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Muslim boys names & Muslim girls names, some boys names girls names are derived from Arabic root which are mentioned in Quran. Beautiful Unique Muslim girls names in Urdu and Muslim girls names starting with B. Muslim baby girl names in Hindi and Muslim boy name meaning in Malayalam, Modern Muslim girls names list, find top Muslim girls names and Muslim boys names 2015 and Muslim girl name meaning in Bengali. Muslim girl name meaning in Arabic and famous boys names list, Muslim girl name meaning in Tamil and find top Muslim boys names 2015. Muslim girl name meaning in Malayalam and Beautiful Unique Muslim boys. Muslim girl name meaning in Urdu Muslim girl names from Quran and Muslim boys names starting with B.

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Muslim boys names and girls names with English Meanings Starting with: B

Baadiyah name meaning in Urduبادیه
 Name of a sahahiyyah.
Baahir name meaning in Urduباھر
Baaqi name meaning in Urduباقی
 The Everlasting, perpetual , an attribute of Allah. Name, Abdul-Baaqi.
Baar name meaning in Urduباز
 Just, pious.
Baari name meaning in Urduباری
 Creator, one of the attributes of Almighty Allah.
Baasim name meaning in Urduباسم
 Smiling, happy.
Baasit name meaning in Urduباسط
 Conferrer of prosperity , one of the attributes of Almighty Allah. Name, Abdul-Baasit.
Baayazeed name meaning in Urduبایزید
 The name of a king known us Baayazezd Yaldarim, also the name of a great sufi.
Badar name meaning in Urduبدر
 Full moon.
Badee name meaning in Urduبدیع
 (Badi‘) Novel, Strange, Rare,one of the Attributes of Almighty Allah. Name Abdul Badee.
Baha name meaning in Urduبھاء
 Beauty, brilliancy, loveliness.
Baha name meaning in Urduبھاء
 Beauty, elegance, exellence, it also means in Persian, value. Names, Bahaa’uddeen, Bahaa-ul-haq.
Bahaar name meaning in Urduبہار
 (Persian word) spring, prime, bloom, beauty, glory, elegance, delight, enjoyment, flourishing state, fine, landscape.
Bahtath name meaning in Urduبحاث
 Name of Sahabi, who was present in the battle Badar.
Bakht name meaning in Urduبخت
 (Persian word) Luck, good fortune, prosperity, lot, portion.
Bakhtaawar name meaning in Urduبختاور
 (Persian) Fortunate, lucky.
Baleegh name meaning in Urduبلیخ
 Eloquent, learnod
Baleel name meaning in Urduبلیل
 Name of Sahabi who was present in the battle of Uhud.
Baqilah name meaning in Urduباقله
 Name of a sahabiyyah.
Baqir name meaning in Urduباقر
 Well learned, fierce, lion, a very wealthy man, the title of Imam Aboo Ja’far.
Baraa name meaning in Urduبَراء
 Name uf a Sahahi(K.A).
Barakat name meaning in Urduبرکت
Baree name meaning in Urduبَرئ
 Free, Free from the Hell.
Bareerah name meaning in Urduبریرہ
 Virtuous, Name of a famous Sahabiyyah.
Barkhat name meaning in Urduبرکت
Barr name meaning in Urduبرّ
 Just, pious, Name of Sahabi who was present in the battle of Badr and Name of a Raaviyah.
Barrah name meaning in Urduبرة
 Aunt of the Holy prophet (peace be upon him). Name of a Sahabiyyah.
Barsa name meaning in Urduبرصا
 Name of a sahabiyyah.
Basbasah name meaning in Urduبسبسه
 Name of a Sahabi who was present in the battle of Badr and Name of a female narrator of Hadith.
Baseer name meaning in Urduبصیر
 Wise, sagacious, Allah’s attribute, Name, Ahdul Baseer, Baseer Ahmed.
Bashaarat name meaning in Urduبشارت
 Good news, forecast, glad tidings.
Basheer name meaning in Urduبشیر
 Good news, forecast, glad tidings.,…
Basheerah name meaning in Urduبشیرہ
 Name of a sahabiyyah.
Basrah name meaning in Urduبصرہ
 Name of a sahabiyyah, dry land.
Batin name meaning in Urduباطن
 (Batin) inner, hidden, secret, internal,
Batinah name meaning in Urduباطنه
 Name of a sahabiyyah.
Batool name meaning in Urduبتول
 A virgin, a pure and chaste woman devoted to God (usually applied to Hazrat Maryam and to Hazrat Fatimah.
Bilaal name meaning in Urduبلال
 Name of a famous Sahahi who recited Azaan in the days of the Holy Prophet (peace he upw him).
Bilqees name meaning in Urduبلقیس
 A queen of Saba in the days of Hazrat Sulaimaan ($Ut+L )as mentioned in the Holy Qur’an.
Bin Yamin name meaning in Urduبنیامین
 Son of Yaqooh (Jacob) Father of one of the twelve tribes of Bani Israaeel.
Bina name meaning in Urduبینا
 (Beena) the Persian word, meaning, A person who can see.
Bisher name meaning in Urduبشر
 Free, Free from the Hell. Happiness, good news, name of a Sahabi known as Bishr al Hafi.
Bismah name meaning in Urduبسمه
Bissaam name meaning in Urduبسام
 Frequently smiling, Name of a Raavi of Hadith,
Buhaisah name meaning in Urduبحیثه
 Name of a sahabiyyah, Name of a Raviyyab, who narrated Hadith.
Bujair name meaning in Urduبجیر
 Name of a Sahabi , A Sahahhi known as Bujair ibn Bujair was present in the battle of Badr.
Buraid name meaning in Urduبرید
 Name of a Sahabi and Raavi, who narrates the Saying Holy prophet (peace be upon him).
Buraidah name meaning in Urduبریدہ
 Name of a Sahabi known as Buraidah ibn Husaib (R.A). Name of a place situated in Saudi Arabia.
Burhaan name meaning in Urduبرہان
 Argument, proof, evidence.
Bushra name meaning in Urduبشری
 Glad tiding, good news.

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