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Muslim boys names & Muslim girls names, some boys names girls names are derived from Arabic root which are mentioned in Quran. Beautiful Unique Muslim girls names in Urdu and Muslim girls names starting with K. Muslim baby girl names in Hindi and Muslim boy name meaning in Malayalam, Modern Muslim girls names list, find top Muslim girls names and Muslim boys names 2015 and Muslim girl name meaning in Bengali. Muslim girl name meaning in Arabic and famous boys names list, Muslim girl name meaning in Tamil and find top Muslim boys names 2015. Muslim girl name meaning in Malayalam and Beautiful Unique Muslim boys. Muslim girl name meaning in Urdu Muslim girl names from Quran and Muslim boys names starting with K.

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Muslim boys names and girls names with English Meanings Starting with: K

Kaamil name meaning in Urdu.کامل
 Perfect, complete, accomplished, learned.
Kaamilah name meaning in Urdu.کامله
 Complete, perfect
Kaashif name meaning in Urdu.کاشف
 Discoverer, detective, revealer, explorer.
Kaashifah name meaning in Urdu.کاشفه
 Discoverer, detective, revealer, explorer.
Kaazhim name meaning in Urdu.کاظم
 (Kaazim), A person who suppresses his anger.
Kab name meaning in Urdu.کعب
 (Kaab) Knot (of cane), joint, ankle, anklebone, heel(of the foot, of a shoe) ferrule, die, cube, high rank, glory, Name of a Sahabi who took part in the battle of Badr.
Kabeer name meaning in Urdu.کبیر
 Immense, great, senior, Ailah’s attribute.
Kabeerah name meaning in Urdu.کبیرہ
 Immense; great; senior; Name of a Sahabiyah.
Kabshah name meaning in Urdu.کبثه
 A goat; Name of a Sahabiyyah(RA).
Kafeel name meaning in Urdu.کفیل
 A surety, a security, guarantee.
Kaif name meaning in Urdu.کیف
 A state of joy.
Kaisaan name meaning in Urdu.کیسان
 Wise, Name of a distinguished Sahabi(RA).
Kaleem name meaning in Urdu.کلیم
 A speaker, an interlocutor.
Kaleemah name meaning in Urdu.کلیمه
 A speaker; an interlocutor; Name of a Sahabiyyah.
Kaleemullah name meaning in Urdu.کلیم الله
 One who has conversation with Allah, Moses.
Kamaal name meaning in Urdu.کمال
 Perfection, completion, excellence, something wonderful, miracle.
Kaneezah name meaning in Urdu.کنیزہ
 Firm(of flesh), sturdy(of body)
Kanzah name meaning in Urdu.کنزہ
Karaamat name meaning in Urdu.کرامت
 Name of a distinguished Sahabi (RA).
Kareem name meaning in Urdu.کریم
 Bountiful, generous, magnificent, gracious, merciful, modest, an attribute of Allah Al-mighty.
Kareemah name meaning in Urdu.کریمه
 Bountiful, generous, magnificent, gracious, merciful
Karraar name meaning in Urdu.کرّار
 Attacking violently again and again, impetuous.
Katheer name meaning in Urdu.کثیر
 (Kaseer), Name of a distinguished Sahabi (RA).
Kaukab name meaning in Urdu.کوکب
 A star.
Kauthar name meaning in Urdu.کوثر
 (Kosar) Name of a fountain in Jannah, the paradise.
Khaadim name meaning in Urdu.خادم
 Servant, an attecdant.
Khaalid name meaning in Urdu.خالد
 Permanent, Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr, also name of a Sahabi known as Khaalid ibn waleed, famous as a great general of Muslims who conquered a number of countries.
Khaarijah name meaning in Urdu.خارجه
 Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr.
Khabbaab name meaning in Urdu.خباب
 Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr.
Khabeer name meaning in Urdu.خبیر
 Informer, Allah’s attribute, one who known everything, Name, Abdul Khabeer.
Khadijah name meaning in Urdu.خدیجہ
 Name of Ummulmoomineen Hazrat Khadijah who was the frist wife of Holy Prophet peace be upon him
Khafiz name meaning in Urdu.خافض
 (Khafid) He who diminishes or decreases . Name, Abdul Khaafiz.
Khair name meaning in Urdu.خیر
 adj. Good, best, well, safe, adv. Very well , Goodness, welfare, happiness, health.
Khairah name meaning in Urdu.خیرہ
 adj. Good, best, well, safe, adv. very well,Goodness, welfare, happiness, health.
Khakshan name meaning in Urdu.کہکہشاں
 (Persian) The milky way, galaxy
Khalaf name meaning in Urdu.خلف
 A successor, an heir, a favorite son, posterity, descendants, adj. Dutiful.
Khaleed name meaning in Urdu.خلید
 Name of a Sahabi (RA).
Khaleel name meaning in Urdu.خلیل
 Friend, the title of Hazrat Ibrahim, the prophet of Allah Almighty.
Khaleeq name meaning in Urdu.خلیق
 Of good disposition, kind, affable, benign, civil, polite, obliging, courteous, well disposed.
Khaleesah name meaning in Urdu.خلیسه
 Name of a Sahabiyyah(RA).
Khalidah name meaning in Urdu.خالدہ
 Permanent, durable, qnce who does not weak even in old age
Khallaad name meaning in Urdu.خلاد
 Name of a Sahabi who participated battle of Badr.
Khansaa name meaning in Urdu.خنساء
 Name of a Sahabiyyah(RA).
Kharqa name meaning in Urdu.خرقه
 Name of a Sahabiyyah(RA).
Khateeb name meaning in Urdu.خطیب
 A preacher, A public speaker or orator. 
Khaulah name meaning in Urdu.خوله
 Name of a Sahabiyyah(RA).
Khawly name meaning in Urdu.خولی
 Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr.
Khawwaath name meaning in Urdu.خواث
 (Khawwas), Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr.
Khidaash name meaning in Urdu.خداش
 Name’of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr.
Khidrah name meaning in Urdu.خضرہ
 (Khizrah), Name of a Sahabiyyah(RA).
Khirash name meaning in Urdu.خراش
 Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr.
Kholah name meaning in Urdu.خوله
 Name of a Sahabiyyah(RA).
Khooshbakht name meaning in Urdu.خوشبخت
 Of good fortune.
Khooshbakht name meaning in Urdu.خوشبخت
 Of good fortune.
Khubaib name meaning in Urdu.خبیب
 Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr.
Khudamah name meaning in Urdu.خودامه
 Name of a Sahabiyyah(RA).
Khudrah name meaning in Urdu.خدرہ
 (Khuzrah), Name of a Sahabiyyah(RA).
Khulaidah name meaning in Urdu.خلیدہ
 Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr.
Khulaidah name meaning in Urdu.خلیدہ
 Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr, and name of a Sahabiyyah.
Khulaifah name meaning in Urdu.خلیفه
 Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr.
Khunais name meaning in Urdu.خنیس
 (Khunays) Hidden, Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr.
Khuraim name meaning in Urdu.خریم
 Name of a Sahabi who participated in the battle of Badr.
Khursheed name meaning in Urdu.خورشید
 (Persian) The sun.
Khursheed name meaning in Urdu.خورشید
 (Persian) The sun.
Khuwailah name meaning in Urdu.خویله
 Name of a women.
Khuzaimah name meaning in Urdu.خزیمه
 Name of a Sahabi Sahabiyyah(RA).
Kifayat name meaning in Urdu.کفایت
 Enough, abundance, profit, ability, prudence, plenty, surplus, economy, thrift, sufficiency.
Kishwar name meaning in Urdu.کشور
 (Persian), A country, a territory, climate, region.
Kishwar name meaning in Urdu.کشور
 (Persian) A country, a territory, climate, region.
Kowaisah name meaning in Urdu.کویسه
 Name of a Sahabiyyah.
Kubraa name meaning in Urdu.کبریٰ
Kulthoom name meaning in Urdu.کلثوم
 (Kulsoom), Name of a Sahabiyyah (RA).
Kulthum name meaning in Urdu.کلثوم
 Name of a Sahabi(RA).

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