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Islamic Muslim Boys Names with meanings

Find Islamic Muslim boys names with meanings starting from A to Z some of them are from Quran, Arabic and Persian roots. you can pick out a worthy unique and popular Arabic name for your cute Muslim baby boy, Muslim males and females who are American in English, Indian in Hindi, Pakistani in Urdu, Bangladeshi in Bengali, Malaysian Indonesian, Singapore, Brunei and Thailand in Malay (Bahasa Melayu) can select their newcomer baby boy names here with accurate English meanings starting with English or Arabic alphabets.
Abdul-AleemServant of the OmniscientAbdul-AaleeServant of the Most High
Abdul AzeemServant of the MightyAbdul-AzeezServant of the Mighty, the Powerful
Abdul-BaariServant of the CreatorAbdul-BaasitServant of the Extender, Creator
Abdul-FataahServant of the Opener (of the gates of sustenance)Abdul-JabaarServant of the Mighty
Abdul-GhafaarServant of the ForgiverAbdul-GhafoorServant of the Forgiver
Abdul-HaadyServant of the GuideAbdul-HaafizServant of the Protector
Abdul-HaqServant of the TruthAbdul-HakamServant of the Arbitrator
Abdul-HakeemServant of the WiseAbdul-HaleemServant of the Mild, Patient
Abdul-HameedServant of the Praiseworthy, the Ever-PraisedAbdul-HaseebServant of the Respected, Esteemed
Abdul-JaleelServant of the Great, ReveredAbdul-QaadirServant of the Capable
Abdul-KareemServant of the Noble, GenerousAbdul-LateefServant of the Kind
Abdul-MajeedServant of the GloriousAbdul-MuizServant of the Giver of Might and Glory
Abdul-MutaalServant of the Most HighAbdul-MujeebServant of the Responder
Abdul-MateenServant of the Firm, StrongAbdul-MuhaiminServant of the Supervising, the Guardian, the Protector
Abdul-NasserServant of the Helper, Granting VictoryAbdul-QudoosServant of the Most Holy
Abdul-QahaarServant of the Subduer, the AlmightyAbdul-Raafi’Servant of the One Who Raises (intellect, esteem), Elevates
Abdul-RaheemServant of the Most CompassionateAbdul-RahmaanServant of the Mercifully Gracious
Abdul-RasheedServant of the Rightly GuidedAbdul-RazaaqServant of the Maintainer, the Provider
Abdul-SalaamServant of the PeaceAbdul-RaoufServant of the Most Merciful
Abdul-KhaaliqServant of the CreatorAbdul-SaboorServant of the Patient
Abdul-SamadServant of the EternalAbdul-Samee’Servant of the All-Hearing
AbdullahServant of GodAbdul-ShakoorServant of the Most Thankful
Abdul-TawaabServant of the ForgiverAbdul-WadoodServant of the Loving
Abdul-WaahidServant of the OneAbdul-WahaabServant of the Giver
AbaanOld Arabic nameAbbasDescription of a lion
Al AbbasDescription of a lionAbedinWorshippers
AbedWorshipperAdnanProper name
AdhamBlackAshrafMore Honorable
AadilJustAfeefChaste, Modest
AhmadCommendable, PraiseworthyAkramMost Generous
AlaaNobility, ExcellenceAlaa UdeenExcellence of Religion
AliExcellent, NobleAmeenFaithful, Trustworthy
AmeerRuler, PrinceAmjadMore Glorious
AamirPopulous, Full, ProsperousAmmarThe builder, constructor, one who prays and fasts a great deal
AmrOld Arabic nameAnasA group of people (as opposed to other creatures)
AneesClose friendAarifAcquainted, Knowledgable
AwadReward, CompensationAyoobA Prophet’s name
AymanLucky, On the rightAwsName of a tree
AzharThe most shining, LuminousAzzaamDetermined, Resolved
Abu BakrThe companion of Prophet MuhammadAbul KhayrOne who does good
AtaaGiftArshDominion , Crown
Badr UdeenFull moon of the FaithBahaBeautiful, Magnificent
Baha UdeenThe magnificent of the FaithBaahirDazzling, Brilliant
Bahiy UdeenThe magnificent of the FaithBashaarBringer of glad tidings
BaasimSmilingBilalThe Prophet’s Muezzin (person who calls to prayer)
DawoudA Prophet’s nameDhul FiqaarThe name of the Prophet’s Sword
Diyaa UdeenBrightness of the FaithFadiRedeemer
FadlOutstanding, HonorableFadl UllahThe excellence of God
FaakhirProud, ExcellentFakhryHonorary
FareedUniqueFaarisHorseman, Knight
FaarooqHe who distinguishes truth from falsehoodFateenClever, Smart
FawazSuccessfulFidaaRedemption, Sacrifice
GhaalibVictorGhasaanOld Arabic name
HaadyGuiding to the rightHaamidPraising (God), Loving (God)
HamzaLionHaaniHappy, Delighted, Content
HumamCourageous and generousHaarithPlowman, Old Arabic name
HaaroonA Prophet’s nameHassanBeautiful
HaashimName of the Prophet’s grandfather, Old Arabic nameHassaanBeautiful
HaatimJudgeHaythamYoung hawk
HaashimGenerosityHuthayfaOld Arabic name
HusaamSwordHusaam UdeenThe sword of the Faith
HoudA Prophet’s nameIbraheemA Prophet’s name
IdreesA Prophet’s nameIkrimahFemale of a pigeon
ImaadSupport, PillarImaad UdeenThe pillar of the Faith
ImraanA Prophet’s nameIrfaanThankfulness
IesaA Prophet’s nameIs-haaqA Prophet’s name
IsaamSafeguardIsmaaelA Prophet’s name
Izz UdeenMight of the FaithJaabirConsoler, Comforter
JaafarRivuletJalaalGlory of the Faith
JamaalBeautyJamaal UdeenBeauty of the Faith
JameelBeautifulJihadTo Strive for
JawadOpenhanded, GenerousKamalPerfection
KaamilPerfectKareemGenerous, Noble
KhairyCharitable, BeneficentKhair UdeenThe good of the Faith
KhaldoonOld Arabic nameKhalidEternal
KhaleelFriendKhuzaymahOld Arabic name
LabeebSensible, IntelligentLuqmaanA Prophet’s name
LutfiKind and friendlyLu’ayProper name
Ma’nBenefitMa’dAn old Arabian tribe’s name
MahdyGuided to the right pathMaahirSkilled
MahmoudPraisedMakeenStrong, Firm
MajdGloryMajd UdeenThe glory of the Faith
MajdyGloriousMamdouhOne who is commended, Praised, Glorified
MamnoonTrustworthyMansourAided (by God), Victorious
MarwanOld Arabic nameMarzouqBlessed (by God), Fortunate
MasoudHappy, LuckyMaysarahEase, Comfort
MaazinProper nameMisbaahLamp
MuaathProtectedMa’awiyaA young dog or fox (First Umayyad Khalifah)
MuhsinBeneficent, CharitableMuhtadyRightly guided
MujaahidFighter (in the way of Allah)MukhtaarChosen
MunthirWarner, CautionerMuneerBrilliant, Shining
MuntasirVictoriousMurtadhySatisfied, Content
MoosaA Prophet’s nameMusadUnfettered camel
MuslimSubmitting himself to GodMustafaChosen (One of the Prophet Muhammad’s names)
MutasimAdhering (to Faith, to God)MutazzProud, Mighty
MuwafaqSuccessfulNabhanNoble, Outstanding
NabeehNoble, OutstandingNabeelNoble
NaadirDear, RareNaeemComfort, Ease, Tranquil
NajeebOf noble descentNaajySafe
Najm UdeenThe star of the FaithNaa’ilAcquirer, Earner
NaasihAdvisorNaseemFresh air
Nasser UdeenProtector of the FaithNawfalGenerous, Old Arabic name for the sea
NazeehPure, ChasteNaathimArranger, Adjuster
NoohA Prophet’s nameNu’man(Blood) Old Arabic name
NooriShiningNoor UdeenBrightness of the Faith
OmarLife, long livingOmranSolid structure
OmeirLong livingOssamaOne of the names of the lion.
QasimDividerQatadahA hardwood tree
QutaybahIrritable, ImpatientRabahGainer
Rabee’SpringRafee’Kind friend
RajabThe seventh month of the Muslim yearRaakinRespectful
RaamizSymbolRashadIntegrity of conduct
RashidRightly guided, Having the true FaithRaatibArranger
RidhaContentmentRidhwanAcceptance, Good will, Name of the keeper of the Gates of Heaven
SaabirPatientSafiyBest friend
SafwanOld Arabic name (rocks)SaahirWakeful
SaadGood luckSaeedHappy, Rivulet
SaajidOne who worships GodSalahRighteousness
Salah UdeenThe righteousness of the FaithSaalihGood, Righteous
SalmanSafeSameerEntertaining companion (man)
SamirEntertaining companionSaariyahClouds at night
Sayf UdeenSword of the FaithSayidMaster
ShaadySingerShafeeqCompassionate, Tender
ShareefDistinguished, NobleShihabFlame, Blaze
SiraajLamp, LightSubhyEarly morning
SuhaybOf reddish hair or complexionSuhailName of a star
SulaymanA Prophet’s nameSuoudGood luck
TaahirChaste, ModestTalalNice, Admirable
TalhaKind of treeTamamGenerous
TaamirOne who knows datesTarfahKind of tree
TareefRare, UncommonTariqName of a star
TawfeeqSuccess, ReconciliationTayseerFacilitation
TaymullahServant of GodThaabitFirm
ThaqibShooting StarUbaadahOld Arabic name
UbaidahServant of GodUbayOld Arabic name
UmarOld Arabic name (Second Khalifah)UmaarahOld Arabic name
UmairOld Arabic nameUqbahThe end of everything
UsaamahDescription of a lionUtbahOld Arabic name
Wadee’Calm, PeacefulWaahidSingle, Exclusively, Unequalled
WafeeqSuccessfulWaa’ilComing back (for shelter)
WajeehNobleWaleedNewborn child
WaliyullahSupporter of GodWaliyudeenSupporter of the Faith
WaseemGraceful, Good lookingYahyaaA Prophet’s name
YamanProper nameYasaarEase, Wealth
YaaseenOne of the Prophet Muhammad’s namesYasirWealthy
YazeedTo increase, Grow, EnhanceYoonusA Prophet’s name
YoosufA Prophet’s nameZaafirVictorious
ZaahidAbstemious, AsceticZakariyaA Prophet’s name
ZaahirBright, Shining

Boys Names: A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

Girls Names: A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

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