim Allah, Taym Allah | Servant of God |
Taimoor | |
Taimoor-khan | |
Taimullah | Servant of Allah. |
Taimur | A famous king, iron. |
Taiseer | |
Taisir | Making easy, facilitating, simplification. |
Taj | Crown; Jewel |
Taj al Din | Crown of the faith |
Taj Bakhsh | King maker. |
Tajammal | Beautiful |
Tajammul | Dignity, Magnificence, Pomp |
Tajammul Husain | Adornment of Hussain. |
Tajdar | Ruler, king, emperor, royal member. |
Tajim | Respect |
Tajmmul | |
Tajuddin | Crown of the religion (Islam). |
Tajul Islam | Crown of Islam. |
Tajwar | King, ruler, emperor, royal person. |
Talaal | |
Talab | Demand. |
Talal | Being pleasant, nice, admirable, agreeable, joy, a beautiful.. form or appearance. |
Talat | Appearance, countenance. |
Talha | Name of a Sahabi (R.A.) i.e. a companion of the Prophet Muhammad. |
Talhah | Kind of tree |
Tali | Rising, Ascending, Going up |
Talib | Sender (of truth), student |
Talim | Education, instruction. |
Talish | Glittering, bright. |
Taloob | Desirous. |
Taloot | Commander of Banu-Israil’s Army |
Talum | Be sympathetic. |
Talût | Saul |
Tamam | Generous |
Tamanna | Wish, desire. |
Tameem | Perfect, complete |
Tameez | Discretion, sense, manners |
Tamim | Strong, complete |
Tamir | Rich or abounding in dates, date seller. |
Tamiz | Distinction, distinguishing, judgment discrimination. |
Tamiz-ud-Din | Distinction of the religion (Islam). |
Tamjid | Praise, glorification, extolment. |
Tamkanat | Dignity, honor |
Tamkeen | Dignity, Gravity |
Tammaam | |
Tammam | Generous |
Tamton | |
Tamwar | |
Tanim | Wave of the Sea, Rythem |
Tanveer | Enlightened |
Tanvir | Illumination, blossoming. |
Tanweel | Bestow upon, give. |
Tanweer | Lighting |
Tanwir | Enlightening |
Tanzeem | Organization, arrangement, method. |
Tanzil | Revelation, sending down. |
Tanzilur Rahman | Revelation of the merciful (Allah). |
Taqaddam | Reverance, sanctity, superiority. |
Taqdees | A Name for Allah, The Almighty |
Taqi | God-fearing, pious |
Taqiuddin | God-fearing (person) of the religion (Islam). |
Taqiy | Devout, God fearing |
Taqiyy | Pious, Righteous |
Tarannum | Singing |
Taraz | Ornamentation, decoration. |
Tareef | Rare; Uncommon |
Tareeq | Method, way, mode, manner, operation, process. |
Tarfah | Kind of tree |
Tarif, Tareef | Rare, uncommon, strange, curious. |
Tariq | Name of a star |
Tariq | A late visitor |
Tarique | Morning star |
Tarub | Lively, gleeful, merry. |
Tasadduq | Giving Alms, Charity, Sacrifice |
Tasadduq Husain | Benevolence of Husain. |
Tasawwar | Idea, conception |
Taseel | Strong, power. |
Taseen | A name of the Prophet (S.A.W) |
Taseer | An effect, impression. |
Tashbeed | Adolesence, youth. |
Tasin | – |
Taskeen | Pacification |
Taslim | Greeting, salutation. |
Tasmeem | Strong. |
Tasneem | A heavenly fountain. |
Tassadaq | |
Tatheer | Purity, cleanliness. |
Taufiq | Guidance |
Tauqeer | Respect |
Tawbah | Repentance; Ibn Mudarras had this name. |
Tawfeeq | Divine help or guidance, enabling, inner motivation |
Tawfiq | Prosperity, good luck, good-fortune, success (granted by Allah). |
Tawheed | |
Tawhid | Belief in the unity of Allah. |
Tawoos | Peacock |
Tawqir | goodluck, success (granted by Allah) |
Tawseef | Praise |
Tawwab | Merciful, forgiving. Al-Tawwab, the All-compassionate: one of the names of Allah. |
Taym | Enslaved |
Taymullah | Servant of God |
Taymur | Brave strong |
Tayseer | Facilitation |
Taysir | Facilitation (granted by God) |
Tayyeb | Good and delicate |
Tayyib | Good, good-natured, generous, sweet, pure, chaste, good-tempered. |
Tazam | Be superior or elder. |
Tazeem | Honor, Respect |
Tazim | Glorification, exaltation, honour. |
Tazimuddin | Glorification of the religion (Islam). |
Tazneem | A garden in paradise |
Tehseen | Compliments, happiness |
Thaabit | Firm |
Thaamir | |
Thaaqib | |
Thabit | Firm, established |
Tha’labah | A narrator of hadith |
Thalah | |
Thaman | Price, Worth |
Thamar | Fruit, Outcome |
Thamer, Thamir | Fruitful, productive |
Thaqaf | To surpass in skill |
Thaqib | Shooting Star |
Tharwan | Wealthy, very rich |
Tharwat | Wealth, Fortune, riches |
Thauban | Two garments |
Thawab | Reward |
Thawban | Name of a companion of the Prophet |
Thayer | Rebel |
Thumamah | Millet (Plant) |
Tihami | A title of the Prophet (S.A.W) |
Tiraq | Strength, force, occupation. |
Tirmizi | Abu Isa Muhammad al-Tirmidhi (824-92): compiler of the one collection of Prophet Muhammad. |
Tobias | Born with a Star |
Tooba | Good news. |
Toqeer | Respect |
Tufail | Intercession, mediation, diminutive of Tifl, baby. |
Tufayl | Mediation |
Tuhin | Snow |
Tuhinsurra | Snow white |
Tulayb | Concerning a) seeker, or one eho covets |
Tunveer | Rays of light |
Turab | Soil, dust. |
Turhan | Of mercy. |
Turki |
Ubaadah | Old Arabic name |
Ubada | Obedient to Allah |
Ubadah, Ubaida, Ubay | Name of a prominent Sahabi i.e. companion of the Prophet Muhammad. |
Ubaid | Diminutive of Abd, small servant, servant of lower rank. |
Ubaida | |
Ubaidah, Ubaydah | Servant of God |
Ubaidullah | Lowly servant of the Allah. |
Ubay | Old Arabic name |
Ubayd | Little servant (slave) |
Ubaydullah | Servant of Allah. |
Ubayy | One with high self esteem |
Ubayyi | |
Udail, Udayl | Old Arabic name |
Uday | One who runs fast |
Uddin | |
Uhban | Ibn Aws al-Aslani RA, a companion of the prophet PBUH, had this name. |
Ukkasha | Historical name |
Ukkashah | Web, Cobweb, Spider web. |
Ula | High rank, prestige, glory. |
Ulfat | Love, Affection, Familiarity, Intimacy. |
Ulwan | Title |
Umaarah | Old Arabic name |
Umar, Omar | Name of the second Caliph |
Umarah | Habitation |
Umayr, Umair | Residents, Populace. |
Umayyah | Bin Bistam al-Eeshi, a narrator of Hadith was known by this name. |
Umdah | Support. |
Umdatuddawlah | Support of the state. |
Umer | Life Name of the second Caliph |
Umran | Prosperity |
Unais | Love, Affection |
Unal | Fighter, strong spirit |
Unays | Smaller form of Anas. |
Uns | |
Unsar | Root, element, resolution. |
Uqaab | Eagle. |
Uqba | Name of an illustrious Sahabi i.e. companion of the prophet Muhammad. |
Uqbah | The end of everything |
Urfee | Name of popular Poet. |
Urmia | A Biblical Prophet |
Urooj | Ascension, mounting, rising. |
Urwa | Handle, bond |
Urwah | Name of A Prominent Sahabi i.e. companion of the Prophet Muhammad. |
Usaama | |
Usaamah | Description of a lion |
Usaid | Small lion, diminutive form of Asad. |
Usaim, Usaym | lion cub |
Usama, Usamah | Lion. Name of well-known Sahabi i.e. companion of the Prophet Muhammad. |
Usayd | Little lion. |
Usman | The young of a lark, a beautiful pen, name of the third Caliph of Islam. |
Utbah | Threshhold. Bin Ghazwan was a narrator of Hadith who had this name. |
Uthal | Name of a mountain |
Uthmaan | |
Uthman | A baby bustard bird; Name of the third Khalifah (Caliph) of Muslims; Muhammad’s son-in-law |
Uwais | Uways Qarni was the one of whom the Prophet PBUH foretold his people that he would be the one cured of leprosy. |
Uwayam | A float, buoyant. |
Uwaym | A float, buoyant; |
Uways | Historical name |
Uzair | A Prophet, the biblical Ezra.. |
Uzayr | Precious |
Waahid | Single; Exclusively; Unequaled |
Waail | Coming back (for shelter) |
Waali | The Governor; He who directs; manages; conducts; governs; measure. |
Waatiq | |
Wabisah | Bin Ma’bad RA had this name. |
Wada | Brilliant |
Waddaah | |
Waddah | Bright, brilliant |
Wadee | Gentle, mild, calm |
Wadeed | Affectionate, friendly |
Wadi | Calm, peaceful |
Wadid | Favorable, devoted, fond |
Wadood | Lover, warm-hearted, affectionate, friend, beloved. Al-Wadood, the All-loving: one of the names of Allah. |
Wadud | One of the ninety-nine names of God |
Wafa | Faithfulness, fidelity |
Wafadar | Faithful. |
Wafai | Associated with faithfulness, fidelity, loyalty, faith. |
Wafaqat | Friendship, closeness. |
Wafeeq | Successful |
Wafi | True, trustworthy, reliable, perfect, complete. |
Wafiq, Wafeeq | Companion, friend, successful. |
Wahab | Gift, grant, donation. |
Wahb | Donation, grant, gift, inherent. |
Wahban | related to Wahb. |
Wahdat | Unity, oneness, state of being one. |
Waheed | Unique, matchless, singular, unparalleled. |
Wahhab | Donor, grantor. Al-Wahhab, the All-giver: one of the names of Allah. |
Wahhaj | Glowing, incandescent |
Wahi | Another name for the Quran, messengers |
Wahib | Another name for the God, munificent, bestowed |
Wahid | One, unique, matchless. Al-Wahid, the one: one of he names of Allah. |
Wahiduddin | Unique (manifestation) of the religion (Islam). |
Wahiduzzaman | Unique (person) of the age. |
Wail | Coming back (for Shelter); one of the companions of the Prophet |
Wais | King |
Waiz | Preacher, Sermoniser |
Wajahat | Comely, dignity, elevated position. |
Wajd | State of being single, ecstasy. |
Wajdaan | Thought, imagination |
Wajdan | Ecstacy, mirth, devotion. |
Wajdi | Of strong emotion, passion and love |
Wajeeb | |
Wajeeh | Commanding Personality |
Wajid | Finder, possessing |
Wajih, Wajeeh | Noble, honoured, well-esteemed, illustrious. |
Wakalat | Advocacy, Agency |
Wakee | Bin al-Jarrah had this name. |
Wakeel | Agent, Representative |
Wakil | Advocate, representative, counselor, attorney, agent. |
Waleed, Walid | Newborn child |
Wali | Prince, guardian, protector, friend, saint. Al-Waliy, the Protector: one of the names of Allah. |
Walid, Waleed | Newborn, newborn child, nascent, new, boy, son. Name of a Sahabi i.e. companion of the Prophet Muhammad. |
Walif | Befriending |
Wali-ud-din | Guardian of religion |
Waliullah | Friend of Allah. |
Waliy al Din | Supporter of the faith |
Waliy Allah | Supporter of God |
Waliyudeen | Supporter of the Faith |
Waliyullah | Supporter of God |
Wallad | Abu Al-Abbas al-Tamimi had this name. He was a grammarian of Basrah and egypt. |
Walleed | |
Walliyullah | Supporter of God |
Wamaq | Lover, paramour. |
Waqaar | Self-respect |
Waqar | Majesty, veneration, dignity, gracefulness. |
Waqar | Dignity, sobriety |
Waqas | A companion, Warlike |
Waqf | Given in a trust, spared for welfare. |
Waqid | Bin Abdullah al Tamimi RA was a companion of the Prophet PBUH. |
Waqif | Acquainted, aware. |
Waqiyy | Guardian, protector |
Waqqad | Sharp-minded, wise. |
Waqqas | Old Arabic name |
Waraqah | Leaf. |
Ward | Blossoms, flowers |
Warid | Arriving, Descending, Incoming. |
Warif | Extending, blooming |
Waris | Heir, inheritor, successor. Al-Waris, the Inheritor: one of the names of Allah. |
Warith | Heir, inheritor |
Warqa | to do with paper, leaf. |
Wasay | Unlimited, All Encompassing, Boundless. |
Waseef | Page, Valet (domestic) servant. |
Waseem | Graceful, Good looking |
Waseeq | Solid, strong, secure. |
Wasi | Broad-minded, liberal, learned, capacious, ample. scholarly. Al-Wasi, the All-embracing: one of the names of Allah. |
Wasidali | Engrossed |
Wasif | Eulogiser, Praiser |
Wasil | Incoming, Arriving, Connected. |
Wasilah | Bin al-Asqa RA had this name. |
Wasim, Waseem | Handsome, beautiful, graceful. |
Wasimuddin | Handsome (person) of the religion (Islam). |
Wasiq | Confident, sure, certain. |
Watheq | Firm, reliable, confident |
Wathiq | Confident |
Wazir | Minister, vizier, an adviser or counsel to the king. |
Wilan | Friendship, affection. |
Wilayat | Custody, guardianship. |
Wildan | Boy in heaven. |
Wisaam | |
Wisam | Badge, Logo, like coat of Arms. |
Womiq | |
Wuhayb | Something bestowed. |
Xander | Means Splendid in Arabic |
Yaaemeen | |
Yaamin | Blessed, auspicious. |
Yaaseen | One of the Prophet Muhammad’s names |
Yaasir | |
Yaasoob | Ali’s Title |
Yaeesh | Bin al-Jahm was a narrator of Hadith. |
Yafi | Bin Aamir had this name; he was a narrator of Hadith. |
Yaghnam | bin Salim Bin Qamber (Qanber) a narrator of Hadith had this name. |
Yahya | To love, will live. A Prophet, the biblical John, son of Prophet Zakaria. |
Yahyaa | A Prophet’s name |
Yakta | Unique. |
Yakub-Khan | |
Ya’la | Hight. |
Yamak | A king. |
Yaman | Blessed |
Yameen | Oath, right hand, right wing (of the army) |
Yamin | Right, right side, right hand. |
Yaqana | Unique, unprecedented. |
Yaqeen | Belief |
Yaqoob | A Prophet, the biblical Jacob, son of Prophet Ishaq. |
Yaqoot | Ruby, sapphire, topaz. |
Yaqub | A Prophet’s Name |
Yaqzan | Vigilant, awake, on the alert. |
Yar | Friend |
Yar Muhammad | Friend of the Prophet Muhammad. |
Yasaar | Ease; Wealth |
Yasar, Yasser | Prosperity, wealth, affluence, ease. |
Yaseen | Yasin, Alif Laam Meem, Ha Meem Ain Seen Kaaf are all Huroof-e-Muqataat. Only Allah or His Prophet know the meaning of these haroof, but all these huroof are the most precious words for a muslim. |
Yasha | Long line, prosper. |
Yasin, Yaseen | The two opening letters of Surah 36 in the Quran; one of the Prophets names |
Yasir | Easy, wealthy, affluent. |
Yasra | Affluent, rich, prosperous. |
Yasrib | Former name of the city of Madinah. |
Yasruddin | |
Yathrib | Former name of the city of Madinnah. |
Yawar | Helping |
Yazan | Determined, resolved. |
Yazeed | To increase; Grow; Enhance |
Yazid, Yazeed | God will increase, enhance |
Yoonus | A Prophet’s name |
Yoosuf | A Prophet’s name |
Yosoph | |
Younes | |
Younis | |
Youssef, Yusef, Yusu | Arabic form of “Joseph”; to increase (in power and influence); a Prophet’s name |
Yuhannis | The name of the Freed slave of Zubayr. |
Yuhans | |
Yumn | Happiness. |
Yunis | |
Yunus, Yoonus | A Prophet, the biblical Jonah. |
Yushua | God saves |
Yusr | Ease, Convenience; Ibn Abdullah had this name; he was a narrator of Hadith. |
Yusri | Well to do, Wealthy |
Yusuf | A Prophet, the biblical Joseph, son of Prophet Yaqub i.e. Jacob. |
Zaabit | Clever man, one who remembers. |
Zaad | Victory, success. |
Zaafir | Victorious |
Zaahid | Abstemious; Ascetic |
Zaahir | A blooming flower, a bright and shining colour, lofty. |
Zaaid | |
Zaakir | Rememberer of Allah |
Zaamil | |
Zaarib | One who beats, stricker. |
Zabba | Latch, door lock; Name of some people for instance, of ibn-Mihsin, a memeber of the exedition of Abu Musa. |
Zabrij | Beauty, decoration. |
Zackariya | Name of a prophet |
Zaeem | Chief, leader |
Zafar | Victory, triumph. |
Zafeer | Of firm and resolute intention. |
Zafir | Victorious, winner. |
Zafrul | Honest, Reliable and very ambitous |
Zagheem | Lion |
Zaghlool | |
Zaheer | Helper, supporter, protector, patron. |
Zaheeruddawlah | Helper of the religion (Islam). |
Zaheeruddin | Helper of the religion (Islam). |
Zahhaak | A person who laughs most. Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr. |
Zahi | Beautiful, brilliant, glowing. |
Zahid | Devout, ascetic. One who renounces the world and is fully devoted to Allah. |
Zahil | Calm. |
Zahin | Sagacious, intelligent. |
Zahir | Apparent, evident, one of the attributes of Allah. |
Zahoor | Arrival, emergence |
Zaib | |
Zaid, Zayd | Abundance, increase, increment, superabundance, addition, excess, surplus. |
Zaidaan | |
Zaigham | Lion; King of the jungle |
Zaim | Leader or General, someone who is demanded |
Zaimuddin | Leader of the religion (Islam). |
Zain, Zayn | Beautiful, pretty, beauty, grace, ornament, honour. |
Zainuddeen | |
Zainuddin | Grace of the religion (Islam). |
Zainul Abidin | Ornament of the worshippers (of Allah). |
Zair | Pilgrim |
Zajil | Loud. |
Zaka | Intelligent |
Zakar | Handsome, Kind hearted. |
Zakaria | |
Zakariya | A Prophet’s name |
Zakariyya | Intelligent |
Zakawan | Abu Salih as Saman az-Ziyat had this name; he was a narrator of Hadith. |
Zakawat | Sharpness. |
Zakee | Intelligent, witty |
Zakhif | Proud. |
Zaki, Zaky | Intelligent, pure, chaste |
Zakir | Someone who believes in Allah, faith |
Zakiuddin | Pure (person) of the religion (Islam). |
Zakiy | Pure |
Zakoor | Narrator, speaker. |
Zakwan | Very intelligent |
Zalool | Obedient, submissive. |
Zamaam | Honour, right, share, place. |
Zamaar | Bravery, valour. |
Zaman | Time, destiny |
Zaman Shah | King of the sage. |
Zameel | Companion, associate |
Zameer | Conscience, innervoice |
Zami | Helper, supporter. |
Zamil | Friend, collegue |
Zamin | One who stands surety for another one who helps. |
Zamir | Heart, mind, conscience. |
Zamiruddin | Heart of the religion (Islam). |
Zamurad | A green precious stone. |
Zamurah | Sparkle of light, fire; Name of companion. |
Zamzam | Abu-Zamzam was the name of Al-Madini, a man of an early Islam, about him amusing enecdotes were told. |
Zany al-Abidn | Historical name |
Zarar | Brave, Courageous. |
Zaray | Obedient, submissive. |
Zareef | Humorous, witty |
Zarf | Pot, calibre, wisdom, rank. |
Zarif | Nice, graceful, humorous |
Zaroon | Visitor |
Zarrar | A great muslim warrior |
Zashil | |
Zauq | Taste, flavour, knack. |
Zawaad | Man of self-respect, noble. |
Zawar | Pilgrim, visitor of a shrine. |
Zayaam | Honour, right, share, place. |
Zayan | Beauty, prettiness. |
Zayb | Adornment |
Zayd | In abundance, plentiful |
Zaydan | Growth and increase. |
Zayer | Tourist, who visits holy places |
Zaygham | Lion |
Zayid | Generous |
Zayn | Beauty, ornament |
Zaytoon | Olive (Tree/fruit). |
Zayyaan | |
Zayyan | Wild jasmine; Honey |
Zeb | Beauty, decoration, decorum. |
Zebadiyah | Allah’s gift |
Zeebaq | Mercury, silver. |
Zeenan-Khan | |
Zeeshan | Person who stay with style |
Zeeya | Light |
Zeyad | Prince, the honest and kind. Peace and truth |
Zhobin | Kind of spear. |
Zia | Light, glow, illumination, splendour. |
Ziad, Ziyad | ziyaad – popular Arab name |
Ziaud | Splendor, light. |
Ziauddin | Light of the religion i.e. Islam. |
Ziaul-Haq | Zia-ul-Haq – “Light of Truth” |
Ziaur Rahman | Light of the most Gracious i.e. Allah. |
Zihni | Intellectual, cerebral. |
Zikr | Another name for the Quran, reminder, mention |
Zill | Shadow, shade. |
Zillullah | Shadow of Allah. |
Zillur Rahman | Shadow of the Merciful i.e. Allah. |
Zimar | Reputation, honor |
Zirgham | Lion |
Zirwah | Peak, zenith |
Ziryab | Gold |
Zishan | Peaceful |
Ziyaad | |
Ziyad | Increase, addition, surplus. |
Ziyada | Increase, addition, surplus, plenty. |
Ziyadatullah | Surplus bestowed by Allah. |
Zohaib | Leader, king |
Zohair | Best friend of the last prophet (S.A.W) |
Zoheb | little gold – the dimunitive form of zahab [correct Arabic is: dhahab] |
Zohoor | Appearance, ostentation. |
Zohoorul Bari | ostentation of the Creator i.e. Allah |
Zoraiz | Luminous Object in Arabic |
Zoran | Dawn |
Zosar | King |
Zubaid | The diminutive of zubd, meaning cream, butter etc.. |
Zubair, Zubayr | It’s a proper name, a Sahabas’ name and the youngest fighter in Al Islam |
Zuehb | Clever Minded |
Zufar | Name of Imam Abu Hanifah’s disciple |
Zuha | Forenoon. |
Zuhaib | Star |
Zuhair, Zuhayr | Bright; Shining |
Zuhoor | Appearance, Manifestation |
Zuka | The sun, dawn, morning. |
Zukauddin | Sun of the religion (Islam). |
Zukaullah | Sun of Allah. |
Zukaur Rahman | Sun of Rahman i.e. Allah. |
Zukhruf | Ornament |
Zukr | Another name for God; pile; treasury |
Zul | |
Zul Kifl | A Prophet of Allah. |
Zul Qarnayn | Owner of the two horns i.e. world conqueror, epithet of a just king mentioned in the Quran. |
Zulaym | Ibn-Hutayt was a narrator of Hadith with this name. |
Zulfaqar | The cleaver of vertebrae. Name of a sword presented to Ali (R.A.) by Muhammad. |
Zulfat | Friendship, nearness, status. |
Zulfi | Handle of a sword. |
Zulfikkur | |
Zulfiqar | Sword name of Hazart Ali |
Zulkifl | Name of a Prophet |
Zulqarnain | Someone with two beautiful eyes |
Zunnoon | ‘Lord of the fish’, an epithet of Prophet Yunus i.e. Jonah who was swallowed by a big fish and later rescued by the grace of Allah. |
Zuraara | |
Zushimalain | Name of a Sahabi RA. |
Zuti | Name of the grandfather of Imam Abu Hanifah |