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Urdu Arabic Muslim Boy Names

AabidWorshiper of Allah worshipperعَابِد أبيض
AabidullahWorshiper of Allahعَابِدُ الله
AafForgiveness and Forgivingعَاف
AafiqIntelligent, Educated and Intellectualآفِق
AalaHigh Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superb Bounties Benefit, favour, blessingأَعْلى آلا آلاء
AaliHigh Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superb High, tallعَالِي آلي عالی
AamirLife and Alive Civilised Populous, Full, Prosperous, Amply Settled, Civilized. Also Used To Refer To A Prince, Ruler or Leaderعَامِر آمير عامر
AaqilIntelligent, Educated and Intellectual | Wise, Wisdom and Decisiveness Intelligentعَاقِل عاقل عقيل
AaribSuccessful Handsome, healthyآرِبْ عارب عريب آرب
AasirBrave, Strong and Courageous Captivating, fascinatingآسِر آسير آسر
AazamGreat and Mighty Greater, Greatestأعظم عزام
AbanClear, Eloquent, Lucid and Distinct Old Arabic nameأبان ابان
AbbadWorshiper of Allah A great worshipper of Allah, several men have passed bearing this name among them Abu Abbad Jabir Ibn Zayd of the court of al Mamun A great worshipper of Allahعَبَّاد عباد عبد
AbboodWorshiper of Allah Devoted worshipper of Allahعَبُّوْد عبود
AbdaBrave, Strong and Courageous Worshipperعَبْدَة ابدا
AbdarMoon and Moonlightأبْدَرٌ
Abdul AakhirServant of Allah Servant of the Lastعَبْدُ الآخِر عبدالآخر
Abdul AalaServant of Allahعَبْدُ الأَعْلَى
Abdul AfuwServant of Allah Servant of the Forgiverعَبْدُ العَفُوّ عبدالعفو
Abdul AhadServant of Allah Servant of the only One (Allah)عبد الأحد عبدالعحد عبدالاحد
Abdul AkramServant of Allahعَبْدُ الكَرِيْم
Abdul AleemServant of Allah Servant of the All-knowing (Allah)عَبْدُ العَلِيْم عبدالعلیم
Abdul AwwalServant of Allah Servant of the First Slave of the First Oneعَبْدُ الأَوَّل عبدالاول
Abdul AzimServant of Allah Servant of the Mighty (Allah)عَبْدُ العَظِيْم عبدالعظیم
Abdul AzizServant of Allah Servant of the Almightyعَبْدُ العَزِيْز عبدالعزیز
Abdul BaatinServant of Allahعَبْدُ البَاطِن
Abdul BaseerServant of Allah Servant of All-sagacious (Allah) Slave of the All-seeingعَبْدُ البَصِيْر عبدالبصیر
Abdul BasitServant of Allah Servant of the Expander (Allah)عَبْدُ البَاسِط عبدالباعط عبدالباسط
Abdul BirrServant of Allahعَبْدُ البِرّ
Abdul ElahServant of Allahعَبْدُ الإِله
Abdul FattahServant of Allah Servant of the conqueror (Allah)عَبْدُ الفَتَّاح عبدالفتاح
Abdul GhaffarServant of Allah Servant of the All-forgiving (Allah)عَبْدُ الغَفَّار عبدالغفار
Abdul GhafoorServant of Allahعَبْدُ غَفُوْر
Abdul GhaniServant of Allah Servant of the All-sufficientعَبْدُ غَنِيّ عبدالغنی
Abdul HaafizServant of Allah Servant of the Guardian (Allah)عَبْدُ الحَافِظ عبدالحافظ
Abdul HadiServant of Allah Servant of the Guide (Allah)عبد الهادي عبدالھادی
Abdul HafeeServant of Allahعَبْدُ الحَفِيّ
Abdul HafeezServant of Allah Servant of the Guardian (Allah)عَبْدُ الحَفِيْظ عبدالحفیظ
Abdul HaiServant of Allahعَبْدُ
Abdul HakamServant of Allah Servant of the Arbitratorعَبْدُ الحَكَم عبدالحکم
Abdul HakeemServant of Allah Servant of the All-wise (Allah)عَبْدُ الحَكِيْم عبدالحکیم
Abdul HalimServant of Allah Servant of the All-element (Allah)عَبْدُ الحَلِيْم عبدالحلیم
Abdul HameedServant of Allah Servant of the All-laudable (Allah)عَبْدُ حَمِيْد عبدالحمید
Abdul HaqServant of Allah Servant of the Truth (Allah)عَبْدُ عبدالحق
Abdul HaseebServant of Allah Servant of the Reckonerعَبْدُ الحَسِيْب عبدالحسیب
Abdul JabarServant of Allahعَبْدُ الجَبَار
Abdul JaleelServant of Allahعَبْدُ
Abdul JameelServant of Allahعَبْدُ الجَمِيْل
Abdul KabirServant of Allah Servant of the Greatعَبْدُ الكَبِيْر عبدالکمیر عبدالکبیر
Abdul KarimServant of Allah Servant of the most generous (Allah)عَبْدُ الكَرِيْم عبدالکریم
Abdul KhabirServant of Allah Slave of the one who is awareعَبْدُ الخَبِيْر عبدالخبیر
Abdul KhaliqServant of Allah Servant of the Creator (Allah)عَبْدُ عبدالخالق
Abdul KhallaqServant of Allahعَبْدُ الخَلاَّق
Abdul LatifServant of Allah Servant of the All-gentle (Allah)عَبْدُ اللَطِيْف عبدالطیف
Abdul MaalikServant of Allah Servant of the Owner (Allah)عَبْدُ المَالِك عبدالمالک
Abdul MajeedServant of Allah Servant of the All-glorious (Allah)عَبْدُ المَجِيْد عبدالمجیید عبدالمجید
Abdul MaleekServant of Allahعَبْدُ المَلِيْك
Abdul ManaanServant of Allahعَبْدُ المَنَّان
Abdul MateenServant of Allah Strong, Powerful, Solid,Durable, Slave of the Firm, One of the Names of Allahعَبْدُ المَتِيْن عبدالمتین
Abdul MawlaServant of Allahعَبْدُ المَوْلَى
Abdul MubeenServant of Allahعَبْدُ المُبِيْن
Abdul MuhaiminServant of Allah Servant of the All-preserver (Allah)عَبْدُ المُهَيْمِن عبدالمھیمن
Abdul MuheetServant of Allahعَبْدُ المُحِيْط
Abdul MujeebServant of Allahعَبْدُ المُجِيْب
Abdul MuqaddimServant of Allah Servant of the Promoterعَبْدُ المُقَدِّم عبدالمقدم
Abdul MuqitServant of Allahعَبْدُ المُقِيْت
Abdul MuqtadirServant of Allah Servant of the Omnipotent (Allah)عَبْدُ المُقْتَدِر عبدالمقتدر
Abdul MusawwirServant of Allah Servant of the Fashioner (Allah)عبد المصور عبدالمصور
Abdul MutaalServant of Allahعَبْدُ المُتَعَال
Abdul MutaaliServant of Allahعَبْدُ المُتَعالي
Abdul NaseerServant of Allahعَبْدُ النَّصِيْر
Abdul QadeerServant of Allah Servant of the Powerful (Allah)عَبْدُ القَادِر عبدالقدیر
Abdul QadirServant of Allah One who serves a capable man Servant of the Powerful (Allah)عَبْد القَادِر عبدالقادر
Abdul QahirServant of Allah Servant of the Subduer (Allah)عَبْدُ القَاهِر عبدالقھار عبدالقاھر
Abdul QareebServant of Allahعَبْدُ القَرِيْب
Abdul QaweeServant of Allahعَبْدُ القَوِيّ
Abdul QawiServant of Allah Servant of the Mighty (Allah)عَبْد القَوِيّ عبدالقوی
Abdul QayyumServant of Allah Servant of the Eternal (Allah)عَبْدُ القَيُّوْم عبدالقیوم
Abdul QuddusServant of Allah Servant of the All-Holy (Allah)عبد القدوس عبدالقدوس
Abdul ShaheedServant of Allahعِبْدُ الشَّهِيْد
Abdul ShakoorServant of Allah Servant of the All-thankful (Allah)عَبْدُ الشَّكُوْر عبدالشکور
Abdul TawwabServant of Allahعَبْدُ التَّوَّاب
Abdul WadudServant of Allahعَبْدُ الوَدُوْد
Abdul WahaabServant of Allahعَبْدُ الوَهَّاب
Abdul WahidServant of Allah Servant of the One (Allah)عَبْدُ الوَاحِد عبدالواحد
Abdul WakeelServant of Allahعِبْدُ الوَكِيْل
Abdul WaleeiServant of Allahعِبْدُ الوَلِيّ
Abdul WarisServant of Allah Servant of the Survivorعَبْدُ الوَارِث عبدالوارث
AbdulbaryServant of Allahعَبْدُ البَاري
AbdullahServant of Allah Servent of God Servant of God Servant of Allah, slave of Allah; Father of Prophet Muhammadعَبْدُ الله عبداللہ عبدلله عبداﷲ
Abdur RabServant of Allah Servant of the Lord (Allah)عَبْدُ الرَّب عبدالرب
Abdur RaheemServant of Allahعَبْدُ الرَّحِيْم
Abdur RahmanServant of Allah Servant of the most Gracious (Allah)عَبْدُ الرَّحْمَن عبدالرحمٰن
Abdur RaoofServant of Allah Servant of the Compassionateعَبْدُ الرَّؤُوْف عبدالرٶف
Abdur RaqeebServant of Allahعَبْدُ الرَّقِيْب
Abdur RazzaqServant of Allah Servant of the All-provider (Allah)عَبْدُ الرَّزَاق عبدالرزاق
Abdus SalamServant of Allah Servant of the All-peaceableعبد السلام عبدالسلام
Abdus SamadServant of Allah Servant of the Eternal (Allah)عَبْدُ الصَّمَد عبدالصمد
Abdus SameeServant of Allahعَبْدُ السَّمِيْع
Abduz ZaahirServant of Allahعَبْدُ الظَّاهِر
AbiHigh Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superbأَبِيّ
AbideenServant of Allah | Worshiper of Allahعَابِدِيْن
AbkarEarly and On Timeأبكر
AbraqLight and Radianceأبْرَق
AbrarVirtuous, Pious, God-Fearing and Devoted to God Pl. of Birr, obedience, giftأبرار ابرار
AbudaWorshiper of Allahعَبُودة
Abul FazlHigh Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superb | Virtue and Grace Endowed with bounty, graceأَبُوْ الفَضْل ابو الفضل
AbyanClear, Eloquent, Lucid and Distinct Clear, Eloquent Clearer, more distinctأَبْيَن أبين ابین
AbyazBeautiful and Radiant | White White, bright, brilliantأَبْيَض بيز ابیض
AfeenForgiveness and Forgivingعَافِيْن
AffanVirtuous, Pious, God-Fearing and Devoted to God Forgiving person Modest; Father of Caliph Usmanعفّان عفان
AfifVirtuous, Pious, God-Fearing and Devoted to God Chaste, Modest Chaste, modest, virtuous, honest, righteous, upright, decentعفيف افيف عفیف
AfnanGrowth and Progress Tree branches or twigs Pl. of Fanan, branch, twigأَفْنَان افنان
AfseruddinSupporter of Islamأَفْسَرُ الدِّيْن
AftabuddinSupporter of Islam Sun of the religion (Islam)آفتابُ الدِّيْن فتبدن
AfzaalVirtue and Grace Kindness, grace, favours Kindness, grace, favours, virtuesأَفْضَال فزال افضال
AghlabWinning, Victory and Triumph Superior, supremeأَغْلَب اغلاب اغلب
AhdeePromise and Covenantعَهْدِيّ
AhkamWise, Wisdom and Decisiveness Strong, durableأحكم أحكام احکم
AhmadNoble, Admirable and Praiseworthy Much Praised , One of the Names of Muhammad (SAW) Most highly adoredأحمد احمد
AhsanBeautiful and Radiant The best of all Better, superiorأَحْسَن أحسن احسن
AhyanTime, Era, Epoch Eras, ages, timesأحيان احیان
AishLife and Aliveعَيْش
AjiadNoble, Admirable and Praiseworthyأَجْيَد
AjmalBeautiful and Radiant Beautiful More beautiful, extremely beautifulأَجْمَل أجمل اجمل
AkbarHigh Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superb Great Greater, bigger, greatest, most pious, honourableأَكْبَر أكبر اکبر
AkhasHigh Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superb | Unique A narrator of hadith Bin Khalfah was so named; he was a narrator of Hadithأَخَصّ أخص اخٔس
AkhyarNoble, Admirable and Praiseworthy | Virtuous, Pious, God-Fearing and Devoted to God Good, Better, Best, Excellentأَخْيَار اخيار
AkwanUniverse and Creationأَكْوَان
AlaaHigh Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superb Height, elevationعَلاء على علاء
AladdinVirtuous, Pious, God-Fearing and Devoted to God Nobility of faithعَلاء الدِيْن الدين
AlamgirLeader Conqueror of the world World conquerorعالم گیر عالمگیر المجير
AlaqatDevotion and Attachmentعلاقت
AleefFriendly and Hospitable | Good Friend and Companion Friendly, Sociable, Amicableأَلِيْف أليف
AleemIntelligent, Educated and Intellectual Wise man Learned, expert, scholar Learned, expert, scholar, omniscient; one of the names of Allahعَلِيْم علیم أليم
AlhasanBeautiful and Radiant The handsome, the goodالحسن
AlhusainBeautiful and Radiant Diminutive Of The Handsome, The Goodالحُسَيْن الحسين
AliHigh Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superb The high, Exalted One The Highest, Greatest, Excellent, Noble, Name Of The Prophets Son In High, lofty, sublime, eminent, excellence, noble, honourable; one of the names of Allah; fourth Caliph of Islamعليّ علی علي
AlimIntelligent, Educated and Intellectual Intelligent , Learned Wise or learnedعَالِم عالم اليم
AltaafKind, Compassionate and Tenderhearted Kindnessألطاف
AltafGentle Kindness Grace Kindness Pl. of Lutf, kindness, grace, favour Pl. of Lutf, kindnessألطف الطاف ألطاف
AlyanHigh Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superb Tall and healthyعليان اليان علیان
AmanSafety and Security Security, peace, safety Trust, safety, protection, tranquillity, peace of mind, calmnessأمان امان
AmdadGrowth and Progressأَمْدَد
AmeenLoyal and Trustworthy | Virtuous, Pious, God-Fearing and Devoted to God Trustworthy Faithful, Trustworthyأمين امین
AmiruddinLeaderأَمِيْرُ الدِّيْن
AmjaadNoble, Admirable and Praiseworthy Pl. of majd, glory, honour Pl. of Majd, glory, honourأَمْجَاد أمجاد امجاد
AmjadNoble, Admirable and Praiseworthy Greater Glory More glorious Most glorious, most distinguished, more illustrious, most venerable, most nobleأَمْجَد امجد امجاد
AmmarLife and Alive | Virtuous, Pious, God-Fearing and Devoted to God Prosperous Long life Long of age Builder, Constructor Virtuous, pious, devout, religious, tolerantعمّار عمار
AmnanSafe and Secureأَمْنَان
AmrLife and Aliveعمرو
AmrullahGift from Allah The order of Allah swtأمرُ الله أمرلله
AmsalHigh Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superbأَمْثَل
AnarLight and Radianceأنار
AnasatSerenity and Tranquilityاناست
AnasiFriendly and Hospitableأَنَسي
AnfaHigh Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superbأنفة
AnjamStar Starsانجام
AnjudHighland and Plateauأَنْجُد
AnjudiHighland and Plateauأنجُدي
AnsariSupporter of Islam Relation through ancestry Relation through ancestry to an Ansar; the people who helped the Prophet when he migrated to Madinahأَنْصَاري أنصاري انصاری
AnumBenefit, Blessings and Profit Blessing of god, gods gift Blessing of God, Gods giftأَنْعُم انوم انم
AnumullahBenefit, Blessings and Profitأَنعُم الله
AnwaarLight and Radiance Multiple , Light , Luster Light, glow, gleam Pl. of noor, meaning light, glow, gleamأنوار انوار
AnwaaraddinLeaderأنوار الدين
AnwariLight and Radianceأنواري
AqeelIntelligent, Educated and Intellectual | Wise, Wisdom and Decisiveness Wise, Intelligent There have been several prominent men with this name Insight, mind, intellect, judiciousness, wise, sensible manعَقِيْل عقيل عقیل
AqlIntelligent, Educated and Intellectualعَقْل
AqsaaUtmost and Pinnacleأَقْصَى
AqwaBrave, Strong and Courageousأَقْوَى
ArbabLeader Friendsارباب
AreebWise, Wisdom and Decisiveness Skillful, Adriot Skillful, Adroit Wise, intelligent, bright, brilliant, cleverأريب اریب
AreefWise, Wisdom and Decisiveness Learned, expert, authorityعَرِيْف عريف عریف
ArfaHigh Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superb Greatness Exalted, sublime, great, highأرفع عرفة ارفع
ArfaanWise, Wisdom and Decisivenessعَرْفَان
ArhabIntelligent, Educated and Intellectualأرحب
ArhamKind, Compassionate and Tenderhearted Merciful Kind, generousأَرْحَمْ أرحم ارحام
ArkanLeader Pl. of Rukn, support, prop Pl. of Rukn, support, prop, pillarاركان ارکان
AroofIntelligent, Educated and Intellectualعَرُوْف
AsaadHappiness, Laughter, Joy and Delight Helper , Lucky Help, supportأَسْعَد اسعد أساد اسعاد
AsbahBeautiful and Radiant Pure as water Pure (as water)أصبح عصبہ
AsbatFirm– Stable and Reliable A narrator of hadithأَثْبَت أثبت
AseelFirm– Stable and Reliable Son of elite family Smooth, pureأَصِيْل أسيل اثیل اصیل
AshaabGood Friend and Companionأَصْحَاب
AshaarBrave, Strong and Courageousأَشْعَر
AshalLight and Radianceأَشْعَل
AshharFame and Famous Famous, popularأَشْهَر اشهار اشہر
AsifBrave, Strong and Courageous Capable person Forgiveness Name of courtier in the kingdom of Prophet Sulaiman who is noted for his intelligenceعاصف آصف اسيف
AsimCaring, Guardian and Protector Protector Protector, Defender Protector, guardian, chaste, safeعاصم أسم
AslamSafety and Security Peace Very safe, safeguarded, better, more perfect, more completeأَسْلَم اسلام اسلم
AsrarSecrets and Mystery Secrets, mysteries Secrets, mysteries, pl. of Sirr, secret Secretsأسرار اسرار
AtaGift from Allah Ancestor Gift Gift, present, favour, bounty, generosityعَطَاء عطاء اتا
AtaullahGift from Allah Gift of Allahعطاء الله عطالله عطاءاللہ
Ataur RahmanGift from Allah Gift of the merciful (Allah)عطاء الرحمن عطاءالرحمٰن
AteebVirtuous, Pious, God-Fearing and Devoted to God Very pious pious, cleanاطيب أطيب اطیب
AtheerLight and Radianceأثير
AtoofKind, Compassionate and Tenderheartedعَطُوْف
AtqaVirtuous, Pious, God-Fearing and Devoted to Godأَتْقَى
AvanTime, Era, Epochاوان
AwadKind, Compassionate and Tenderhearted Reward, Compensation Reward, compensationعَوَاد أود عوض
AwadiKind, Compassionate and Tenderheartedعَوَادِيّ
AwadilJustice and Fairnessعَوَادِل
AwadiniEternal, Everlasting and Immortalعَوَادِنيّ
AwamirLife and Aliveعَوَامِر
AwamiriLife and Aliveعَوَامِريّ
AwaniHelper and Supporterعَوَانِي
AwdaqFriendly and Hospitableأَوْدَق
AwlaDeserving and Worthyأَوْلَى
AwlyaGood Friend and Companionأَوْلِيَاء
AwnHelper and Supporter Support, helpعَوْن عون
AwniHelper and Supporterعَوْنِيّ
AwwabVirtuous, Pious, God-Fearing and Devoted to God Returning (to Allah) Sincere repentant, supplicantأَوَّاب أواب اواب
AwwadKind, Compassionate and Tenderhearted Reward,Compensationعَوّاد أود
AwwadiKind, Compassionate and Tenderheartedعَوَّادي
AyadBenefit, Blessings and Profit | Powerful and Ableأيادٍ
AyanTime, Era, Epoch appearأيّان ايان
AydPower and Strengthأَيْد
AydiPower and Strengthأَيْدِي
AydinPowerful and Able Brilliant, Enlightened, Intelligent, Light of the moonأيدٍ ايدين آیدین
AyedVisitor and Travelerعَايِد، عَائِد
AymanBenefit, Blessings and Profit Lucky Lucky blessed, righ-hand, right, on the right, fortunateأيمن ايمان ایمن
AyyadPowerful and Ableأيّاد
AyyashLiving Well Bread seller Bread-seller;عَيَّاش أيش عیاش
AyyashiLiving Wellعَيَّاشِي
AzaanAnnouncement Call for the prayer Call for the Pray, Strength & Powerأَذَان أذان اذان
AzeemGreat and Mighty Protector , Defender Great, greater Greatعَظِيْم عظیم عظيم
AzfaarWinning, Victory and Triumph Victories, Fragrancesأَظْفَار أظفار
AzilCaring, Guardian and Protectorعَازِل
AzizHigh Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superb The all powerful Might, strong, illustrious Powerful (dear) Might, strong, illustrious, highly esteemed, dearly loved, one of the names of Allahعزيز عزیز ازيز
AzkaVirtuous, Pious, God-Fearing and Devoted to God Pious Big hearted, generousأزْكَى أزكى اذکہ
AzmiBrave, Strong and Courageous One who fulfils his promiseعزمي عزمی
AzzamLion Determined, resolved Determined, Resolved Very determined, resolved, resoluteعَزَّام عزام
AzzanHigh Status, Exalted, Sublime and Superbعزّان
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