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Quranic Girl Names Z

Quranic Girl Names Start With Z And Meaning

Explore Quranic girl names that starting with z letter. We’ve compiled girl names inspired by the Quran and Arabic origin. If you have keen interest for unique Islamic girl names that are taken directly from Quran, which may inspire to thrive your prince in life. Popular Quranic girl names are like Maryam, Huda, Zahra, Marib, Tayyiba.

You know girls are the blessing of God and coolness of parents’ eyes who bring happiness to our good traditional Islamic lives. Muslim parents also search Pakistani girl names in Urdu & girl names of Arabic origin with Hindi meaning. Quranic baby names carry significant importance in one’s life. Muslim girl names start with z mentioned in Quran.
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Arabic for “prosperous”, “increasing in goodness”.
Zaakiyah is an Arabic name for girls that means “one who increases in growth and goodness”, “virtuous”, “blessed”.
Zafar is an indirect Quranic name for boys and girls that means “victory”, “triumph”, “to win”. It is derived from the DHA-F-R root which is used twice in the Quran.
Zafeera is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “always victorious”, “always successful”, “always triumphant”. It is derived from the DHA-F-R root which is used in verse 48:24.
Zafira is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “victor”, “successful”, “triumphant”. It is derived from the DHA-F-R root which is used in verse 48:24 of the Quran.
Zahaa is an Arabic name for girls that means “morning”.
Zahab means gold (the precious metal). Dishes and goblets of gold will be passed around them with all that their souls desire and their eyes delight in. {43:71}
Arabic for “golden”, “made of gold”.
Arabic for “radiant”, “brilliant”.
Zahiraa is an Arabic name for girls that means “radiant”, “brilliant”.
Zahian is an indirect Quranic name for boys and girls that means “bright day”, “brilliant”, “full of light”. It is derived from the DHAD-H6-Y root.
Zahidah is an Arabic name for girls that means “ascetic”, “devoted to God”.
Arabic for “glowing”, “rosy”, “bright”, “bright star”.
Zahra means flower. It is mentioned only once in the Quran, within a popular Arabic idiom which literally means ‘flower of the world’. When Arabs say something is a flower of the world.
Zahraa is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means pure white, like a pearl. It also means brilliant and radiant. It is derived from the Z-H-R.
Zahriyyah is an Arabic name for girls that means “flower-like”, “flower vase”.
Zahyaa is an Arabic name for girls that means “bright”, “pure”. It also means “clear, moon-lit night”.
Zaida is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “generous’, “one who gives abundantly”. It is derived from the Z-Y-D root which is used in many places in the Quran.
Zaina is an indirect Quranic name for girls. It is the explicitly feminine version of the name Zayn, which itself is a name for both boys and girls. Zaina means beauty, adornment, excellence.
Zaira is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “visitor”, “guest”. It is derived from the Z-W-R root which is used in the Quran in verse 102:2.
Arabic for “olive”, both the olive tree and the fruit of the olive tree.
Arabic for “olive”, both the olive tree and the olive fruit.
Arabic for “intelligence”, “cleverness”.
Zakat is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “purification”. In Islam it refers to a type of alms that wealthy Muslims give to others.
Persian for “intelligence”, “sharp-mindedness”, from Arabic roots.
Zakiya is a direct Quranic name for girls that means “pure”, “innocent”, “untainted”, “having a sweet scent”. The word Zakiya is used once in the Quran in Surat al-Kahf, and its root Z-K-A.
Arabic for “hearts”, “minds”, “consciences”.
Zameela is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “friend”, “colleague”, “companion”. It is derived from the Z-M-L (wrapped up, modest) Quranic root.
Arabic for “conscience”, “heart”, “mind”, “innermost self”.
Zamil is an indirect Quranic name for girls. It is an ancient Arabic name without a clearly defined meaning, but since it is derived from the Z-M-L root (wrapped up, modesty).
ِArabic for “lean”, “fit”.
Zara is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means pinnacle, the top and best of everything. It is the plural of Zirwa. It is derived from the DHAAL-R-A root which is used in the Quran.
Zariya is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “scattering wind”, a wind that scatters things like dust or leaves in the streets. It is derived from the Dhal-R-A root.
Zarqa Bano
Urdu for “blue-eyed lady”.
Zarqa Habiba
Urdu for “blue-eyed beloved friend”.
Zarqa Sultana
Urdu for “blue-eyed sovereign”, “blue-eyed queen”.
Arabic for “blue eyed”.
Arabic for “visitor”, “pilgrim”.
Zaryan is an Arabic name for girls that means “one who throws something into the air and causes it to become spread out”.
Urdu for “spreader of light”, formed from Arabic Zau (“light”) and Persian -fishan (“one who spreads”).
Arabic for “sundown”, the time close to sunset.
Urdu feminine form of the Arabic word Zawal. It means “sundown”, the time before sunset.
Arabic for “motion”, “movement”, “side”.
Zayana is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “adorner”, one who adorns and beautifies something, “adorned”, beautiful, and one who improves things and solves problems.
Zayanaa is an Arabic name for girls that means “adorner”, “beautifier”. It is a variant of Zayanah.
Arabic for “prosperity”, “good fortune”.
Zayirah is an Arabic name for girls that means “roaring lion” if derived from the Z-HAMZ-R root. It can also be a simplified version of Zaa’irah, derived from the Z-W-R root.
Zayn is a Quranic name for boys and girls that means beauty, adornment, grace, excellence. It is not directly mentioned in the Quran, but it is derived from the Z-Y-N.
Zayyan is a Quranic name for boys and girls that means “beautifier”, one who makes things beautiful or improves things. It is not directly mentioned in the Quran.
Zeeana is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “beautification”, “adornment”. It is a non-standard word derived from the names Zyan and Zayana.
Zeenah is a direct Quranic name for girls that means beauty and adornment. We have adorned the lowest heaven with the beauty of the planets (Quran 37:6).
Zehak is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “small laugh” (noun). It is derived from the Dhad-H6-K root which is used in many places in the Quran.
Arabic for “guest”.
Zia ul Qamar
Arabic for “the moon’s brilliance”, “the moon’s glow”, “moonlight”.
Ziara is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “visit’, “visitation”. It is derived from the Z-W-R root which is used in the Quran in verse 102:2.
Arabic for “one who laughs often”, “happy”.
Arabic for “intellectual”, “understanding”, “reasonable”, “deep thinker”.
Zikr is an Arabic name for boys and girls that means “remembrance”, “mention”, it refers to when you think of a person or mention them in conversation.
Zikra is a direct Quranic name for girls that means “memory”, “recollection”, “thoughts of the past”, “remembrance”. The word Zikra is used about 20 times in the Quran.
Zikrayat is an Arabic name for girls that means “memories”, “reminiscences”, “recollections”.
Zil Allah
Arabic for “shade of God”, which means “God’s mercy and protection”, especially God’s mercy on the Day of Judgment.
Zil Elahi
Urdu for “shade of God”, which means “God’s mercy and protection”, especially God’s mercy on the Day of Judgment.
Zil Yazdan
Urdu for “shade of God”, which means “God’s mercy and protection”, especially God’s mercy on the Day of Judgment.
Urdu for “the dark side of the moon”. Arabic version is Zil al-Qamar or Zilil Qamar. In Urdu it can also be written as Zili Qamar and Zil e Qamar.
Arabic for “shade”.
Arabic for “shade”, “shadow”.
Arabic for “shade”.
Zimal is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means any large item of clothing that covers the entire body, such as a garment, robe, or abaya. It also means “provisions for a journey.”
Zirwa is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means pinnacle, top, the very best when it comes to anything. It is derived from the DHAAL-R-A root.
Ziya means ‘source of light’, something that shines brilliantly and lightens up the area around it. It is mentioned three times in the Quran.
Arabic for “increase”, the interpreters of the Quran say it refers to seeing the face of God in the Hereafter, which is a reward given to God’s select servants.
Zoeya is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “made of light”, “radiant”, “brilliant”. It is derived from the DHAD-W-HAMZ Quranic root.
Zohra is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means radiant white color. Zohra is also the Arabic word for the planet Venus. It is derived from the Z-H-R root which is used once in the Quran.
Zoraiz is an indirect Quranic name for boys and girls, mostly used in Urdu, formed from Arabic Zaw’ (light) and Persian reez (a subject suffix with meanings of “one who pours”.
Urdu for “spreader of light”, formed from Arabic Zo (“light”) and Persian reza (“pourer/spreader”).
Zubaida is an indirect Quranic name for girls that means “soft-bodied”, “like cream”, and is also an idiom for “the best” (in beauty, in virtue, etc).
Zuha is an Arabic for girls that means “forenoon”, the time between sunrise and noon.
Zuhaibah is an Arabic name for girls that means “piece of gold”, “lump of gold”. It is also the name of a village close to Qairawan in Tunisia.
Arabic for “one who has a radiant and glowing face”. It also means “floret” (“small flower”).
Zuhairaa is an Arabic name for girls that means “brilliant”, “radiant”. It can also mean “little flower.
Zuhdiyyah is an Arabic name for girls that means “ascetic”, “devoted to God”.
Zuhr is an Arabic name for girls that means “radiant”, “brilliant”, “luminous”. It also means “first three nights of the [lunar] month”.
Zuhriyyah is an Arabic name for girls that means “florid”, “pink”, “rosy”.
Arabic for “flowers”. Plural of Zahr. It can also be derived from another root, DHA-H26-R, in which case the meaning becomes “to appear”, “to become seen”.
Zulfaa is direct Quranic name for girls that means “closeness”, “nearness”, “station”, “rank”, “garden” and “part of the night”. The word Zulfaa is used four times in the Quran.
Zulhijjah is an Arabic name for boys and girls that refers to the 12th month of Hijri calendar, in which the Hajj is performed.
Arabic for “shade”, what protects you from strong sunlight, especially the shade of trees.
Urdu variant of Sultan, meaning “ruler”, “sovereign”, “king”. It also means “power”, “capacity”, “ability”.
Urdu variant of Sultana, meaning “queen”, “ruler”, “leader”, “sovereign”.
Zumar is a direct Quranic name for boys and girls that means “groups”, “throngs of people”, “companies”, “crowds”.
Arabic for “motion”, “movement”, “side”.
Zuwailah is an Arabic name for girls that means “adorable”, “cute”, “pretty”.
Zuwaiten is an Arabic name for girls that means “little olive”. It is the diminutive form of Zaitoon (“olive”).
Zyan is an indirect Quranic name for boys and girls that means “adornment”, “decoration”, “beautification”, anything that makes something more beautiful. It is derived from the Z-Y-N root.

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