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Unique Baby Girl Muslim Names With Their Meanings

Muslim, Islamic & quranic baby names for boys and girls, information about Islamic names for Muslim girls and their meaning

Muslim Girl Baby Name

Meaning In Urdu/English

‘Aakifa girl name meansA lady who worship Allah in solitude.
‘Aatika girl name meansLady who is richly perfumed.
Abla girl name meansPerfectly formed
Afaf girl name meansChastity
Afrah girl name meansHappiness
Ahd girl name meansPledge; Knowledge
Aida girl name meansVisiting; Returning
Amal girl name meansHopes; Aspirations
Amani girl name meansWishes; Aspirations
Amina girl name meansTrustworthy; Faithful
Aneesa girl name meansFriendly; of good company
Anwaar girl name meansRays of light
Aroub girl name means(Woman) Loving to her husband
Arwa girl name meansFemale mountain goat
Asiyah girl name meansOne who tends to the weak and heals them
Ayah girl name meansSign; distinct
Azra girl name meansA young lady.
Badriya girl name meansResembling full moon
Bahiyya girl name meansBeautiful; Radiant
Banan girl name meansFinger tips
Bashira girl name meansBringer of good tidings
Baseema  girl name meansSmiling
Bushra girl name meansGood news.
Buthayna girl name meansOf beautiful and tender body
Fadheela girl name meansVirtue.
Falak girl name meansStar.
Farida girl name meansUnique.
Firdous girl name meansGarden; Paradise.
Fatin girl name meansCaptivating
Fawziya girl name meansSuccessful; Victorious.
Ghaliya girl name meansFragrant; Valuable.
Ghusoun girl name meansBranches (tree)
Hadiyya girl name meansGift
Hajar girl name meansMother of Prophet Ismail.
Hana girl name meansHappiness
Hala girl name meansAureole
Hanifa girl name meansTrue believer
Hasnaa girl name meansBeautiful
Haifa girl name means in UrduSlender; Of beautiful body.
Hessa name means in UrduDestiny
Huda name means in UrduRight guidance
Husna name means in UrduMost beautiful.
Ibtihl name means in UrduSupplication. Prayer
Iffat name means in UrduPurity; Chastity.
Ilham name means in UrduInspiration.
Imtithal name means in UrduPoliteness; Obedience.
Inaya name means in UrduConcern; Solicitude
Izdihar name means in UrduFlourishing; Blossoming
Jamila name means in UrduBeautiful.
Jumana name means in UrduSilver pearl.
Kamila name means in UrduMost perfect.
Kawkab name means in UrduSatellite.
Khadijah name means in UrduName of Prophet Muhammad’s wife
Khawlah name means in UrduProper name
Khuloud  name means in UrduImmortality
Lama name means in UrduDarkness of lips.
Lamya name means in UrduDark-lipped
Layla name means in UrduOld Arabic name; A night.
Lubaba name means in UrduThe innermost essence
Lujain name means in UrduGold.
Maha name means in UrduGazelle.
Makarim name means in UrduOf good and honorable character
Malak name means in UrduAngel.
Maleeha name means in UrduBeautiful and charming.
Maram name means in UrduAspiration.
Maryam name means in UrduName of Mother of Jesus
Ma’soomah name means in UrduProtected.
Maymouna name means in UrduAuspicious; Blessed.
Maysoon name means in UrduOf beautiful face and body
Mufeeda name means in UrduUseful
Muna name means in UrduWish; Desire
Munira name means in UrduIlluminating; Shedding light.
Nabeeha name means in UrduIntelligent.
Nadia name means in UrduThe beginning, first.
Nafisa name means in UrduPrecious
Naeema meansLiving an enjoyable life
Na’ila meansAcquirer; Obtainer.
Najat meansSafety.
Najeeba meansOf noble birth.
Najla meansOf wide eyes
Nasira meansVictorious, helper.
Nawal meansGift
Nazeera meansLike; Equal; Matching.
Nida meansCall.
Noor meansLight
Nuha meansIntelligence; Mind.
Nusayba meansProper name.
Qamar  meansMoon.
Rabee’a meansGarden.
Radhiya meansContent; Satisfied
Raghd meansPleasant.
Raihana meansA sweet-smelling flower.
Rafa meansHappiness; Prosperity.
Raniya meansGazing.
Rashida meansWise; Mature
Rawiya meansTransmitter (of ancient Arabic poetry)
Reem meansGazelle.
Rafee’a meansHigh; Sublime, Confident
Ruwayda meansWalking gently.
Saadiya meansGood fortune.
Safa meansClarity; Purity; Serenity.
Sahar meansDawn.
Sakina meansPeace; Tranquility.
Saiyyda  meansChief.
Salma meansPeaceful.
Samah meansGenerosity.
Sameeha meansGenerous.
Samiya meansElevated; Lofty
Sarah  means in UrduName of prophet Ibrahim’s wife.
Shatha means in UrduAromatic
Sharifa means in UrduNoble means in Urdu
Suha means in UrduName of a star
Suhair means in UrduProper name.
Tahira means in UrduPure; Chaste.
Tasneem means in UrduName of fountain in Jannah.
Thameena means in UrduValuable; Precious.
Taybah means in UrduGood; Pure; Chaste.
Wafa means in UrduFaithfulness.
Wafiyya means in UrduLoyal; Faithful.
Warda means in UrduRose.
Wijdan means in UrduEcstasy; Sentiment.
Yakootah means in UrduEmerald.
Yumn means in UrduGood fortune; Success
Yamamah means in UrduDove
Zahira means in UrduShining; Luminous
Zainab means in UrduName of Prophet’s daughter
Zeenat means in UrduBeauty; Elegance.
Aalia means in UrduExalted; Highest social standing
Abeer means in UrduFragrance
Abida means in UrduWorshipper; Devotee.
Adeela means in UrduEqual.
Afeefah means in UrduPure; Chaste; Modest.
Afra  means in UrduA lady with fair complexion.
Ahlam means in UrduWitty; one who has pleasant dreams; imaginative
Aisha means in UrduLiving; Prosperous; Wife of Prophet Muhammad
Almas means in UrduDiamond
Amatullah means in UrduFemale servant of Allah
Amira means in UrduLeader; Princess
Aqeelah means in UrduA wise and intelligent lady.
Areej means in UrduPleasent smell
Aseelah means in UrduOne belonging to a great heritage and family
Asma means in UrduDaughter of Abu Bakr
Aziza means in UrduEsteemed; Precious; Cherished
Azza means in UrduYoung female gazelle
Baheera means in UrduDazzling; Brilliant.
Balqis means in UrduThe name of the Queen of Sheba
Baraa’a means in UrduExcelling
Basma means in UrduA smile
Batool means in UrduAscetic virgin
Faiza means in UrduVictorious; Winner
Fadhila  means in UrduVirtuous.
Fadwa means in UrduName derived from self-sacrifice
Fareeha means in UrduHappy; Joyful
Fatima means in UrduProphet Muhammad’s daughter.
Fatina means in UrduCaptivating.
Firdous means in UrduParadise
Ghada means in UrduBeautiful
Ghayda means in UrduYoung and delicate lady.
Hadiya means in UrduGuide to righteousness
Hafsa  means in UrduName of wife of the Prophet.
Hamida means in UrduPraiseworthy.
Hanan means in UrduMercy.
Halima means in UrduGentle; Patient.
Haniya means in UrduPleased; Happy.
Hayat means in UrduLife
Hawwa  means in UrduName of the wife of Prophet Adam.
Hind means in UrduProper name
Humaira  means in UrduSayyida Aisha’s title.
Husn means in UrduBeauty
Ibtihaj means in UrduJoy
Ikram means in UrduHonor; Hospitality; Generosity
Iman means in UrduFaith; Belief
In’am means in UrduAct of kindness; Benefaction.
Intisar means in UrduTriumph
Jalaa means in UrduClarity; Elucidation
Janan means in UrduHeart or soul
Kaamla means in UrduPerfect
Karima means in UrduGenerous; Noble
Kawthar means in UrduRiver in Paradise
Khalida means in UrduImmortal
Khairiya means in UrduCharitable; Good
Kulthoum means in UrduDaughter of the Prophet.
Lamees means in UrduSoft to the touch
Latifa means in UrduGentle; Kind.
Lina means in UrduTender
Lubna means in UrduA tree yielding sweet liquid.
Madeeha means in UrduPraiseworthy.
Maisa means in UrduWalking with proud swinging gait
Majida means in UrduGlorious.
Manar means in UrduGuiding light (lighthouse)
Best Arabic Names For GirlsWith Their Meanings
Mariyah means in UrduLady with fair complexion.
Manal means in UrduAttainment; Achievement
Mawiya means in UrduOld Arabic name
May means in UrduOld Arabic name
Maysa means in UrduTo walk with a swinging gait
Mayyada meaning in UrduTo walk with a swinging gait
Muhja meaning in UrduHeart’s blood; Soul
Musheera meaning in UrduGiving counsel
Nabila meaning in UrduNoble
Nada meaning in UrduGenerosity; Dew.
Nadira meaning in UrduRare, Precious
Nahla meaning in UrduA drink (of water)
Najah meaning in UrduSuccess
Najiya meaning in UrduSafe.
Najwa meaning in UrduConfidential talk.
Nasreen meaning in UrduWhite rose.
Nawar meaning in UrduFlower.
Nazaha meaning in UrduPurity; Righteousness; Honesty.
Naziha meaning in UrduHonest.
Ni’mat meaning in UrduBlessings.
Nudhar meaning in UrduGold.
Nouf meaning in UrduHighest point on a mountain.
Nuzha meaning in UrduPleasure trip; Excursion spot
Rabab meaning in UrduWhite cloud.
Rabi’a meaning in UrduName of righteous woman.
Ra’eda meaning in UrduLeader.
Rana meaning in UrduTo gaze; Look.
Raja meaning in UrduHope
Rand meaning in UrduTree of good scent.
Rasha meaning in UrduYoung gazelle.
Rawa meaning in UrduSatisfaction with drink.
Rawdha meaning in UrduGarden.
Reem  meaning in UrduWhite antelope
Ruqaiya meaning in UrduName of the Prophet’s daughter.
Sabira meaning in UrduPatient
Saeeda meaning in UrduFortunate; Happy.
Safiyyah meaning in UrduSerene; Pure; Best friend
Sahla meaning in UrduSmooth; Soft; Easy.
Saliha meaning in UrduGood; Righteous.
Salima meaning in UrduSafe; Healthy.
Salwa meaning in UrduQuail; Solace
Samar meaning in UrduEvening conversations
Sameera meaning in UrduEntertaining companion.
Sana meaning in UrduResplendence; Brilliance
Sawsan meaning in UrduLily of the valley.
Shadiya meaning in UrduSinger.
Siham meaning in UrduArrows
Suhaila meaning in UrduSmooth; Soft ; Fluent;
Sumayyah meaning in UrduCompanion of the prophet.
Tamadhur meaning in UrduOld Arabic name.
Thana meaning in UrduThankfulness.
Thara meaning in UrduWealth.
Thurayya meaning in UrduStar.
Wafeeqa meaning in UrduSuccessful.
Wajeeha meaning in UrduEminent; Distinguished.
Widad meaning in UrduLove; Friendship
Wisal meaning in UrduCommunion in love.
Yasmin meaning in UrduJasmine.
Yusra meaning in UrduProper name; Easiness.
Zahra meaning in UrduFlower; Beauty; Star
Zaina meaning in UrduBeautiful.
Zakiyya meaning in UrduPure
quranic names for girls with meaning in english, meaning of aynul nahar, islamic boy names from quran
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