Dua-e-Qunoot with Urdu Translation(Tarjuma)
Dua e qunoot is read in witr rakat after offer Isha prayer. Get dua qunoot a specific dua for witr prayer with meaning in Urdu.
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Dua al Qunoot in Urdu Translation
Dua Qunut with Urdu translation for witr in namaz e Isha or before fajar prayer for readers.

Dua Qunoot in Witr Namaz with Urdu Tarjuma
Dua e Qunoot for Namaz e witr in Urdu translation and Isha namaz witr surah, Duas for Muslim men women in Arabic text with pictures.

Dua e Qunoot English Translation
Learn to read dua e qunoot witr in English meaning with Arabic text and Dua e qunoot images in Bangla.