Urdu Arabic Muslim Boy Names
Aabid | Worshiper of Allah worshipper | عَابِد أبيض |
Aabidullah | Worshiper of Allah | عَابِدُ الله |
Aaf | Forgiveness and Forgiving | عَاف |
Aafiq | Intelligent, Educated and Intellectual | آفِق |
Aala | High Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superb Bounties Benefit, favour, blessing | أَعْلى آلا آلاء |
Aali | High Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superb High, tall | عَالِي آلي عالی |
Aamir | Life and Alive Civilised Populous, Full, Prosperous, Amply Settled, Civilized. Also Used To Refer To A Prince, Ruler or Leader | عَامِر آمير عامر |
Aaqil | Intelligent, Educated and Intellectual | Wise, Wisdom and Decisiveness Intelligent | عَاقِل عاقل عقيل |
Aarib | Successful Handsome, healthy | آرِبْ عارب عريب آرب |
Aasir | Brave, Strong and Courageous Captivating, fascinating | آسِر آسير آسر |
Aazam | Great and Mighty Greater, Greatest | أعظم عزام |
Aban | Clear, Eloquent, Lucid and Distinct Old Arabic name | أبان ابان |
Abbad | Worshiper of Allah A great worshipper of Allah, several men have passed bearing this name among them Abu Abbad Jabir Ibn Zayd of the court of al Mamun A great worshipper of Allah | عَبَّاد عباد عبد |
Abbood | Worshiper of Allah Devoted worshipper of Allah | عَبُّوْد عبود |
Abda | Brave, Strong and Courageous Worshipper | عَبْدَة ابدا |
Abdar | Moon and Moonlight | أبْدَرٌ |
Abdul Aakhir | Servant of Allah Servant of the Last | عَبْدُ الآخِر عبدالآخر |
Abdul Aala | Servant of Allah | عَبْدُ الأَعْلَى |
Abdul Afuw | Servant of Allah Servant of the Forgiver | عَبْدُ العَفُوّ عبدالعفو |
Abdul Ahad | Servant of Allah Servant of the only One (Allah) | عبد الأحد عبدالعحد عبدالاحد |
Abdul Akram | Servant of Allah | عَبْدُ الكَرِيْم |
Abdul Aleem | Servant of Allah Servant of the All-knowing (Allah) | عَبْدُ العَلِيْم عبدالعلیم |
Abdul Awwal | Servant of Allah Servant of the First Slave of the First One | عَبْدُ الأَوَّل عبدالاول |
Abdul Azim | Servant of Allah Servant of the Mighty (Allah) | عَبْدُ العَظِيْم عبدالعظیم |
Abdul Aziz | Servant of Allah Servant of the Almighty | عَبْدُ العَزِيْز عبدالعزیز |
Abdul Baatin | Servant of Allah | عَبْدُ البَاطِن |
Abdul Baseer | Servant of Allah Servant of All-sagacious (Allah) Slave of the All-seeing | عَبْدُ البَصِيْر عبدالبصیر |
Abdul Basit | Servant of Allah Servant of the Expander (Allah) | عَبْدُ البَاسِط عبدالباعط عبدالباسط |
Abdul Birr | Servant of Allah | عَبْدُ البِرّ |
Abdul Elah | Servant of Allah | عَبْدُ الإِله |
Abdul Fattah | Servant of Allah Servant of the conqueror (Allah) | عَبْدُ الفَتَّاح عبدالفتاح |
Abdul Ghaffar | Servant of Allah Servant of the All-forgiving (Allah) | عَبْدُ الغَفَّار عبدالغفار |
Abdul Ghafoor | Servant of Allah | عَبْدُ غَفُوْر |
Abdul Ghani | Servant of Allah Servant of the All-sufficient | عَبْدُ غَنِيّ عبدالغنی |
Abdul Haafiz | Servant of Allah Servant of the Guardian (Allah) | عَبْدُ الحَافِظ عبدالحافظ |
Abdul Hadi | Servant of Allah Servant of the Guide (Allah) | عبد الهادي عبدالھادی |
Abdul Hafee | Servant of Allah | عَبْدُ الحَفِيّ |
Abdul Hafeez | Servant of Allah Servant of the Guardian (Allah) | عَبْدُ الحَفِيْظ عبدالحفیظ |
Abdul Hai | Servant of Allah | عَبْدُ |
Abdul Hakam | Servant of Allah Servant of the Arbitrator | عَبْدُ الحَكَم عبدالحکم |
Abdul Hakeem | Servant of Allah Servant of the All-wise (Allah) | عَبْدُ الحَكِيْم عبدالحکیم |
Abdul Halim | Servant of Allah Servant of the All-element (Allah) | عَبْدُ الحَلِيْم عبدالحلیم |
Abdul Hameed | Servant of Allah Servant of the All-laudable (Allah) | عَبْدُ حَمِيْد عبدالحمید |
Abdul Haq | Servant of Allah Servant of the Truth (Allah) | عَبْدُ عبدالحق |
Abdul Haseeb | Servant of Allah Servant of the Reckoner | عَبْدُ الحَسِيْب عبدالحسیب |
Abdul Jabar | Servant of Allah | عَبْدُ الجَبَار |
Abdul Jaleel | Servant of Allah | عَبْدُ |
Abdul Jameel | Servant of Allah | عَبْدُ الجَمِيْل |
Abdul Kabir | Servant of Allah Servant of the Great | عَبْدُ الكَبِيْر عبدالکمیر عبدالکبیر |
Abdul Karim | Servant of Allah Servant of the most generous (Allah) | عَبْدُ الكَرِيْم عبدالکریم |
Abdul Khabir | Servant of Allah Slave of the one who is aware | عَبْدُ الخَبِيْر عبدالخبیر |
Abdul Khaliq | Servant of Allah Servant of the Creator (Allah) | عَبْدُ عبدالخالق |
Abdul Khallaq | Servant of Allah | عَبْدُ الخَلاَّق |
Abdul Latif | Servant of Allah Servant of the All-gentle (Allah) | عَبْدُ اللَطِيْف عبدالطیف |
Abdul Maalik | Servant of Allah Servant of the Owner (Allah) | عَبْدُ المَالِك عبدالمالک |
Abdul Majeed | Servant of Allah Servant of the All-glorious (Allah) | عَبْدُ المَجِيْد عبدالمجیید عبدالمجید |
Abdul Maleek | Servant of Allah | عَبْدُ المَلِيْك |
Abdul Manaan | Servant of Allah | عَبْدُ المَنَّان |
Abdul Mateen | Servant of Allah Strong, Powerful, Solid,Durable, Slave of the Firm, One of the Names of Allah | عَبْدُ المَتِيْن عبدالمتین |
Abdul Mawla | Servant of Allah | عَبْدُ المَوْلَى |
Abdul Mubeen | Servant of Allah | عَبْدُ المُبِيْن |
Abdul Muhaimin | Servant of Allah Servant of the All-preserver (Allah) | عَبْدُ المُهَيْمِن عبدالمھیمن |
Abdul Muheet | Servant of Allah | عَبْدُ المُحِيْط |
Abdul Mujeeb | Servant of Allah | عَبْدُ المُجِيْب |
Abdul Muqaddim | Servant of Allah Servant of the Promoter | عَبْدُ المُقَدِّم عبدالمقدم |
Abdul Muqit | Servant of Allah | عَبْدُ المُقِيْت |
Abdul Muqtadir | Servant of Allah Servant of the Omnipotent (Allah) | عَبْدُ المُقْتَدِر عبدالمقتدر |
Abdul Musawwir | Servant of Allah Servant of the Fashioner (Allah) | عبد المصور عبدالمصور |
Abdul Mutaal | Servant of Allah | عَبْدُ المُتَعَال |
Abdul Mutaali | Servant of Allah | عَبْدُ المُتَعالي |
Abdul Naseer | Servant of Allah | عَبْدُ النَّصِيْر |
Abdul Qadeer | Servant of Allah Servant of the Powerful (Allah) | عَبْدُ القَادِر عبدالقدیر |
Abdul Qadir | Servant of Allah One who serves a capable man Servant of the Powerful (Allah) | عَبْد القَادِر عبدالقادر |
Abdul Qahir | Servant of Allah Servant of the Subduer (Allah) | عَبْدُ القَاهِر عبدالقھار عبدالقاھر |
Abdul Qareeb | Servant of Allah | عَبْدُ القَرِيْب |
Abdul Qawee | Servant of Allah | عَبْدُ القَوِيّ |
Abdul Qawi | Servant of Allah Servant of the Mighty (Allah) | عَبْد القَوِيّ عبدالقوی |
Abdul Qayyum | Servant of Allah Servant of the Eternal (Allah) | عَبْدُ القَيُّوْم عبدالقیوم |
Abdul Quddus | Servant of Allah Servant of the All-Holy (Allah) | عبد القدوس عبدالقدوس |
Abdul Shaheed | Servant of Allah | عِبْدُ الشَّهِيْد |
Abdul Shakoor | Servant of Allah Servant of the All-thankful (Allah) | عَبْدُ الشَّكُوْر عبدالشکور |
Abdul Tawwab | Servant of Allah | عَبْدُ التَّوَّاب |
Abdul Wadud | Servant of Allah | عَبْدُ الوَدُوْد |
Abdul Wahaab | Servant of Allah | عَبْدُ الوَهَّاب |
Abdul Wahid | Servant of Allah Servant of the One (Allah) | عَبْدُ الوَاحِد عبدالواحد |
Abdul Wakeel | Servant of Allah | عِبْدُ الوَكِيْل |
Abdul Waleei | Servant of Allah | عِبْدُ الوَلِيّ |
Abdul Waris | Servant of Allah Servant of the Survivor | عَبْدُ الوَارِث عبدالوارث |
Abdulbary | Servant of Allah | عَبْدُ البَاري |
Abdullah | Servant of Allah Servent of God Servant of God Servant of Allah, slave of Allah; Father of Prophet Muhammad | عَبْدُ الله عبداللہ عبدلله عبداﷲ |
Abdur Rab | Servant of Allah Servant of the Lord (Allah) | عَبْدُ الرَّب عبدالرب |
Abdur Raheem | Servant of Allah | عَبْدُ الرَّحِيْم |
Abdur Rahman | Servant of Allah Servant of the most Gracious (Allah) | عَبْدُ الرَّحْمَن عبدالرحمٰن |
Abdur Raoof | Servant of Allah Servant of the Compassionate | عَبْدُ الرَّؤُوْف عبدالرٶف |
Abdur Raqeeb | Servant of Allah | عَبْدُ الرَّقِيْب |
Abdur Razzaq | Servant of Allah Servant of the All-provider (Allah) | عَبْدُ الرَّزَاق عبدالرزاق |
Abdus Salam | Servant of Allah Servant of the All-peaceable | عبد السلام عبدالسلام |
Abdus Samad | Servant of Allah Servant of the Eternal (Allah) | عَبْدُ الصَّمَد عبدالصمد |
Abdus Samee | Servant of Allah | عَبْدُ السَّمِيْع |
Abduz Zaahir | Servant of Allah | عَبْدُ الظَّاهِر |
Abi | High Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superb | أَبِيّ |
Abideen | Servant of Allah | Worshiper of Allah | عَابِدِيْن |
Abkar | Early and On Time | أبكر |
Abraq | Light and Radiance | أبْرَق |
Abrar | Virtuous, Pious, God-Fearing and Devoted to God Pl. of Birr, obedience, gift | أبرار ابرار |
Abuda | Worshiper of Allah | عَبُودة |
Abul Fazl | High Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superb | Virtue and Grace Endowed with bounty, grace | أَبُوْ الفَضْل ابو الفضل |
Abyan | Clear, Eloquent, Lucid and Distinct Clear, Eloquent Clearer, more distinct | أَبْيَن أبين ابین |
Abyaz | Beautiful and Radiant | White White, bright, brilliant | أَبْيَض بيز ابیض |
Afeen | Forgiveness and Forgiving | عَافِيْن |
Affan | Virtuous, Pious, God-Fearing and Devoted to God Forgiving person Modest; Father of Caliph Usman | عفّان عفان |
Afif | Virtuous, Pious, God-Fearing and Devoted to God Chaste, Modest Chaste, modest, virtuous, honest, righteous, upright, decent | عفيف افيف عفیف |
Afnan | Growth and Progress Tree branches or twigs Pl. of Fanan, branch, twig | أَفْنَان افنان |
Afseruddin | Supporter of Islam | أَفْسَرُ الدِّيْن |
Aftabuddin | Supporter of Islam Sun of the religion (Islam) | آفتابُ الدِّيْن فتبدن |
Afzaal | Virtue and Grace Kindness, grace, favours Kindness, grace, favours, virtues | أَفْضَال فزال افضال |
Aghlab | Winning, Victory and Triumph Superior, supreme | أَغْلَب اغلاب اغلب |
Ahdee | Promise and Covenant | عَهْدِيّ |
Ahkam | Wise, Wisdom and Decisiveness Strong, durable | أحكم أحكام احکم |
Ahmad | Noble, Admirable and Praiseworthy Much Praised , One of the Names of Muhammad (SAW) Most highly adored | أحمد احمد |
Ahsan | Beautiful and Radiant The best of all Better, superior | أَحْسَن أحسن احسن |
Ahyan | Time, Era, Epoch Eras, ages, times | أحيان احیان |
Aish | Life and Alive | عَيْش |
Ajiad | Noble, Admirable and Praiseworthy | أَجْيَد |
Ajmal | Beautiful and Radiant Beautiful More beautiful, extremely beautiful | أَجْمَل أجمل اجمل |
Akbar | High Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superb Great Greater, bigger, greatest, most pious, honourable | أَكْبَر أكبر اکبر |
Akhas | High Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superb | Unique A narrator of hadith Bin Khalfah was so named; he was a narrator of Hadith | أَخَصّ أخص اخٔس |
Akhyar | Noble, Admirable and Praiseworthy | Virtuous, Pious, God-Fearing and Devoted to God Good, Better, Best, Excellent | أَخْيَار اخيار |
Akwan | Universe and Creation | أَكْوَان |
Alaa | High Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superb Height, elevation | عَلاء على علاء |
Aladdin | Virtuous, Pious, God-Fearing and Devoted to God Nobility of faith | عَلاء الدِيْن الدين |
Alamgir | Leader Conqueror of the world World conqueror | عالم گیر عالمگیر المجير |
Alaqat | Devotion and Attachment | علاقت |
Aleef | Friendly and Hospitable | Good Friend and Companion Friendly, Sociable, Amicable | أَلِيْف أليف |
Aleem | Intelligent, Educated and Intellectual Wise man Learned, expert, scholar Learned, expert, scholar, omniscient; one of the names of Allah | عَلِيْم علیم أليم |
Alhasan | Beautiful and Radiant The handsome, the good | الحسن |
Alhusain | Beautiful and Radiant Diminutive Of The Handsome, The Good | الحُسَيْن الحسين |
Ali | High Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superb The high, Exalted One The Highest, Greatest, Excellent, Noble, Name Of The Prophets Son In High, lofty, sublime, eminent, excellence, noble, honourable; one of the names of Allah; fourth Caliph of Islam | عليّ علی علي |
Alim | Intelligent, Educated and Intellectual Intelligent , Learned Wise or learned | عَالِم عالم اليم |
Altaaf | Kind, Compassionate and Tenderhearted Kindness | ألطاف |
Altaf | Gentle Kindness Grace Kindness Pl. of Lutf, kindness, grace, favour Pl. of Lutf, kindness | ألطف الطاف ألطاف |
Alyan | High Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superb Tall and healthy | عليان اليان علیان |
Aman | Safety and Security Security, peace, safety Trust, safety, protection, tranquillity, peace of mind, calmness | أمان امان |
Amdad | Growth and Progress | أَمْدَد |
Ameed | Leader | عَمِيْد |
Ameen | Loyal and Trustworthy | Virtuous, Pious, God-Fearing and Devoted to God Trustworthy Faithful, Trustworthy | أمين امین |
Amiri | Leader | أَمِيْرِي |
Amiruddin | Leader | أَمِيْرُ الدِّيْن |
Amjaad | Noble, Admirable and Praiseworthy Pl. of majd, glory, honour Pl. of Majd, glory, honour | أَمْجَاد أمجاد امجاد |
Amjad | Noble, Admirable and Praiseworthy Greater Glory More glorious Most glorious, most distinguished, more illustrious, most venerable, most noble | أَمْجَد امجد امجاد |
Ammam | Leader | أَمَّام |
Ammar | Life and Alive | Virtuous, Pious, God-Fearing and Devoted to God Prosperous Long life Long of age Builder, Constructor Virtuous, pious, devout, religious, tolerant | عمّار عمار |
Amnan | Safe and Secure | أَمْنَان |
Amr | Life and Alive | عمرو |
Amrullah | Gift from Allah The order of Allah swt | أمرُ الله أمرلله |
Amsal | High Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superb | أَمْثَل |
Anar | Light and Radiance | أنار |
Anasat | Serenity and Tranquility | اناست |
Anasi | Friendly and Hospitable | أَنَسي |
Anfa | High Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superb | أنفة |
Anfani | Dignified | أَنْفَاني |
Anjam | Star Stars | انجام |
Anjud | Highland and Plateau | أَنْجُد |
Anjudi | Highland and Plateau | أنجُدي |
Ansari | Supporter of Islam Relation through ancestry Relation through ancestry to an Ansar; the people who helped the Prophet when he migrated to Madinah | أَنْصَاري أنصاري انصاری |
Anum | Benefit, Blessings and Profit Blessing of god, gods gift Blessing of God, Gods gift | أَنْعُم انوم انم |
Anumullah | Benefit, Blessings and Profit | أَنعُم الله |
Anwaar | Light and Radiance Multiple , Light , Luster Light, glow, gleam Pl. of noor, meaning light, glow, gleam | أنوار انوار |
Anwaaraddin | Leader | أنوار الدين |
Anwari | Light and Radiance | أنواري |
Aqeel | Intelligent, Educated and Intellectual | Wise, Wisdom and Decisiveness Wise, Intelligent There have been several prominent men with this name Insight, mind, intellect, judiciousness, wise, sensible man | عَقِيْل عقيل عقیل |
Aql | Intelligent, Educated and Intellectual | عَقْل |
Aqsaa | Utmost and Pinnacle | أَقْصَى |
Aqwa | Brave, Strong and Courageous | أَقْوَى |
Arbab | Leader Friends | ارباب |
Areeb | Wise, Wisdom and Decisiveness Skillful, Adriot Skillful, Adroit Wise, intelligent, bright, brilliant, clever | أريب اریب |
Areef | Wise, Wisdom and Decisiveness Learned, expert, authority | عَرِيْف عريف عریف |
Arfa | High Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superb Greatness Exalted, sublime, great, high | أرفع عرفة ارفع |
Arfaan | Wise, Wisdom and Decisiveness | عَرْفَان |
Arhab | Intelligent, Educated and Intellectual | أرحب |
Arham | Kind, Compassionate and Tenderhearted Merciful Kind, generous | أَرْحَمْ أرحم ارحام |
Arkan | Leader Pl. of Rukn, support, prop Pl. of Rukn, support, prop, pillar | اركان ارکان |
Aroof | Intelligent, Educated and Intellectual | عَرُوْف |
Asaad | Happiness, Laughter, Joy and Delight Helper , Lucky Help, support | أَسْعَد اسعد أساد اسعاد |
Asbah | Beautiful and Radiant Pure as water Pure (as water) | أصبح عصبہ |
Asbat | Firm– Stable and Reliable A narrator of hadith | أَثْبَت أثبت |
Aseel | Firm– Stable and Reliable Son of elite family Smooth, pure | أَصِيْل أسيل اثیل اصیل |
Asfiya | Pure | أَصْفِيَاء |
Ashaab | Good Friend and Companion | أَصْحَاب |
Ashaar | Brave, Strong and Courageous | أَشْعَر |
Ashal | Light and Radiance | أَشْعَل |
Ashhar | Fame and Famous Famous, popular | أَشْهَر اشهار اشہر |
Ashhub | Star | أَشْهُب |
Asif | Brave, Strong and Courageous Capable person Forgiveness Name of courtier in the kingdom of Prophet Sulaiman who is noted for his intelligence | عاصف آصف اسيف |
Asim | Caring, Guardian and Protector Protector Protector, Defender Protector, guardian, chaste, safe | عاصم أسم |
Aslam | Safety and Security Peace Very safe, safeguarded, better, more perfect, more complete | أَسْلَم اسلام اسلم |
Asrar | Secrets and Mystery Secrets, mysteries Secrets, mysteries, pl. of Sirr, secret Secrets | أسرار اسرار |
Ata | Gift from Allah Ancestor Gift Gift, present, favour, bounty, generosity | عَطَاء عطاء اتا |
Ataullah | Gift from Allah Gift of Allah | عطاء الله عطالله عطاءاللہ |
Ataur Rahman | Gift from Allah Gift of the merciful (Allah) | عطاء الرحمن عطاءالرحمٰن |
Ateeb | Virtuous, Pious, God-Fearing and Devoted to God Very pious pious, clean | اطيب أطيب اطیب |
Atheer | Light and Radiance | أثير |
Atoof | Kind, Compassionate and Tenderhearted | عَطُوْف |
Atqa | Virtuous, Pious, God-Fearing and Devoted to God | أَتْقَى |
Avan | Time, Era, Epoch | اوان |
Awad | Kind, Compassionate and Tenderhearted Reward, Compensation Reward, compensation | عَوَاد أود عوض |
Awadi | Kind, Compassionate and Tenderhearted | عَوَادِيّ |
Awadil | Justice and Fairness | عَوَادِل |
Awadini | Eternal, Everlasting and Immortal | عَوَادِنيّ |
Awamir | Life and Alive | عَوَامِر |
Awamiri | Life and Alive | عَوَامِريّ |
Awani | Helper and Supporter | عَوَانِي |
Awb | Repentance | أَوب |
Awd | Return | عَوْد |
Awdaq | Friendly and Hospitable | أَوْدَق |
Awhad | Unique | أَوْحَد |
Awla | Deserving and Worthy | أَوْلَى |
Awlya | Good Friend and Companion | أَوْلِيَاء |
Awmar | Long-Lived | عَوْمَر |
Awmari | Long-Lived | عَوْمَرِيّ |
Awn | Helper and Supporter Support, help | عَوْن عون |
Awni | Helper and Supporter | عَوْنِيّ |
Awsat | Moderate | أَوْسَط |
Awwab | Virtuous, Pious, God-Fearing and Devoted to God Returning (to Allah) Sincere repentant, supplicant | أَوَّاب أواب اواب |
Awwad | Kind, Compassionate and Tenderhearted Reward,Compensation | عَوّاد أود |
Awwadi | Kind, Compassionate and Tenderhearted | عَوَّادي |
Ayad | Benefit, Blessings and Profit | Powerful and Able | أيادٍ |
Ayamin | Blessed | أَيامِن |
Ayan | Time, Era, Epoch appear | أيّان ايان |
Ayd | Power and Strength | أَيْد |
Aydi | Power and Strength | أَيْدِي |
Aydin | Powerful and Able Brilliant, Enlightened, Intelligent, Light of the moon | أيدٍ ايدين آیدین |
Ayed | Visitor and Traveler | عَايِد، عَائِد |
Ayman | Benefit, Blessings and Profit Lucky Lucky blessed, righ-hand, right, on the right, fortunate | أيمن ايمان ایمن |
Ayyad | Powerful and Able | أيّاد |
Ayyash | Living Well Bread seller Bread-seller; | عَيَّاش أيش عیاش |
Ayyashi | Living Well | عَيَّاشِي |
Azaan | Announcement Call for the prayer Call for the Pray, Strength & Power | أَذَان أذان اذان |
Azeem | Great and Mighty Protector , Defender Great, greater Great | عَظِيْم عظیم عظيم |
Azfaar | Winning, Victory and Triumph Victories, Fragrances | أَظْفَار أظفار |
Azil | Caring, Guardian and Protector | عَازِل |
Aziz | High Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superb The all powerful Might, strong, illustrious Powerful (dear) Might, strong, illustrious, highly esteemed, dearly loved, one of the names of Allah | عزيز عزیز ازيز |
Azka | Virtuous, Pious, God-Fearing and Devoted to God Pious Big hearted, generous | أزْكَى أزكى اذکہ |
Azmi | Brave, Strong and Courageous One who fulfils his promise | عزمي عزمی |
Azzam | Lion Determined, resolved Determined, Resolved Very determined, resolved, resolute | عَزَّام عزام |
Azzan | High Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superb | عزّان |